I am trying to save configuration file onMySQL Workbench on Mac, but I have the following error
parameter "filename" must be an absolute path: ~/sandboxes/msb_|Enter version here|/my.sandbox.cnf
Could I solve this issue?
try using the full path instead of the name.
For example, /home/filename
I am trying to restore a database in pgAdmin and my binary path is as follows:
However, I keep getting the notification:
'/Library/Applications/PostgreSQL/14/bin/pg_restore' file not found. Please correct the Binary Path in the Preference dialog.
How can I fix this problem please. I've seen solutions for windows but not for Mac. Thank you in advance!
wondering if you could assist. Really challenging in determining a solution to this from my research.
Ive downloaded Visual Studio code two weeks ago and has come across an error once I try to debug a file. The file appears to open but once I run the debugger it shows accordingly:
'${workspaceFolder}' can not be resolved. Please open a folder.
Can't seem to find or replicate a similar solution. I've also tried to reinstall Visual Studio code (no easy feat). I'm trying to at least understand the problem and its source.
The file is a .js file that I've been working on, running a simple function. It is not meant to operate in tandem with a larger workspace/program.
In VScode go to file --> Add folder to workspace and select the folder where the program files are located.
If you are using the latest Visual Studio 1.44, make sure to upgrade to 1.44.2.
The issue microsoft/vscode issue 94725 has been resolved.
It featured the same error message:
After some investigation the problem is the following for the workspace configuration our debug extensions appends the following attribute
And the configuration resolver properly tries to resolve this and complains because the scope of the folder is not specified.
In a multi root workspace scope has to be specified, otherwise the resolver does not know against which folder to resolve the variables.
Proposed fix: the node extension which adds this attribute should scope it if it sees that we are in a multi root folder.
So instead of ${workspaceFolder} use ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder}.
This is fixed in commit ae97613.
Replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder} in your *.code-workspace file. (from [here][1])
By the way, same goes to ${workspaceRoot}, you can replace it with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceRoot}.
Any more folder variables ca be fixed with this FOLDER_NAME: prefix? My workspaces did not use them so far.
Worked for me in Version: 1.44.2.
I know this question is very old already and the answers may have been correct but none worked for me on vscode v1.57.1 at the time of this comment on 30.06.2021
I had to replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${workspaceFolder:my-folder-name} in my *.code-workspace file
Ref: Variables scoped per workspace folder
I recently had this problem and so did I read the answers above but being a beginner I was unable to solve it .In my answer I don't have exactly what you should do but I will show what worked for me.
Go to the explorer and you will see there is no folder added.
Browse for .vscode folder and select it.
Issue solved {this atleast worked for me.It**(.vscode)** had .json extension file in it}.
I was having the same issue, but I solved it this way:
1- open VS Code as administrator
2- open the sheet
3- debugging with no problem :)
enter image description here
I just create a file.json that they can debug.
I want to intstall the ext "my_redirects". On my local machine it does what it should. But now, on the live site, i got this error:
1: PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/kunden/homepages/28/d574274134/htdocs/update7/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Private/Sql/Cache/Backend/Typo3DatabaseBackendCache.sql): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/28/d574274134/htdocs/update7/typo3_src-7.6.14/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Cache/Backend/Typo3DatabaseBackend.php line 441
I got a hint to delete the typo3temp/autoload/ files. Then the installation works, but if i after that go into the install tool, i get this error again. Can someone give a hint?
This file is part of the core and must exist. Look into the src-tar/zip file. Maybe the file wasn't transferred to the server.
I don't think it's an autoload issue, because the .sql file is missing, not the PHP class.
Please verify that the sql file does exist. If it's missing, check the hash of your downloaded TYPO3 core. Make sure you compare the correct path on the server.
But I guess you got an access restriction. Maybe bad ownhership of that .sql file? Perhaps you ran into some security problems with file_get_contents() and at least sql files? So please also check your security settings.
I'm having a problem importing a csv file to pgAdmin4 on a mac - it simply can't find the file. This is so simple that I'm hoping there's just a setting I've failed to set up.
In the import/export data function on a table, there is the Import/Export dialog that looks like this:
However, it can't find the file:
That error looks like the standard python error when you give it the wrong path to a file. But it's correct - that's where the file is: '/tmp/person616.csv' - I didn't even enter the name/path, I browsed to it.
Has this happened to anybody else? Know how to fix it?
The exact problem has been bothering me for quite some days now. There are not much resources available to address it. So here's what I did:
I created a new folder giving it a strange name making sure that it is unique under the "/" directory and in the pgAdmin4 panel you're in rn.
I used below commands to find the new strange named folder that I just created: (i) sudo su (ii) find -iname [strange named folder] -type d
And after some time here it was. My path was revealed.
In my case, the path was
I suspect that path for "PostgreSQL Binary Path" is not set properly in pgAdmin4.
In pgAdmin4 Goto:
File > Preferences > Paths > Binary paths > PostgreSQL Binary Path
Sample paths as below (You need to change it according to your Postgres location),
If you are using Windows than provide path like,
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin
If you are using Linux than provide path like,
If you are using Mac than provide path where you have installed PG,
And try again.
I just had the same problem and found the solution. PGAdmin4's root directory is not your root directory. It starts at
/home/[your_username]/.pgadmin/storage/[your PGAdmin_username]/
So if you put your file or backup directories there, it can find the files.
It also helps to have it show "all" files in the backup dialog, so it can find files with your own extensions. e.g. I use `filename.custom' which it doesn't recognize.
In pgAdmin, when you right-click on a database and click Restore, in the bottom-right corner of the mini-interface, just above the Select button, you can see Format 'dorpdown-list'. Make sure that the drop-down list isn't limiting your displayed files, so select All Files.
Right click on table > import/export >
Toggle "Import" mode > select file >
Upload Files then select each for every table
My different example projects are working well, but the database is stored in my Eclipse application itself. I am using Eclipse on OSX, so are there any known problems? Did anyone have the same problem so far?
I did specify the path with:
<neo4j:config storeDirectory="target/neo.db" />
Have you tried setting an absolute location like /tmp/mydb