Mutating arrays in a nested Swift struct - swift

I'm new to Swift, so I appreciate any feedback or suggestions on my approach. For reference, I'm using Xcode 12.1 and Swift 5.3. Essentially, I have a series of structs, one of which has an array of strings. What I'd like to do, is to append a string to that array. Consider the following code:
struct Collection {
var things: [Thing] = []
mutating func add(_ thing: Thing) {
struct Thing {
var messages: [String] = []
mutating func add(_ message: String) {
var collection = Collection()
var thing = collection.things.first
I was expecting the final line to print 1, but instead it prints 0! The compile does not display any errors either. If I change the code so that struct Thing is class Thing and drop the mutating keyword from its add method, then the code works.
Having said that, I don't understand why my original code does not work as I would expect. I'm able to append a Thing instance to Collection, but not a string to that same Thing instance after the fact.
Have I misunderstood how the mutating keyword works?

You would get your expected 1 if you did:
because you have added the "test" to thing.messages, not collection.things.first!.messages.
"Now hold on a second!" I hear you say, "I just said var thing = collection.things.first on the previous line! How come adding to thing.messages doesn't imply adding to collection.things.first!.messages?".
This is because structs have value semantics. When you do var thing = collection.things.first, you are saying "copy the value of collection.things.first to a variable called thing". You are not saying "the variable thing now refers to the same thing as collection.things.first". To say that, Thing has to be a reference type (class).
So now you have two copies of the same value, one in thing and one in collection.things.first. You change the copy stored in thing. The other copy is unaffected.


Swift Dictionaries with enum as Identifier not auto completing in completion block

I have a function that returns a completion. The completion has as in parameter a custom class with a dictionary that uses an enum as an identifier.
The problem I am facing is that Xcode does not recognises the type of the variable and does not auto complete when I use it inside of completion block.
My code looks like that
func testFunc (completion:(PrxServiceResponseCallback) ->()){
let responseCallback = PrxServiceResponseCallback()
class PrxServiceResponseCallback:NSObject{
var success = false
var resultCode:Int32 = 0
var response:[PrxResponseAttributes:Any] = [PrxResponseAttributes:Any]()
enum PrxResponseAttributes{
case sourceProtocolInfoArray
case sinkProtocolInfoArray
case connectionIDsArray
case connectionInfo
Calling the function
testFunc { (testResonse) in
testResonse.response[.]//Not Auto completing
The whole idea of making a dictionary with an enum as identifier was to make easier which attributes the dictionary returns but, If I can't auto complete, the idea is more pointless.
Any ideas?
Xcode doesn't give you autocomplete doesn't mean that your code doesn't compile. It just means that Xcode is too stupid to figure things out. I have encountered such situations many times before. It seems to always happen inside closures.
You can just ignore the fact that no autocomplete shows up and type the case name yourself:
It will compile.
You can also consider creating a struct instead of storing the values in a dictionary. Here's a sample struct (I guessed the types):
struct Response {
let sourceProtocolInfo: [String]
let sinkProtocolInfo: [String]
let connectionIDs: [Int]
let connectionInfo: String
If you use var response:[UIColor:Any] = [UIColor:Any]()
it is still not giving auto complete so it is not your issue and you can not do much on it .
If you need auto complete then use PrxResponseAttributes with . (dot)
you can do it like
Note: It is only happening with implemented closure if you add one property in your PrxServiceResponseCallback class like
var anyValue:Any? {
return response[.connectionInfo] // it is showing completion

Can a swift computed property getter mutate a structure?

