Katalon Analytics is not showing results of all test suites executed from Test Collection - katalon-studio

I am executing Katalon "Test Collection" which has 11 Test Suites. Katalon Studio is bound to a Project in Katalon Analytics. But Katalon Analytics is showing results of only 2 Test suites after the execution is ended from Katalon Studio. However, when the Test executions are in progress then Katalon Analytics is showing the count of test cases correctly.
Katalon Studio version: 7.6.6 Build 205
Katalon Analytics: TestOps Beta
Can anyone help me to figure out this problem?

Problem is resolved after downgrading Katalon Studio to 7.5.5 from 7.6.6 version. Seems like Katalon Studio latest version is not supporting complete results to be posted on Katalon Analytics.


When I tried to use Mobile Recorder in Katalon Studio, I got this error

When I tried to use Mobile Recorder in Katalon Studio, I got this error. Anyone know how to fix this one in Katalon Studio

Flutter Integration testing failing when moving between tests

Currently in my project I am adding multiple integration tests separated in different files. When trying to run all tests running using flutter test integration test, it gives me this error when moving between tests
Error waiting for a debug connection: The log reader stopped unexpectedly, or never started.
TestDeviceException(Unable to start the app on the device.)
This error never occurs when running it on an iOS or Android emulator, but as this is a desktop application, I need to get the tests building on Linux which is where the error is occurring.
maybe this can help you:
sdk version . choose win 11 sdk(10.0.22000.0) in visual studio installer
windows 11 need choose win 11 sdk(10.0.22000.0)
I haven't been able to get my desktop integration tests to work with a single command but if I write each test out as its own command, it works:
flutter test integration_test/features/fast_booking/fast_booking_test.dart --dart-define=FLAVOR=staging --dart-define=FLUTTER_TEST=true;flutter test integration_test/features/appointments/book_appointment_test.dart --dart-define=FLAVOR=staging --dart-define=FLUTTER_TEST=true
It's not the prettiest solution and I'm hoping the Flutter team releases an official solution.
Related Issues
Most of these are Windows specific but they don't solve the problem on MacOS.

VS Code testing tab no longer finds tests

After upgrading from Flutter 2.5.0 to Flutter 2.5.1, the testing tab in VS Code no longer finds all the tests for any of my Flutter projects. Instead, this is all I see:
I've tried downgrading back to 2.5.0, but no luck. Obviously, I can still use just use flutter test to run all the tests, but this isn't as nice as the testing UI that was previously available. Other developers on my teams have also run into this problem. I haven't seen any posts / info about it online or in the Flutter changelogs. My VS Code version is the exact same from before this became an problem. (VS Code version: 1.60.2)
Any help would be appreciated!
This is only a temporary fix. But if you downgrade the dart extension in VS Code, then it will bring back the older testing which can find / run all the tests.
Open the extensions tab in VS Code -> gear icon -> install another version... -> 3.26.0. After it finds the version, and you select it, you'll need to restart VS Code. Then the old testing should be available.

MAUI MyApp.WinUI isn't running properly

I am using Visual Studio 2022 Preview where I created a plain MAUI .NET Project. The project runs on Android Emulator properly but the WinUI App doesn't run properly. It shows the message below. But I checked starting project and Debug Settings. Can anyone give me suggestions to run the MyApp.WinUI project on Visual Studio 2022 Preview?
This is a known limitation at this time. Have a look at David's blog post at the end
At the time of release, we are troubleshooting the latest Windows App SDK Single-project MSIX extension for Visual Studio 2022 and .NET MAUI to address a failure to debug. You can successfully deploy the Windows app directly and run it from the Start menu.
From Visual Studio, right-click on your WinUI project and click Deploy. That will make it show up in your Start Menu, you can start it from there. Once started, in Visual Studio you can go to the Debug menu and Attach to Process. Find the process of your app and attach the debugger.

Does Katalon Studio support hybrid apps automation and new browser version released?

I am new to automation and doing POC on katalon studio. If anyone using katalon studio for UI automation. I have two questions:
Can you please tell me if Katalon Studio support hybrid app testing on Android and iOS (Mac or Windows)?
Does katalon studio automatically support the new released browser version or it takes time to get updated with new features of released version? Suppose I setup Katalon Studio and all latest versions are supported today, but suddenly tomorrow chrome browser releases new version. Does this auto support immediately?
Mobile testing feature of Katalon Studio is based on Appium, which supports Cordova.
Katalon Studio uses ChromeDriver, so you can update it with ease when the new Chrome version is released and the driver version would be incompatible.