Visual studio code closing on "Save As"/CTRL+SHIFT+S - visual-studio-code

I recently started using visual studio code for learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript. This editor seems really nice but I encounter a very annoying issue, which is:
Visual studio code closes whenever I do a SAVE-AS
Any lead on what is going on and how to fix it?
Thank you for your time and help!


Visual Studio Code forgetting my extension

I'm developing an extension for Visual Studio Code for the proprietary language that the product I code for uses because I hate the antiquated IDE ships with it. Everything is going fine except for one issue. When I close and open Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code seems to "forget" my extension. Syntax highlighting, code completion, commands that I've implemented all stop working. I have to disable and then enable to extension for it to start working again. I am OK with this for personal use. However, I want to push this out to other users both in and outside of the company. If any code would be helpful, let me know, and I will happily provide it.
I resolved this issue. It was because in my settings.json for VS Code I had an entry for the file extension pointing to an extension that I had removed. Removing that line from my settings.json resolved the issue of things not working when I opened VS Code.
Thanks to everybody for their comments.

Why SASS code is not showed up in colored form in Visual Studio Code?

I am using Visual Studio Code for the front end development project. Unfortunately, VS Code stopped showing me colored version of SASS file. May I ask please what is the solution?
I've had the same problem, you can install this extension in vscode:

CMD-K in Visual Studio Code

I often clear the terminal on macOS with CMD-K (sort of equivalent to reset). When I use the terminal in Visual Studio Code and I press CMD-K, the banner at the bottom of the screen shows "(CMD-K) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord..."
How can I make CMD-K pass through the editor to go to the terminal in Visual Studio Code?
I have occasionally run into this bug (VS Code on MacOS) and each time it randomly would fix itself until recently it kept persisting even through restarting my laptop. I have now found that closing all open projects seems to fix this issue for me.
Might be related to how VS Code stores your current workspace state (opened projects and file modifications). It seems maybe these state settings sometimes get corrupted somehow 🤔

Visual Studio Code extensions disappeared

When I start Visual Studio Code (Win10[64bit]), click on extensions overview, all my extensions disappeared. The overview is empty. I also can't load any new ones. But I think all the extensions seem to work.
In Addition there is a clock on the extensions symbol and it seems "loading", but nothing happens. Waiting a long time or restart didn't improve anything.
This is my first question, thanks for help.
As commented by the OP above:
Thanks for your ideas, I re-installed and everything is fine now.
The hint came from Maja Okholm:
perhaps try to repair the installation of visual studio code? Control panel > programs > programs and features, find visual studio code and click repair

Visual Studio code annoying auto launch

My Visual Studio code keeps launching itself randomly and points to a .JS file.
I had to uninstall it because it becomes very annoying.
Anyone had this problem before?
enter image description here