I have a struct wrapping a var data:[T] that also supplies some statistics on the internal Array. One statistic is the max value, which can be an expensive operation because it requires searching the every element to determine the max value-- so I'd like to cache the max value and only recalculate it if I need to:
private mutating func getMax()->T? {
if let m=maxValue {
return m
else if data.count>0 {
return maxValue
else {
return nil
That seems to work fine as a method, but I can't figure out how to do the same thing as a computed property.
var max:T? {return getMax()}
leads to a complaint that the accessor needs to be marked "mutating" because getMax() is mutating (actually I'd put the getMax code into the property accessor, but it's easier to not rewrite the code here).
Xcode suggests I rewrite the code thusly:
var max:T? mutating {return getMax()}
which then flags another problem and Xcode suggests putting a semicolon before mutating which leads to a suggestion to put another semicolon after mutating and then yet another semicolon after mutating and it's clear the compiler isn't even trying to help but just has a semicolon fetish.
Is there a way to write a computed property that permits caching values or am I stuck writing this as a method?
The correct syntax, despite the compiler's suggestions, would be:
var max:T? {
mutating get {return getMax()}

How to deeply duplicate a multidimensional array in Swift

This question has been asked and answered for a couple other coding languages, but I think I may have a unique problem anyway. So, I want to duplicate a three dimensional array (filled with arbitrary objects). I believe I found that this:
var duplicateArray = originalArray
Does not work, since, for whatever reason, they thought it would a nice safety measure to have this create a duplicate array, but filled with pointers as sub-arrays instead of duplicating the sub-arrays as well. This seems like a strange design choice, since if duplicateArray and originalArray were one-dimensional, this would work as intended. Anyway, so I tried this (where object is some arbitrary object):
var duplicateArray = [[[object]]]()
for x in 0..<originalArray.count {
var tempArrYZ = [[object]]()
for y in 0..<originalArray[x].count {
var tempArrZ = [object]()
for z in 0..<originalArray[x][y].count {
let copiedObj = originalArray[x][y][z]
This still does not work; all the values in duplicateArray will act like a pointer for their values in originalArray. Perhaps someone has a simple way of deeply duplicating multidimensional arrays, or perhaps someone can find my error?
EDIT: How is this a duplicate of that other question? I'm asking specifically how to "deeply" duplicate. The question that's being referred to nebulously asked about duplicating arrays.
var duplicateArray = originalArray
Would work if the objects are not of reference type. However, for the reference type you need to actually create the copy of the object with copy. Your original code was pretty close.
var duplicateArray = [[[object]]]()
for x in 0..<originalArray.count {
var tempArrYZ = [[object]]()
for y in 0..<originalArray[x].count {
var tempArrZ = [object]()
for z in 0..<originalArray[x][y].count {
let copiedObj = originalArray[x][y][z].copy()
As already stated, your problem isn't really the copying of the array, it's the copying of Objects. Arrays, like all structs, are copied by value. Objects are copied by reference.
When you copy an array of objects, it's a brand new array with brand new references to the contained objects. Your code is simply creating additional references to the same objects then organizing them in a similar fashion.
Anyway, here's my simpler/functional implementation for copying arrays:
func copyArrayWithObjects <T: Copying>(items: [T]) -> [T]{
return { $0.copy() }
func copy2DArrayWithObjects <T: Copying>(items: [[T]]) -> [[T]] {
func copy3DArrayWithObjects<T: Copying>(items: [[[T]]]) -> [[[T]]] {
Then you can simply do this:
let copiedArray = copy3DArrayWithObjects(originalArray)
Theoretically I think it's possible to create a function to do this for an n-dimension array, but I haven't found a solution yet.
I think it would be best to write an extension on Array that adds conformance to NSCopying, which recursively copies the elements. This solution would be very elegant because it could scale to any number of dimmensions.
Swift arrays are value types so the snippet you provided is fine.
var duplicateArray = originalArray
See this example in a Playground as proof:
var array = [[["test"]]]
var newarray = array
// print different memory addresses
print(unsafeAddressOf(array[0][0][0])) // 0x00007ff7a302a760
print(unsafeAddressOf(newarray[0][0][0])) // 0x00007ff7a33000e0
If you use NSArray or reference types inside the Swift array, then they will no longer copy implicitly and will be treated with the same address - this can also be proved in the Playground. You would need to call copy() explicitly on reference types.

