Websphere Server Error Launching Server Failed - server

Error received while starting the server
Launching the server failed:
Location service deamon port 9000 is in use
Change each used port number to another unused port on the Ports page of
the server configuration editor.
I already tried to restart the computer and the result still the same.
What else i try to resolve this issue??

You have 2 options:
Stop the service/process which is using 9000 port or change its value
Change that 9000 port in WebSphere configuration. Since you cannot start your server you have to do it manually, editing xml config files:
I'm assuming you have standalone single server, in case deployment mananger and multiple servers you need to find the correct one.
Go to the PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\YOUR_CELL_NAME\nodes\YOUR_NODE_NAME\serverindex.xml and look for 9000 it should be ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS. Change that port to free one. You can check ports that are already taken in system using for example netstat -an


Openshift binding a TCP port with port forward?

according to this doc
Does this mean we could port forward 8000 and 8443?
If I deploy a spring integration project with TCP port binding to 8000 or 8443, will I able to telnet to openshift?
I have tried, but not sure what happened. When I use putty RAW mode connect to 8443, and send some text, nothing happened on the server console, my program should print out what it received. so I suppose I failed, right?
P.S. that project was tested using localhost tomcat, it works locally.
this related question seems to successfully forwarding many port.

Trying to set Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy

I have been trying to set Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy, I've been following these instructions, but I just don't understand the point 3.
Option #1: Configure Fiddler as a Reverse-Proxy
Fiddler can be configured so that any traffic sent to is automatically sent to a different port on the same machine. To set this configuration:
Create a new DWORD named ReverseProxyForPort inside HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fiddler2.
Set the DWORD to the local port you'd like to re-route inbound traffic to (generally port 80 for a standard HTTP server)
Restart Fiddler
Navigate your browser to
How can I set the DWORD to the local port??? Sorry Im novice in network connections, please hope some good fellaw could explain step by step how can I do that. Do I have to do it inside Fiddler? Do I have to do it in windows? Im using windows8.1
PD: I know Im missing that step, cuz after doing steps 4 and 5 I get this message in the browser: "[Fiddler] The connection to '' failed.
Error: ConnectionRefused (0x274d).
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
When I set on fiddler>Fiddler Options>Connections>Fiddler listens on port: 8888
I get the same message, but instead of now I get
[Fiddler] The connection to 'localhost' failed.
Error: ConnectionRefused (0x274d).
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I have notice that in fiddler set reverse proxy page, it says...
Configure Fiddler as Reverse Proxy:
To use this method, the hostname for the request to reroute must be, localhost:8888, [::1]:8888, or the machine's NETBIOS hostname on port 8888.
Is perhaps that why I can't get it to work? how can I set my machine NETBIOS hostname on port 8888?
I had the same issue... this fixed it...
In the menu click 'Tools' >> 'Fiddler options' >> 'Connections'
Find out the port number
Use the port number noted here instead! e.g.[port number]
Let's step back a bit. Why specifically are you trying to run Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy? What service are you trying to pass traffic into (e.g. IIS?) What port did you move that service to? What is the exact (original) URL of the traffic you're trying to collect?
You don't need to mess with the registry if you're going to write FiddlerScript.

how to run multiple web servers on Tomcat in Eclipse(ubuntu)?

It is showing port number clash. See the error below :
Several ports (8080, 8080) required by Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).
How to change the port number of one of those?

Change Listen Address Web Logic

I have a server running on weblogic 12c. But it is running on localhost:7001/myapp/.. I can run it by http://localhost:7001/myapp/... or http://127.0.01/myapp/... But only on the computer that weblogic is installed. I need to access from other computers. I have changed the Listen Address from localhost to my public IP, but when i did it, my server did not run anymore, it shows an error "Could not find lock file. Maybe the server is already running" something like that. I have already tried to delete the .lok file, but that did not work either. Tried to change the config.xml file, but that did not work either. Have this happenned to someone? How do I fix this?
I faced the same issue and below the answer, for stand alone Weblogic and even for embedded one, You want to change Listen Address, Just do the following steps:
If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
In the left pane of the Console, expand Environment and select Servers.
On the Servers page, click the name of the server.
Select Configuration > General.
On the Severs: Configuration: General page, enter a value in Listen Address.
Click Save.
To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).
For (integrated weblogic only) on JDeveloper, open Application servers from windows menu, select Integrated weblogic, right-click on it, select Properties, select Configuration tab, Change hostname with the same IP address you put in Console
if your Weblogic server isn't production server, just ignore steps (1 & 7)
reference : https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E50629_01/wls/WLACH/taskhelp/channels/ConfigureListenAddresses.html
First you need to check what is running on 7001 port:
On windows use: netstat -ano|find /i "7001" it will give you something like :
then you can kill that process using
taskkill /F /PID 1028 (java process started on 7001)
Now try to delete *.lok file from Domain/servers/AdminServer Path
and start admin server .
If you have nothing specified in listen address field it will listen on all the available network interfaces which can be check by ipconfig command on window
On linux use netstat -tulp|grep 7001 to find process
Did you see check if there is another application running on your public ip and the same port ?
Your Question is not at all clear. You say your server is running on a server and you can access it using the url http://localhost:7001/myapp/...
So that bit is clear.
Then you try to access your application from another machine. This where it gets confusing.
You say - "I have changed the Listen Address from localhost to my public IP, but when i did it, my server did not run anymore, it shows an error "Could not find lock file. Maybe the server is already running" something like that."
Why would your server stop running if all you did was try to access from a different machine ?
" The error could not find lock file " is usually seen when you try to start a server on a machine where there might be another server already running. But since your aim is only to access your already running server from a different machine you would do that using a browser, why start another instance ?
Could you throw some more light on what exactly you are doing and the result.
Few tips -
Check the listen address of your weblogic server from admin console.
Check if the server you are running weblogic has more than 1 ip. Run ifconfig or ipconfig to get the IP's

RhodeCode - What is blocking my connection?

All connection attempts on RhodeCode on CentOS 6.3 are refused except from localhost.
Note that iptables is not running, and I am only trying to visit the web interface.
I have googled the exact error message below and looked around SO. I have yet to find a solution.
abort: error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
If the firewall is down, and I am not trying to modify any repository, what else is preventing me from connecting? EDIT: See #5 below. Not sure how to address it yet.
Things tried and other info
Using localhost, and hostname in production.ini
service iptables stop
Connected over HTTP successfully. In other words, connections are accepted outside RhodeCode.
Made sure no authentication methods were enabled or configured in production.ini
Although the server accepts connections on localhost, netstat -l does not show that port 5000 is listening. Port 5000 is set in production.ini and ps uax | grep paster confirms the server is running. No other software tries to grab port 5000.
Ok, apparently I have been misunderstanding the host configuration. I was running on the assumption that host should be set to or localhost in production.ini for RhodeCode to know what host to look for for another service. This was a faulty presumption on my part, since I am used to pointing web applications to local systems to look for databases.
It turns out that host binds the application to a specific address for access, meaning that it RhodeCode was supposed to only respond to local requests, regardless of what other system policies say. The setup docs did not make this clear because it did not specify that external connections would be refused. All it said was:
This command [paster serve] runs the RhodeCode server. The web app should be available at the This ip and port is configurable via the production.ini file created in previous step
The problem was fixed by binding RhodeCode to, which opened it to outside connections. Kudos to Łukasz Balcerzak for pointing this out in the RC support google group.