Visual Studio Code forgetting my extension - visual-studio-code

I'm developing an extension for Visual Studio Code for the proprietary language that the product I code for uses because I hate the antiquated IDE ships with it. Everything is going fine except for one issue. When I close and open Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code seems to "forget" my extension. Syntax highlighting, code completion, commands that I've implemented all stop working. I have to disable and then enable to extension for it to start working again. I am OK with this for personal use. However, I want to push this out to other users both in and outside of the company. If any code would be helpful, let me know, and I will happily provide it.

I resolved this issue. It was because in my settings.json for VS Code I had an entry for the file extension pointing to an extension that I had removed. Removing that line from my settings.json resolved the issue of things not working when I opened VS Code.
Thanks to everybody for their comments.


NanoFramework VSCode - How to get started?

Maybe I am just missing something, but I don't get how to setup a blank solution in VSCode (Under Windows or Visual Studio, you are able to just create a new Blank NanoFramework Template, but how can I do that in VSCode :/). I would really like to work with the nanoframework instead of c/c++, but I don't know how to create a blank solution :(.
That option is not currently available.
The main goal of the VS Code extension is to allow (partially) folks on MAC or Linux to work with .NET nanoFramework.
It's not possible to debug on VS Code and you'll only have a full experience on Visual Studio. If you're on Windows, the recommendation is to use Visual Studio.

VS code doesn't detect UnityEngine.UI library - Unity

The issue is VS code doesn't see UnityEngine.UI library.
I had this issue before and I solved like it this:
I changed the code editor in preferences to Visual Studio, regenerated files and launched c# project. On the start, vs created needed .csproj files and then I closed vs and changed it back to vs code and it workeed.
However, now I am working on another project and I encountered same issue, I tried the method I described above but it didn't work.
Any ideas?
So, after days of tinkering and trying different solutions I found on the internet I finally found out how to solve it (all by myself).
Switch to VS and make sure it detects the UnityEngine.UI library. Then don't close VS, switch to VS Code, don't hit "regenerate files", launch c# project, enjoy!
These steps covered several possible issues:
(just an overview, follow the link for the complete steps)
downgrade VSC package
re-install Unity UI
regenerate files

Visual Studio Code extensions disappeared

When I start Visual Studio Code (Win10[64bit]), click on extensions overview, all my extensions disappeared. The overview is empty. I also can't load any new ones. But I think all the extensions seem to work.
In Addition there is a clock on the extensions symbol and it seems "loading", but nothing happens. Waiting a long time or restart didn't improve anything.
This is my first question, thanks for help.
As commented by the OP above:
Thanks for your ideas, I re-installed and everything is fine now.
The hint came from Maja Okholm:
perhaps try to repair the installation of visual studio code? Control panel > programs > programs and features, find visual studio code and click repair

Does Visual Studio code not hightlight .pug files?

Recently changed all my view files from .jade to .pug on my Node app. But when I open the files in Visual Studio code, they are not hightlighted, does VS Code not have syntax highlighting for .pug file?
I stumbled across the same problem. For me the problem only exists when I have the Preview extension installed. Disabling this extension has solved the problem for me.
I've opened an issue to the VS Code Repository:
Are you sure that you have the latest version of Visual Studio Code installed? Mine (v1.18.1) came with .pug support preinstalled, and highlights Pug files without a problem. The Wikipedia page also says that Pug syntax highlighting support is present in VS Code.

Cursor overwrite mode in vscode?

I can't seem to find any way to put the cursor into 'overwrite' mode - as in when you press the insert key and newly typed characters overwrite the existing characters inline. I haven't found any reference anywhere online to the omission or inclusion of such a feature in vscode, but it seems to be a fairly commonly used feature. Does this exist?
I too was missing the overtype mode in Visual Studio Code, so I went ahead and wrote an Overtype extension to add the behavior!
You can install it by opening the command palette and entering:
ext install overtype
Update: As of this writing, VS Code still does not have overtype built in, and the original extension seems to no longer be maintained. There is a more up-to-date fork here.
It seems to be working fine for me both ways I can switch it with shift + i on latest VS Code and macOS system.
For me, I think it's because of an extension called Vim (Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code). I was tired of this problem. Just going through all the extensions and settings, Finally I found this solution. By uninstalling this Vim extension I was free of this error.