What all can be done in Preferences.tps file apart from regular,sequential and Divergent Color-palette? - tableau-api

I am trying to create a generic styling (branding) across the workbooks. So i thought of creating custom-color-palette in Preferences.tps. Can someone guide me what else can be achieved using this file? Any leads are highly appreciated.


Does CloseProtocol service necessary after LocateProtocol service?

Hi I'm a beginner in learning UEFI and trying to find out the logic of using protocols.
I've read the source code of CoreOpenProtocol, CoreCloseProtocol and CoreLocateProtocol.
What I've found that while CoreOpenProtocol will create a OPEN_PROTOCOL_DATA structure and linked into PROTOCOL_INTERFACE->OpenList, CoreLocateProtocol does not create such structure.
CoreCloseProtocol will actually delete the OPEN_PROTOCOL_DATA from PROTOCOL_INTERFACE->OpenList and free the memory that it took.
So since CoreLocateProtocol do not create OPEN_PROTOCOL_DATA, the close procedure seems meaningless.
Is that true?
Thanks a lot!

Matlab converting library to model

I'm working on a script to convert a Simulink library to a plain model, meaning it can be simulated, it does not auto-lock etc.
Is there a way to do this with code aside from basically copy-pasting every single block into a new model? And if it isn't, what is the most efficient way to do the "copy-paste".
I was not able to find any clues as how to approach this problem here, or on Google, or on the official documentation or on the MathWorks forum so I'm at a loss on how to proceed.
Thank you in advance!
I don't think it's possible to convert a library to a model, but you can programmatically add library blocks to models like so:
sys = 'testModel';
add_block('Simulink/Sources/Sine Wave', [sys, '/MySineWave']);
You could even use the find_system command to list all the blocks in a library and then loop through them all and create a new model for each using the above code.

Talend: How to get instance of a component in tjava

I want ask if there is way to get an instance of a component if a job (ex:tmap, tmysqlinput) in tjava code and then manipulate it manually using code?
Thank you
Very hazardous. Looking at the generated Java code will give you some answers (I think so).
In fact, accessing to some objects properties is possible (there is blogs and articles about this) but changing anything seems to be dangerous (IMHO).

how to replace annotation with xml easily in Mybatis

Recently I had a problem .I need to use mybatis in xml Way instead of annotation way . And I have a lot of annotationed Mapper class .Do i hava an easy to to to this or I must write mapper.xml one by one .
Any advice will be appreciated.
This is not exactly an answer as it is series of steps you need to follow for the transition. Follow this example where everything is simple and self-explanatory right from scratch to get you started.

training a new model using pascal kit

need some help on this.
Currently I am doing a project on computer vision that requires me to train a new model to detect a certain object.
In this case, I am using the system provided by P. Felzenszwalb, D. McAllester, D. Ramaman and his team => Discriminatively trained deformable part models which is implemented in Matlab.
Project webpage: http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~pff/latent/.
However I have no idea how to direct the system to use my dataset(a collection of images and annotation) which is different from the the PASCAL datasets so as to train a new model.
By directing, I meant a line of code that allows me to change the dataset the system reads from, for training a model.
% directory for caching models, intermediate data, and results
cachedir = ['/var/tmp/rbg/YOURPATH/' VOCyear '/'];
I tried looking at their Readme and documentation guides but they do not make any mention. Do correct me if I am wrong.
Let me know if I have not made my problem clear enough.
I tried looking at some files such as global.m but no go.
Your help is much appreciated and thanks in advance!
You can try to read pascal.m in the DPM package(voc-release5), there are similar code working on VOC2007/2010 dataset.
There are plenty of parts that need to be adapted to achieve this. For example the voc_config has to be adapted in order to read from your files.
The same with the pascal_train.m function. Depending on the images and the way you parse them, this may require quite some time to adapt this function.
Other functions to consider: