Lift and Eclipse RCP Integration - scala

I work on a fairly simple but large two-tier application that consists approximately 40 Eclipse RCP plugins. We have a new use case that is taking us to the web for a very small portion of this functionality. I'd like to prototype this using Lift. Clearly, I'm facing a few challenges.
Lift + OSGi. Can Lift get at OSGi bundles? Can it be packaged as an OSGi bundle itself and integrated into a web container?
Build System. We use the archaic Eclipse PDE build (read: Eclipse has no build system) with Cruise Control. Lift uses Maven.
Development Environment. This one I'm not sure anyone can help me with. I've tried to use the Scala plugin with Eclipse and it's still not ready. There are just too many impediments to make it useful. Saying that, I don't see this as a major issue because I can keep all the Lift code in one module, only referencing the Java code a very specific areas.
I'm wondering if anyone has tried anything similar to this and has any advice. Note that I won't be using any of the ORM stuff in Lift because all persistence is managed in the existing plugins behind an API. So, am I barking up the wrong tree? Is there something else I need to be aware of?
I could revert to simply using these instructions but I'd really like to take Lift for a spin because Java is... well... it's Java. :-(

There's thread in google groups about using lift as an OSGi bundle.
For the build system as far as I remember PDE sit's on top of ant, so you can use maven for building lift related stuff first and then call PDE's build.xml


What is a good workflow for java with EJB, JSP, Servlet, and shared project, jQuery in eclipse/glassfish?

I am attempting to learn java EE by developing an app from scratch. What I have now is JSPs, EJBs, Servlets, jQuery script. I feel my progress is very slow right now.
I am afraid to consider JRebel-like tools at the moment.
Is there a step by step cycle I can follow to be more efficient?
When should I trigger the .reload file?
When should I delete/restart glassfish, when I modify: java, jsp, jsp fragment, dependent project?
Do I need to restart every time I modify a java file or only on major changes like add/remove class, add/remove method?
Do I need to run in debug mode every time so I can immediately see my changes on the fly?
Since your last comment, I think maybe I understand a little better what you're after.
I know you're looking for a glassfish solution, which I don't know very well, but if you're willing to work with other application servers, there are some good solutions for fast turnaround.
The JBoss IDE is free and integrates tightly with the JBoss Application Server. If you use the default directory layouts created by the Eclipse project wizards, turnaround for most changes is completely transparent and nearly simultaneous. I think you can find other IDEs with similar characteristics. (BTW - I don't use JRebel myself but hear very good reports from those I know who do.)

Migrating eclipse 3.x application application to eclipse 4.x

I'm working on a product which is an RCP application based on Eclipse 3.x api. Now we are trying to move it to Eclipse 4.x. We are using some internal classes in our code. I've already read the tutorial provided by Vogella about migrating to Eclipse 4.x from 3.x, but I'm still not getting how to start.
We want to take advantage of the new Eclipse features, my main question is that we have good number of views, layouts in our old code, so what should be the approach I should follow. Also is there a way to create an application model from my older application using 3.x API.
I'm stuck and not getting how to proceed.
this really depends what you are trying to do. Do you just want to update your IDE? Or should the project be based on the e4 platform.
I recently updated a project from 3.x to the new IDE. This works very good, the compatibility layer does a good job and you are able to run the application with minimal changes. However if you do this, you cannot use the benefits of the e4 platform.
If you want to move your application to e4, thats more work to do. Mostly you will not want to touch all the old code, so there is a possiblity to have 3.x and e4 plugins run together in your application. Thats done with the e4 bridge and wrapper classes for old code. Most of the IDE views and editor are also still based on 3.x, so if you use them, the e4 bridge is also a good way to incorporate them.
Some information can be found here:
I've read both the tutorial.But I am stucked and got too much confused as to where to start from. Basically 3 features are there
1. css styling of widgets(which i understood and did a bit of it)
2. to introduce dependency injection in my code
3. to put the application model
What approach I should follow?
This document helped me in deciding which strategy to adopt. for migration.Indicates clearly which strategy you should adopt based on your existing code structure.Hope it helps

