BB10 android runtime push notification - blackberry-10

I have followed this tutorial to enable push notification on android runtime but
I am getting failure 830 android/android.cfg: unknown asset error when i try to deploy bar package into alpa device.
What can be the reason of that?

The solution is to change the way of importing android.cfg file into the android project.
First of all,
add android.cfg file into root of the android project folder and
rename it as projectname.cfg. For example, if the application name
is SamplePushApp, the name of your cfg file must be SamplePushApp.cfg.
Secondly, sign your application using eclipse bar signer.
After that, check out if the android.cfg file is created under bar


No AppxManifest is specified, but WindowsPackageType is not set to MSIX

I have a very simple .NET MAUI app in VS2022 and I am getting this compile error:
Improper project configuration: no AppxManifest is specified, but
WindowsPackageType is not set to MSIX.
Before trying to compile, I did the following:
Unload project. Remove all lines references Windows, Mac, Tizen. I want this project to only work with iOS and Android.
Deleted the project folders related to Windows, Mac, Tizen
How can I get this to compile for iOS/Android only?
add a xml file with name Package.appxmanifest in platforms/windows....and paste content into it from any demo project of maui, or download a sample.

I cannot initialize Flutter for web after adding flavors to my project

I have a Flutter project that currently builds for iOS and Android. I created the project around Flutter v1.9 or so. Since creating the project, I have added flavor support to my project (dev, prod) via the guide found here
However, after having done this, it doesn't seem like I am able to add web support to my project. Following Flutter's official instructions to enable web for a pre-existing project, I try to run flutter create . in the root directory of the project. When I do this I get the output:
The Xcode project defines schemes: dev, prod You must specify a --flavor option to select one of the available schemes.
So I try to run: flutter create . --flavor=dev and get Multiple output directories specified. Try moving --flavor=dev to be immediately following create
Soooo, I try: flutter create --flavor=dev . and get Could not find an option named "flavor".
Does anyone know how I can initialize web for this project? Thanks.
You need to do the following:
Goto root folder and rename manually ios folder temporarily to something like ios1
Goto terminal and make sure you are standing in root, then run this line:
flutter create --platforms=web .
Return to project folder and rename back manually ios1 to ios

How to open flutter plugins at Xcode?

I want make some changes in plugin. For android part everything is clear. But how can I open iOs part of plugin? There are no Xcode project just several .h and .m files.
How to open iOs plugin at Xcode?
First, be sure to run the example app at least once.
$ cd example
$ flutter run
Then open the project in Xcode. The Xcode project is in example/ios. The swift (or obj-c) code that implements the iOS end of the method channel is found in (replace the italic strings with the actual plugin name):
which you can find by opening the tree in the left pane.
go to root of package then.
cd example
flutter build ios --no-codesign
Launch Xcode.
Select File > Open, and select the hello/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace file.
The iOS platform code for your plugin is located in Pods/Development Pods/hello/../../example/ios/.symlinks/plugins/hello/ios/Classes in the Project Navigator.
The quickest way to open Xcode is xed ios when you are in the root project directory.
The plugins are put in $project_dir/ios/Pods
The plugins are actually installed by running pod install. flutter run will call pod install for you while also building the app. If you want to save time, just run cd ios; pod install and don't build your app.

Error on publishing Android project

It shows unable to open file for read: no such file or directory
(the directory shown in the error message should be linking to the Android SDK folder, the directory shown in the error message is wrong and i tried to rename the folders to make the directory correct but it doesn't work as the directory shown in error message change every time...)
Is there any way to fix it? i have reinstalled it but still doesn't work. Thanks guys
You shouldn't change the name of the SDK Folders.
I suggest you to install a fresh Android SDK from
After that, set the path again from File -> Project Details -> Android SDK tab.

How to run phone gap with xcode4?

Since moving to XCode4, I have been getting errors like:
/VERSION: No such file or directory
cp: /javascripts/phonegap..js: No such file or directory
cp: /javascripts/phonegap..min.js: No such file or directory
error: /VERSION: No such file or directory
for projects that were working under XCode3.
Open XCodes Preferences, and navigate to Source Trees. If there is no PhoneGapLib entry there, try adding a new setting with the following values:
Display Name: Phone Gap Lib
Path: /Users//Documents/PhoneGapLib
Note that the path should be to the location of your PhoneGapLib folder, and that it may not be in your documents folder, depending on how you installed PhoneGap.
I just learned about a great web service recently made available by Nitobi (makes of PG), which will automatically generate the necessary PhoneGap files you need for use in Xcode 4.
Just enter your project name, hit a button and they'll generate a zip file for you to download. This lets you set up a new project without messing with the command line.
You could set up a new project, then migrate your older project files over.
Did you search Google for this error?
I'm a bit of a noob with PhoneGap and Xcode still, but I know there have been recent issues with PG and Xcode 4. Perhaps you're experiencing the same issues as the commenters to this post: PhoneGap + XCode4 (and more specifically, here).