CMD-K in Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

I often clear the terminal on macOS with CMD-K (sort of equivalent to reset). When I use the terminal in Visual Studio Code and I press CMD-K, the banner at the bottom of the screen shows "(CMD-K) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord..."
How can I make CMD-K pass through the editor to go to the terminal in Visual Studio Code?

I have occasionally run into this bug (VS Code on MacOS) and each time it randomly would fix itself until recently it kept persisting even through restarting my laptop. I have now found that closing all open projects seems to fix this issue for me.
Might be related to how VS Code stores your current workspace state (opened projects and file modifications). It seems maybe these state settings sometimes get corrupted somehow 🤔


Visual studio code ctrl + ~ doesn't open terminal in KDE plasma

Currently on Ubuntu I'm running KDE version 5.18.8, and I've just started coding in Visual Studio Code, but when toggling the console, I just get an old notification on the top right corner of my screen informing me how old it is, not using the shortcut entirely.
*(I toggled the terminal manually in the settings)
Is this a shortcut I have to change in vscode or KDE? Since there isn't anything online I can seem to find for this. It's a bit of an annoyance.

How can I get Visual Studio Code to reset the IntelliSense engine for Rust?

I am working on two projects, one is a library, the other is a program that uses that library. When I make changes to the library the other window (the program) doesn't see these changes, so I do not get updated IntelliSense. Closing the program that uses the library and reopening it does force an update but I really prefer not having to go that far.
Answering the title directly and not the root issue...
You can reset IntelliSense and all Rust code features by running the "Rust: Restart the Rust server" command from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Progress will be indicated in the status bar.
Still a blunt tool but it will ensure you're in a fresh state without having to restart VS Code entirely.

Getting black screen in visual studio after Installation completed

I was getting black screen after opening Visual studio each time. I got a solution from Stack overflow i.e code --disable-gpu. It is working fine but my main issue is when I use to code in vs code. I am not getting suggestions as intellisense is not working and I am unable to install any extensions from Visual studio code.
to disable hardware acceleration permanently (without adding --disable-gpu argument) open folder "C:\Users\your_username_here\.vscode" than open file argv.json with any editor and look for
"//disable-hardware-acceleration": true, and just remove the tow slashes before disable. i think there is a similar workaround in linux
Hit Ctrl Shift P to open the command palette,
Type Developer and choose Developer: Toggle Developer Tools.
switch to the Network tab in Dev tools.
Search for extensions now
Go to properties of visual studio
change target . Add --disable-gpu
make sure to add a space before --
it will resolve your issue.

Visual Studio Code freezing up my computer

So I have been using VS Code for a while now, and as of recently when I start up the program, within a couple minutes, my entire computer freezes. I have attempted re-installing it. I have made sure im on the latest update, and I have not recently installed any extensions in the days leading up to this issue.
It is consistently freezing though. Even after restarting my computer and re-installing the application. I have no clue what could be causing this but I really do enjoy VS Code and would like to not have to swap to something else.
Any help is of course greatly apprecaited. Thanks!
I got the same issue in my Ubuntu 16.04.
I did switch off git.autorefresh in the Settings, then it works flawlessly and smoothly
If the problem keeps occurring, I guess an extension is causing the issue (must be).
Try to remove the extensions one by one or disable it in settings then test again. I got the same issue and its fixed after removing the git blame extension.
I had the same problem and adding these settings to Visual Studio Code the PC freezing doesn't happen anymore:
Open VS Code settings (press F1 -> "Preferences: Open Settings
Add these json properties at the end of your settings
"search.searchOnType": true,
"search.followSymlinks": false,
"search.collapseResults": "auto",
"search.maxResults": 2000,
Save settings.
It freezes a lot too
if you check task manager without vs code it should okay but after you open vs code and try it its the disk has like 100% or something that's why it's freezing

How do I prevent Visual Studio Code from opening with previously-opened files?

I've noticed that, despite always closing it before I quit, despite opening other files as well, Visual Studio Code will always re-open a particular file when I launch the app. This is still the case after upgrading to the latest version - 0.7.0 at the time of writing.
Is there a setting I'm missing, or something that needs to be cleared out / blown away?
I'm running on Windows Server 2012 R2.
This issue has been fixed for the next release and only shows up when you work in file mode and not folder mode (that is when you are not actually opening a full folder inside VS Code).
To workaround this, use the -n option when you run VS Code. -n will force to open VS Code empty without any file or folder opened.