Kapacitor: What Barrier Node does? And how and when to use .delete? - kapacitor

I’m new in Kapacitor. Trying to understand how Barrier Node is working. Could you please try to explain it to me in simple words?
Thanks in advace


Does CloseProtocol service necessary after LocateProtocol service?

Hi I'm a beginner in learning UEFI and trying to find out the logic of using protocols.
I've read the source code of CoreOpenProtocol, CoreCloseProtocol and CoreLocateProtocol.
What I've found that while CoreOpenProtocol will create a OPEN_PROTOCOL_DATA structure and linked into PROTOCOL_INTERFACE->OpenList, CoreLocateProtocol does not create such structure.
CoreCloseProtocol will actually delete the OPEN_PROTOCOL_DATA from PROTOCOL_INTERFACE->OpenList and free the memory that it took.
So since CoreLocateProtocol do not create OPEN_PROTOCOL_DATA, the close procedure seems meaningless.
Is that true?
Thanks a lot!

Spark function for normal distrbution (norm.dist)

I am looking for spark scala function to find normal distribution value like norm.dist in Excel. Cannot find in spark library.
Could you please help me with the function or alternate approach to achieve the same in spark? Please advise. Thank you very much.
After searching and compare calculation in excel.
We can use NormalDistribution function to in commons.math3.distribution as followed.
Thanks for the comment.

What all can be done in Preferences.tps file apart from regular,sequential and Divergent Color-palette?

I am trying to create a generic styling (branding) across the workbooks. So i thought of creating custom-color-palette in Preferences.tps. Can someone guide me what else can be achieved using this file? Any leads are highly appreciated.

Why shouldn't I use a chunk in a tasklet?

The Spring Batch documentation says:
no <chunk/> element should be used within the <tasklet/>
There is no further explanation and I can't imagine any. Can anybody please explain this limitation to me?
I think you have missed something.
This piece of document is saying that, no <chunk/> element should be used within the <tasklet/> IF you are configuring for a Tasklet step.
If you look around a bit, you will see, in order to configure a chunk-oriented step, you are in fact using <chunk/> within a <tasklet/>

KendoDraggable - Really Drag and Drop function

I would like to ask for help with my D&D function...
Here is a Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/B5kJf/5/
Function D&D is implemented but I can't fix bug when you drop object to his original target. If you do it, object will split in two.
Please help me.
I found issue in this example: http://jsfiddle.net/RichardAD/K27fu/
Only one thing what was needed is change this line:
this.element.html(this.element.html() + e.draggable.element[0].outerHTML);
By this:
Hopes that helps other...
Best regards,