swift function to iterate possibly reversed array

I'd like to create a function that will iterate over an array (or collection or sequence). Then I will call that function with an array, and the reversed version of the array (but efficiently: without creating a new array to hold the reverse).
If I do this:
func doIteration(points: [CGPoint]) {
for p in points {
// I also need random access to points
doSomethingElseWithPoint(points[points.count-2]) // ignore obvious index error
And if I have this:
let points : [CGPoint] = whatever
I can do this just fine:
But then if I do this:
I get 'Cannot convert value of type 'ReverseRandomAccessCollection<[CGPoint]> to expected argument type [_]'
Now, I DON'T want to do this:
let reversedPoints : [CGPoint] = points.reverse()
even though it will work, because that will (correct me if I'm wrong) create a new array, initializing it from the ReverseRandomAccessCollection returned by reverse().
So I guess I'd like to write my doIteration function to take some sort of sequence type, so I can pass in the result of reverse() directly, but ReverseRandomAccessCollection doesn't conform to anything at all. I think I'm missing something - what's the accepted pattern here?
If you change your parameter's type to a generic, you should get the functionality you need:
func doIteration
<C: CollectionType where C.Index: RandomAccessIndexType, C.Generator.Element == CGPoint>
(points: C) {
for p in points {
doSomethingElseWithPoint(points[points.endIndex - 2])
More importantly, this won't cause a copy of the array to be made. If you look at the type generated by the reverse() method:
let points: [CGPoint] = []
let reversed = points.reverse() // ReverseRandomAccessCollection<Array<__C.CGPoint>>
You'll see that it just creates a struct that references the original array, in reverse. (although it does have value-type semantics) And the original function can accept this new collection, because of the correct generic constraints.
You can do this
let reversedPoints : [CGPoint] = points.reverse()
or this
doIteration(points.reverse() as [CGPoint])
but I don't think there is any real difference by the point of view of a the footprint.
Scenario 1
let reversedPoints : [CGPoint] = points.reverse()
Infact in this case a new Array containing references to the CGPoint(s) present in the original array is created. This thanks to the Copy-on-write mechanism that Swift used to manage structures.
So the memory allocated is the following:
points.count * sizeOf(pointer)
Scenario 2
On the other hand you can write something like this
doIteration(points.reverse() as [CGPoint])
But are you really saving memory? Let's see.
A temporary variable is created, that variable is available inside the scope of the function doIteration and requires exactly a pointer for each element contained in points so again we have:
points.count * sizeOf(pointer)
So I think you can safely choose one of the 2 solutions.
We should remember that Swift manages structures in a very smart way.
When I write
var word = "Hello"
var anotherWord = word
On the first line Swift create a Struct and fill it with the value "Hello".
On the second line Swift detect that there is no real reason to create a copy of the original String so writes inside the anotherWord a reference to the original value.
Only when word or anotherWord is modified Swift really create a copy of the original value.

Howto reference an Array in swift

I would like to have a reference to an array for better coding, but I don't know howto do. The following code should illustrate what I mean:
I have a class, with an Array of Array of Objects as follow:
class Group: NSObject {
var alGroup = [[NSObject]]();
I have the following 2 different codes from which I would like to prefer using the first one.
code 1, which doesn't work with a reference to the inner array. With not working I mean the object is lost (no syntax or runtime error) :
func addObjectto_new_Group(o:NSObject, inout group:Group){
var alGroup = group.alGroup;
var alNew = [NSObject]();
Code 2, which works, but not preferred:
func addObjectto_new_Group(o:NSObject, inout group:Group){
//var alGroup = group.alGroup;
var alNew = [NSObject]();
How can I have a reference to an array like in code 1 ?
When you create your 'alias' variable var alGroup = group.alGroup you do not copy by reference, but by value as explained in the comments to your question. So one way to solve this is to use the full name like in group.alGroup.append(alNew).
However there is a another option which might be to your liking:
func addObjectToNewAlGroup(o:NSObject, inout alGroup : [[NSObject]])
var alNew = [NSObject]()
var aGroup = Group()
addObjectto_new_Group("a1", &aGroup)
addObjectto_new_Group("b2", &aGroup)
addObjectToNewAlGroup("c3", &aGroup.alGroup)
This uses your 'Code 2' version, and a new function doing the same, but passing the array by reference into the function. This is legal, and does work. It is only references within a function which doesn't work as you want.