Should I stop using GSS etc. if I want to be ready for GWT 3? - gwt

I've ditched GWT Widgets in favor of JsInterop and Elemental2.
But I'm still using modules from "gwt-user.jar" for GSS, Resources, and I18N.
Are these modules likely to be supported in the next version of GWT? If not, is there a future-friendly alternative that I can use?
I'm just starting out, so I'd rather get it "right" now, than have to unpick it later on.

If you are looking for a nice GWT3/J2CL ready widget lib, please take a look here:
You'll find a demo app here:
Domino-ui is based on Elemento ( With Elemento you can create J2CL-ready widgets really easy.
Regarding your question about the modules:
We are currently working on making the GWT modules J2CL ready. A few of them are already released to Maven Central as rc1. For more informations take a look here:
and here:
Our goal is to make the migration as easy as possible. Mostly just replacing with org.gwtproject and GWT.create statements with something like new ...Impl. The new modules will work with GWT 2 & GWT 3/J2CL. At the moment a real drawback is, that only a few modules have made it's way to Maven Central. I would suggest to stay with the old modules and wait until the new modules are available in Maven Central.
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Hippo custom essential plugin creation

How do we add our own plugin. Lets say a new add-on or feature which can be installed and used. How do we develop that? I am sorry i am new to this.
Kindly help
Depending on your needs, I suggest you check out:
You can also create various plugins more like the native functionality. Adding such to essentials is described here:
That doesn't tell you how to create a plugin however. Essentials is just a helper application, the plugin can be various things from services, to configuration, to document types, to hst components... All of that requires some knowledge of the internals of the system. Look around the documentation, you can see how to create various things like workflows, perspectives, and more.
A plugin is no more than a collection of code and configuration bundled together. It could be a frontend thing or a backend thing. So I can't simply tell you how to create them. It can be quite difficult, depending on what you want, to create a plugin. Look into the code of some plugins, you will see that it is basically a java project with some configuration that can be found by the system on startup.
You might want to ask more specifically on what exactly you want to develop. That could lead to more specific advice. It can be daunting when you are starting to work with the cms. With experience it does start to make sense.

How to add my own tool in sakai 2.9 like announcement?

I am new to sakai, i want to add my own tool in sakai source code like announcement,syllabus...etc That tool having some my own functionality for this what i have to do, how can i develop my own tool in sakai.
Use one of the archetypes to get you started, then customise it. When you are comfortable you can change the UI layer to be whatever you like.
If you are looking for a solid "base" tool shell to begin with tool development my recommendation would be to start here: "Sakai Wicket Maven Archetype". There are a few other very good archetypes available but are often outdated and may cause you some problems based on my experience. This has been the one I've had the most success with.
This uses Wicket but does not mean you have to use Wicket to develop further with it. Make sure to pull the 1.2 version as last check the binaries for the others were not available yet so replace -DarchetypeVersion=1.4.1 with -DarchetypeVersion=1.2 It will compile and deploy successfully as a tool "as-is" that you can modify as needed. It also allows you to code in Java to directly access the sakai API and pull from its database or even add your own tables. I've successfully used it with NetBeans 8.0.1 and MySQL 5.6 under Windows 7 with Maven 3.2.3 and Sakai 10.1.
The code is well-documented and is no-frills but with enough varied functional use examples to allow you to do "almost" anything you want. The wicket manual is 600+ pages but in my experience you should be able to accomplish a lot just by looking at the code in the archetype.

Writing web application GUI in a mix of plain-GWT and smart-GWT?

I started working on projects in GWT last month. It was all well until I needed drag and drop(DND). After trying gwt-dnd library like everyone else I got infatuated by smart-gwt widgets. But everywhere I read that its a very thin wrapper over Javascript. But I've still decided to go with it. I have some general questions regarding GWT.
Is it okay to write the GUI in a mix of plain-GWT and smart-gwt ?
Can I implement drag and drop only with plain-GWT without the help of external libraries?
Should I write the smart-GWT like widgets in plain-GWT myself?
No you shouldn't and neither is proposed from the smartgwt creators, There are some tweaks that can make it work, but it is at a per case base ...
You could try to achieve this, especially with the latest 2.5 version and its Elemental library.
Depends what you need and the resources you have for the task. You could make look-like lighter elements macthing the smartgwt ones, but it can be tricky if you are looking after operations like filtering etc. Bottom line is, you wouldn't be considering the smartgwt or any other similar library, if you had the time and resources to develop its widgets.

What to select next, for building Desktop-application?

I have been reading Groovy, and I'm half way down. I started to love groovy a lot, and apply it to solve some simple real world problem; As I love building web applications, i would go for reading Grails webframework as I know Groovy.
But If I want to build desktop-applications, which framework will be the good choice? I wanted to create a simple IDE for Groovy language(or say for any language), that can do syntax highlighting and other kind of stuffs.As mentioned earlier, I love Groovy a lot when compared to Java; And Griffon is a framework that is built on Groovy, mainly for creating Desktop-appplications. But I didn't find enough resources for Griffon!
Is Griffon is the good framework for those people who know and love Groovy(as I do)? Can I choose it for building a simple IDE as mentioned above? Or there are any other framework that is built on Groovy, which is good when compare to Griffon?
The problem I have found with Griffon is that a number of the plugins are a bit out of date in that they aren't using the latest UI libraries (e.g. Flamingo, Substance, and SwingXBuilder, altho I think this has just been upgraded to use SwingX 1.6).
I am using SwingBuilder directly, with a few extensions I have added via my own builder implementation:
If you want to build an IDE I can recommend the RSyntaxTextArea component, as it has great support for many programming languages and is pretty simple to use:
Griffon is a fairly good MVC based framework, and is built on top of Java Swing. So it can do anything that Swing can do.
To be honest I found Griffon a little too much for relatively simple UIs, so I usually write my apps in Groovy using SwingBuilder directly.
If you really want to get into Griffon I recommend getting the Book
Griffon in Action It seems to be the only place where everything is documented, although the web page is coming along and improving all the time.
There are definitely various resources out there that will let you learn more about Griffon, for example the Griffon Guide ->
"Griffon in Action" is another popular resource which you can buy in electronic form today; being the author of both makes me a little biased ;-)
You can keep up to date on Griffon news by following the mailing lists and #theaviary on Twitter

Lift and Eclipse RCP Integration

I work on a fairly simple but large two-tier application that consists approximately 40 Eclipse RCP plugins. We have a new use case that is taking us to the web for a very small portion of this functionality. I'd like to prototype this using Lift. Clearly, I'm facing a few challenges.
Lift + OSGi. Can Lift get at OSGi bundles? Can it be packaged as an OSGi bundle itself and integrated into a web container?
Build System. We use the archaic Eclipse PDE build (read: Eclipse has no build system) with Cruise Control. Lift uses Maven.
Development Environment. This one I'm not sure anyone can help me with. I've tried to use the Scala plugin with Eclipse and it's still not ready. There are just too many impediments to make it useful. Saying that, I don't see this as a major issue because I can keep all the Lift code in one module, only referencing the Java code a very specific areas.
I'm wondering if anyone has tried anything similar to this and has any advice. Note that I won't be using any of the ORM stuff in Lift because all persistence is managed in the existing plugins behind an API. So, am I barking up the wrong tree? Is there something else I need to be aware of?
I could revert to simply using these instructions but I'd really like to take Lift for a spin because Java is... well... it's Java. :-(
There's thread in google groups about using lift as an OSGi bundle.
For the build system as far as I remember PDE sit's on top of ant, so you can use maven for building lift related stuff first and then call PDE's build.xml