KendoDraggable - Really Drag and Drop function - drag-and-drop

I would like to ask for help with my D&D function...
Here is a Fiddle:
Function D&D is implemented but I can't fix bug when you drop object to his original target. If you do it, object will split in two.
Please help me.

I found issue in this example:
Only one thing what was needed is change this line:
this.element.html(this.element.html() + e.draggable.element[0].outerHTML);
By this:
Hopes that helps other...
Best regards,


function countByExample mybatis-generator help me

I have a problem, in my picture. I use mybatis and countByExample method was generated by MyBatis Generator. Can u help me and see it?
It looks like you are reusing jobCtrlExample between method calls. if you do that, then you need to clear the previous conditions before you set new conditions. Probably adding this line will fix it:
It would be better to create a new example class for every method.

Framer[CoffeeScript] - Cant access array in loop

I can't access my array in a for loop - Why? Thanks in advance.
I want to play a state animation for my "PageDowns" elements.
Sorry, I couldn't paste the code, because CodeSample here didn't work for me.
Got it on my own.
It was a scope problem. CoffeeScript is not easy to handle when it comes to arrays, loops and so on.
I had to write:
PageDowns[i].animate "swipe"

how to replace annotation with xml easily in Mybatis

Recently I had a problem .I need to use mybatis in xml Way instead of annotation way . And I have a lot of annotationed Mapper class .Do i hava an easy to to to this or I must write mapper.xml one by one .
Any advice will be appreciated.
This is not exactly an answer as it is series of steps you need to follow for the transition. Follow this example where everything is simple and self-explanatory right from scratch to get you started.

How to use CTTypesetterSuggestClusterBreak in Core Text

I am having trouble in using CTTypesetterSuggestClusterBreak function of CTTypeSetterRef class. I want to use this method to get closest word boundry near an index. I am having difficult in the implementationof this method, i.e how and where this method must be used.
I have been banging my head over this but with no success yet. If anyone can help me in using this method I would be very greatful.
Thanx in advance
I'm not sure CoreText is appropriate for this task; it sounds like you should investigate CFStringTokenizer instead.

How can I create or associate a super column to a column in Perl using Net::Cassandra?

How can I create or associate a super column to a column in Perl using Net::Cassandra?
I just chatted with the module author and he doesn't understand the question. Then he guessed you want batch_insert which can take a supercolumn.
If that doesn't help, perhaps you step back, try to explain what you want to achieve and rephrase the question.
Best way, IMHO, is to submit a request to add information about super columns into documentation into Net::Cassandra bug tracker.
batch_insert is one way like daxim says; another way is to just use normal insert but specify super_column in the ColumnPath as well as the column_family.
It looks like Net::Cassandra stays pretty close to the thrift api, so this should be useful: