When I tried to use Mobile Recorder in Katalon Studio, I got this error - katalon-studio

When I tried to use Mobile Recorder in Katalon Studio, I got this error. Anyone know how to fix this one in Katalon Studio


Running flutter project from visuel studio code

how to launch the execution of a flutter project in chrome instead of the emulator from visual studio code because I have the emulator which does not work.
thank you for helping me.
what i expected to happen :
running app on chrome from visuel studio code
you have to make sure that web is enabled for your project
here's a link to add web support for your current project
once you make sure web is enabled you can just run
flutter run -d chrome

"Could not receive a message from the daemon" error while trying to run a Flutter app in Visual Studio Code

I was developing a Flutter app using Visual Studio Code and the Android emulator would not respond when trying to debug.
The issue was resolved when I turned off my mobile hotspot. I thought this could help someone

Visual studio code not detecting virtual device emulator

I want to get into mobile app development using flutter and writing my code on visual studio code but vscode won't detect my android studio virtual device. If you can help how do i fix this? Here is a screenshot of how it is currently screenshot

Launch/Test VS Emulator for Android in/from VS Code

I've noticed that Visual Studio has a separate/independent VS Emulator for Android, but I can't figure out how to launch/test their emulator directly from Visual Studio Code. Has anyone used it before? Can anyone tell me how to connect/launch the emulator in/from VS Code?
there is a marketplace plugin for that:
launch via
Cmd-Shit-P > Launch Android Emulator
you can also create a task to do it:
and put the task in your debug pipeline (see this: https://www.gamedev.net/articles/programming/general-and-gameplay-programming/android-debugging-with-visual-studio-code-r4820/). this will launch the emulator. to have the emulator open to whatever you're doing, it depends on the framework, etc. For instance, React Native you can use expo for "realtime" updating/debugging (basically just an app that lives on the phone and proxies the compiled code). For full "automated" pipeline, you'd need a task to build your apk, upload it to the phone, then launch apk.

visual studio for Mac unity execution failed

I am running the latest version of Visual Studio and the latest version of unity. When I open the project using Visual Studio for Mac, I am able to rebuild the app.
But, when I try to start debugging, I am getting Execution Failed without any explanation or build output.
I am able to run the app successfully on iOS through Xcode, although the iPad is refusing to start the app automatically and I have to open it manually.
The issue is that , I can't start the app on Visual Studio for Mac.
Apparently, If you open multiple instances of Unity, Visual Studio for Mac will get confused and will not know which project to attach to.
Having one instance solved the issue for me.