Hue url is not opening - ubuntu-16.04

I recently started using Hue in ubuntu(16.04). When I am running in local system it is opening successfully. But when the same process used by my server it is not opening i mean with server IP and port number.Is there any firewall issue for opening port 8888 as in hue.ini config file or should I give permissions to the particular port to open hue UI.
Can anyone suggest how to configure hue server configuration.
Thanks in advance.

I think you need to bind hue application server address as the ip address.
Do you check this article ?
How to bind http_host to in hue.ini ?


Live Server: This page isn’t working

I got the message when I use live server at VS code.
This page isn’t working
I checked use local up option. but it still doesn't working.
I tried changing live server : host ip address to my ip address. But it still doesn't working.
what can I do?
*use local ip as host option picture:
In your given image, you have checked the option that hosts the liveserver on your IP, so you should have a look at yourip:port.
For example, if you is, and post is 5500 then
the server will be on
To get your IP
If you are using Windows, use:
If you have Linux, use:
$ ifconfig
Or just visit to get your IP.
Note: When you visit disable your VPN or Brave Shield or any Privacy Booster if you have
The port is shown here
Edit the port in the live server
If you dont know the port, just add the below code in vscode's settings.json
"liveServer.settings.port": 5500
Change the 5500 to the port you want. Mostly 5500 is used.
Try using IPv4 Address.
Fo example if your IPv4 Address is and your file name is index.html, Then change the URL in the browser from to

Is there a way to make Virtualmin listen on a domain instead of ip+port

I have created a virtualmin account to manage multiple servers instead of cPanel and after reading all of the documentation I have yet to see why my subdomain does not load under port 10000.
I'd like to have some form of control if I do plan on giving other users accounts, without having to have them use an IP which does not allow port 443.
After finishing installation they gave me my IP with port 10000
and my domain with port 10000 and the only one that loads is the IP address.
Problem solved. To anyone on Debian facing this issue, run a virtualhost and use a reverse proxy to load the url containing port, and disable SSL only.
You should have running your virtualmin control panel.

VirtualBox port redirection issues with non standard HTTPS ports

I have setup a CentOS VM to test Hadoop. I set a network interface in NAT mode with a paravirtualized network type interface. Port redirection for SSH (TCP 22) works without issues. However some other ports do not seem to fully work (9870, 8042, 9864). I can see some "action" happening. Let me give an example for port 9870.
These are my rules (remember I said the SSH rule works without issues):
RulesX TCP 59870 9870
When I try to access I get automatically redirected to but eventually I get a ERR_TIMED_OUT error.
Tracing the traffic on the VM, I can see the traffic coming in but I cannot see any response back (I have one single network interface):
I am not sure what else to look at.
Any idea is highly welcome. Thank you!
More than likely, you need to open the non-standard ports on Centos firewall.
Open firewall port on CentOS 7

Unable to access jetty server with local IP address

I have configured jetty-maven-plugin in my eclipse Mars and I can run the server using jetty start and stop goals. I can able to access the website using http://localhost:8080/myapp but not using local IP address(i.e., from my own computer or other computers connected in the same network via LAN and Wi-Fi.
As mentioned as a solution in these posts,
how to make jetty server accessible from LAN?
Configuring Jetty to accept connections from all hosts
I configured the server host to from localhost to listen on all hosts. With this setting I can see on server start log,
INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector#
and it works only on http://localhost:8080 but it's not accessible from
I also tried running that if the interface is accessible using the Networks Interface Listing as mentioned in this comment. and I got,
Display name: NETGEAR WNA1000M N150 Wireless USB Micro Adapter
Name: wlan4
InetAddress: /
I also tried turning off my Windows Firewall/antivirus but din't help. My jetty version is <jetty.version>9.3.0.M1</jetty.version> and JDK 1.7. What could be the problem? Any help is appreciated.
McAfee Endpoint Security was the culprit here. It was blocking the requests with IP addresses from my very own computer. Turned off the firewall inside the Antivirus and I was able to access the site with from the browser and other devices connected through the network.
Sometimes some other program opens your port on external address before you do that with Jetty. It will receive all traffic instead. On Windows you will not know it if you reuse port (that is Jetty's default behavior). Check with netstat -ano what is the IP of the process that is indeed listening on Verify if it is your Jetty process only.
Then try connecting with telnet or netcat and see if you can open the connection and what is the response.

How to access JBOSS Restful web service using IP and Port

I created a test JBOSS web service and there is only one test method in it. I access this using http://localhost:8070/MyWebService/MyRESTApplication
and it shows the result from the web service. I tried this in both Eclipse and Browser and it works.
But when i want to access this web service using IP address of my system then it shows ERROR message that Page cannot be displayed (in fact browser is not able to find this web service).
I want to access like this http://IPaddress:8070/MyWebService/MyRESTApplication
what should i do so that i can access it using my IP from some computer
You have to start JBoss using :
./ -b [your_IPaddress]
On windows:
start run.bat -b
This will tell it to start and bind to all network interfaces. You can also replace with your actual IP if you only want it to bind to that network interface.
I find it easier for debugging to have it come up on all network interfaces because this will work when you are running a virtual machine to debug something like Internet Explorer.
Open your server setting in Eclipse and set Host name as your IP address or