Is forcing a user to update the app forbidden by Apple? [closed] - app-store

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I recently added a popup to my app where I am forcing a user to update the app. I am showing a popup with a single "Update" button and when the user taps on it, I forward him to AppStore to update the app. So the user cannot skip the popup and cannot dismiss it. Only can go to AppStore and update to the latest version.
So my question is, is it okay to do so? Am I breaking any AppStore rule by doing so?
Thanks in advance for your help!

No, a lot of apps do this, when they have patched critical bugs and want the user to update, otherwise they cannot use the app. I have seen that in games where they have patched hacks or in banking apps sometimes.


How to write Facebook App that continuously update profile picture [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to know if its possible to create Facebook app that continuously update users profile picture. I can't see anything in the docs. Do you know if this is possible and if so any docs on implementing it?
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible for the User Profile. There is no way to update the profile picture with the API directly.
There are many Stackoverflow threads about this already, this one is very old but the answer is still correct: Facebook API/PHP - Is it possible to change a user's profile image via FB Graph API?

App rejections concerns for iphone app store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Will an app get rejected if you have a button that opens a page in safari? And if so how can I avoid this?
No it won't get rejected. These buttons occur all the time. There are even buttons that open safari links that redirect to the appstore. They have a new rule that you're not suppose to have links advertising other people's apps, but that's being looked into.
Edit: Yes it is a strange question to ask (where did you get the notion). I should note, they have a problem with redirecting to external app stores. If you want payment, it has to be in app.

fb:// schema was overtaken by Supersonic App? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am not suer how Apple handles the registration of URL schemas for IOS Apps but a IOS game called "Supersonic" has registered fb:// as their own URL schema so whererever you click a link like fb://friends etc. IOS opens this game. and ignores if you have installed Facebook or not.
I don't think you posted this in the right place. But either way - try to uninstall and reinstall the facebook app. It might re-register itself as the handler for that URL type.
Scroll down the apple documentation to Implementing Custom URL Schemes,
Apple should probably discourage this abuse, but as far as I can tell the SuperSonicHD app still does this.

what is better thing to do with rejected app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have created an application. It was rejected by apple as it has less content.
Now I have added functionality in it. what should I do with that app? should I submit it with same id or create new id for the app?
If it's the same app, you should use the same app id. There should be no reason that you can't just re-submit it as the same app id as long as you've fixed whatever they rejected it for. Rejections happen all the time. If you've fixed what they wanted you to fix, they should accept it this time (barring any other issues).
There is no problem in submitting it with the same id.
Usually when Apple rejects your app they tell you the reason for it.
In my case, they also send me a link to the reference guide that I needed to fix my problem.

Does all new apps have also to work on iPad to pass the appstore approval process? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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A friend of mine told me that there is a new rule to pass the appstore approval process. The app also have to work on iPad otherwise it would get rejected. I didn't find something which supports his statement. Does somebody know what is true?
Yes, it is part of the new App Store guidelines posted by Apple.
Section 2.10 says: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution.
You normally need a dev account to read these guidelines, but in the meantime they have been mirrored by other people. Google for "app store guidelines" and you'll find the document.