Using Netbeans RCP with Google Guice

I would like to use Google Guice (2.0 or 3.0, does not matter) for my Netbeans Platform Project. My Project has several Netbeans Modules. I managed to use Guice in a single Netbeans Module, but now I want to Inject a Dependency from one NBModule to another. Is this possible? I googled a lot and searched the mailing lists of netbeans and guice, but it seems like noone ever tried this.
I do not want to use the Lookup API for this, because I really need Dependency Injection for better testing.
Has anyone experiences with that?
Edit: To be more specific: Can i Use the same Injector for all NBModules or do I have to create an Injector for every Module?
I realize that this question is old, but since the subject is still relevant I decided to share my findings.
We successfully use Google Guice 3.0 in our Netbeans Platform project. This includes injecting dependencies across NBMs using one injector. The only issue we encountered was that Guice didn't recognize annotations in other NBMs, because they were loaded through other classloaders. See for details.
I have not worked with Netbeans RCP, only with Eclipse RCP and with integration with Spring. We had to have separate Springs application context for every plugin, with one root context that was shared between all other plugins. So you would need similar thing, separate injectors for every modul. I am not sure but i thing Guice does not support concept of including one injector to another as parent injector.

Developing Eclipse plugins without Java

Is it possible to create Eclipse plugins/program Eclipse RCP apps without Java? (preferably in Jython)
This will be possible in the next Eclipse major release e4:
One of the goals of e4 is to provide support for writing plugins in other languages.
The quote is from which summarizes the current state of using javascript to implement eclipse plug-ins in e4.
This issue in eclipse's bugzilla issue #227058 also has some discussion on that, but I believe it is outdated.
I am currently not aware of activity regarding other languages.
No. An Eclipse plugin is an OSGi bundle, and that requires interacting with a variety of things that can't implemented in Jython as far as I can see.
If you want to avoid Java, you can look at other things that target the JVM, but you will have to figure if you can produce and consume the specific items needed to call the necessary things and be called in the necessary ways.
OSGi bundles may be written in other JVM languages like Scala. Eclipse plug-ins, as of now, does not support any language other than Java. The Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment heavily makes use of JDT which ties it to Java. However there are some plans I heard that plug-ins might be supported in other languages. But I don't see that coming in near future.
You can write your main code in Jython and use Java interfaces to call then from Java. Take a look at this for details. Also, I am writing a utility library ( to do the same. It has very little documentation right now, but you can look at the examples provided.

How can one use the Web Page Editor in custom RCP application?

I want to use the "Web Tools Editor" that is part of the Web Tools Plattform in my own RCP-Application. I think i have got some understanding on the RCP plattform by now, but I still have no clue how to access the functionality of the pagedesigner (org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner) after adding it as a dependency to my project. Has anyone some experience in adding components of the web tools plattform into an RCP-Application and can give me a hint or something?
There's a difficulty with these sorts of requests (I am, myself, trying to include this or that feature that I saw in the Eclipse IDE, every so often).
The trick is to try and identify the component you want to bring in, and then try and pull it into your project, without bringing in too many dependencies.
The first step used to be quite hard, but since 3.4 it is a matter of using the Plug-In Spy - hold down Alt-Shift-F1 on whilst your desired component is in focus should give you a tooltip showing you the class, the bundle, etc etc.
The second step is altogether more tricky and is where I usuaully fail to get any results:
if you are lucky then you can just include the bundle in the launch configuration/.product of your app. Once you hit Add Required Bundles, you are not left with 3000 bundles (i.e. your RCP is now Eclipse).
usually, this is not the case, because the Eclipse team haven't refactored the bit of code you're interested in out into an RCP safe bundle. If so, then you're going to have to do that yourself.
Again, if you are lucky then that will mean moving some classes out of the eclipse bundle into your own, including internal classes, and that will be the end of it - i.e. the dependencies of your desired functionality are all within the bundle.
If you're unlucky, then you need to isolate/reimplement the bit of functionality that is required, and change your version of the copied code.
It is hard laborious, and pretty difficult to upgrade. I realise that none of this is what you want to hear.