How to change the Botkit port? - botkit

I created a Botkit project. It runs on port 3000 by default. But there are already Nodejs projects created, and one of them uses port 3000. So how to change the port of the Botkit project ?

Hello you can change the port by adding a PORT env variable.
Example if you start your project by doing: node botkit.js, change your script by : PORT=3001 node botkit.js.
Hope it helps ;)


How can I see what http traffic to a localhost in Xcode

I have setup proxyman to see http request/response from my app to a remote host in Xcode.
My question is how can I do that for localhost? I don't see anything in Proxyman when I change my app to talk to a local host. And I don't see anything in the Xcode 's networking' tab either.
Thank you.
Follow the Proxyman's troubleshooting guide for this very problem:
By default, you can see any localhost traffic on Proxyman since the traffic doesn't go through Proxyman Server at port 9090.
To fix it, you should map the localhost to any fake domain in /etc/hosts file
Open /etc/host file with any Text Editor (Vim or Sublime)
or is a fake domain, you can choose any domain you like
Finally, you can access your localhost by using new fake domain.
http://localhost:3000 ->
http://localhost:3000/v1/user ->
They will appear on Proxyman as usual
You can read a Doc at:

Expose Ngrok Web interface in same LAN

I have some issue to configurate Ngrok.
I have installed the Ngrok on linux CentOS server dedicated (IP, it works correctly the tunneling is ok.
My question is: how i can reach the web page on in order to check the traffic on my Ngrok server?
The web interface page is only accessible on the server where ngrok is running, but if this is a linux minimal server (without gui and any type of browser) I can't see it.
is there a way to make it accessible also in LAN?
e.g. I have another client that can reach the IP where ngrok is running but if i put on web browser http:\ nothing is showing.
I see from netstat that this port is not listening so isn't a firewall problem or other.
Is possible to change config of Ngrok? otherwise are there other possibilities ? do i have to use a reverse proxy or something like?
Any ideas?
thanks for your help,
Locate your ngrok's config file:
$ ngrok config check
Valid configuration file at /home/youruser/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml
Add to the config file the following line:
In case you want to expose it to all interfaces, you can replace that value with

Hue url is not opening

I recently started using Hue in ubuntu(16.04). When I am running in local system it is opening successfully. But when the same process used by my server it is not opening i mean with server IP and port number.Is there any firewall issue for opening port 8888 as in hue.ini config file or should I give permissions to the particular port to open hue UI.
Can anyone suggest how to configure hue server configuration.
Thanks in advance.
I think you need to bind hue application server address as the ip address.
Do you check this article ?
How to bind http_host to in hue.ini ?

Websphere Server Error Launching Server Failed

Error received while starting the server
Launching the server failed:
Location service deamon port 9000 is in use
Change each used port number to another unused port on the Ports page of
the server configuration editor.
I already tried to restart the computer and the result still the same.
What else i try to resolve this issue??
You have 2 options:
Stop the service/process which is using 9000 port or change its value
Change that 9000 port in WebSphere configuration. Since you cannot start your server you have to do it manually, editing xml config files:
I'm assuming you have standalone single server, in case deployment mananger and multiple servers you need to find the correct one.
Go to the PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\YOUR_CELL_NAME\nodes\YOUR_NODE_NAME\serverindex.xml and look for 9000 it should be ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS. Change that port to free one. You can check ports that are already taken in system using for example netstat -an

Run jsp in eclipse on specific port and ssl

I have used Eclipse 3.4 to create a Dynamic Web Project. I have also configured my server to use port 8443 with ssl. If I start my server I can access my test.jsp by going to it's address
In eclipse, I have installed this server and added my project to the server. If I Run test.jsp it always launches as
My question is: How can I set up eclipse to run this on https://localhost:8443/ rather than the default 8080? Thanks in advance.
You should have a project called "Servers". There your tomcat should have its folder - for example "Tomcat 6.0.20 at localhost-config". There is server.xml there, in which you can enable SSL.
When you enable the SSL, the server accepts requests on port 8443 as well as on 8080. The server is not run on a port - it accepts connections on multiple ports. So just type https://localhost:8443/