Might sound like a strange question, but hear me out. I have hours of video I want to cut up and edit together, but a lot of it is just junk I don't need. I don't want to lose any quality, so I use LosslessCut.
The problem for me is that it's... A LOT of footage, and I don't need to see every single second of it. Is there a way to change playback speed in LosslessCut?
You can change playback speed in LosslessCut. According to Help → Help and shortcuts:
j Slow down playback
l Speed up playback
I had accomplished it somehow once before but since resetting my computer I can't figure out how to do it (I don't even know if I used autohotkey the first time but it seems to be my only choice now.)
So I'd like, when watching videos in VLC media player, that when I scroll up the video plays faster, and vice versa.
So far I've tried:
while disabling the existing scroll functions in VLC, to no effect. Please advise :)
Nevermind I forgot to simply reload the actual script I was adding onto. It works just fine lol
keeping this up incase it helps anyone else out! :3c
First of all, I'm using FMOD v. 1.10.02 w/ Resonance Audio.
When using the Soundfield in FMOD I get weird beeps and squeaky noises when rotating my HMD. I've put the R.A. Soundfield effect on the master of an event and the Resonance Audio Listener on the Group master of my ambisonics.
This makes the Soundfield effect unusable and therefor - no ambisonics for me :( Is this only happening for me?
Best regards,
OK, so I found out that the Soundfield behaves weird when the audiofile has a lot of low frequencies, removing some of them with an eq did the trick and the small beeps is now gone. Instead of removing this post, I'll leave it here - maybe this can be helpful for others ;)
I am generating and playing continuously midi sound. During this generating and playing I am changing pitch wheel. This changing is working wothout problems. But I need change note number too. If i use message Note on playing is stopping and starting. Is it possible to change note number without stopping playing sound?
There's no way of doing this this directly - if you get to the limit of the pitchbend range and you need to to beyond it the only way is to stop that note and start a new one. One option could be to redefine the pitchbend range to be much larger so that you can reach more notes before you need to re-trigger a note on. Another option is to use a sound with a longer attack and release so that the end of one note and the start of the next will cross-fade so that it'll sound continuous.
Can any one help me to seek at particular time in AVQueuePlayer?
I have use this controller to play video in iPhone because i need to play two video at the same time.
But my problem is to navigate in video and jump to at particular time, I am not able to do that.
I Know the method the That is [controller seekToTime:(CMTime)] But it is not moving the video at exact position of the video.
Does any one know the solution?
This is stated in the documentation for seekToTime::
The time seeked to may differ from the specified time for efficiency. For sample accurate seeking see seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter:.
So try using seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter: instead, specifying a low or zero tolerance. You may also want to specify true for AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey when creating any AVURLAssets you may be using.
Update... I ended up doing hackery and not being especially pleased with the results--the snap-through-black between movies may or may not show, and because I was bad and didn't inquire as to the load status etc it's possible to get many things confused.
But for straight looping an AVQueuePlayer assetItem it works to set a boundaryTime observer and use that to rewind the assetItem. My stuff is only a few seconds long so the seekToTime is pretty seamless, I don't know what it'll do seeking on a longer asset. looping an assetItem in AVQueuePlayer
I have a quicktime file (.mov) generated by Keynote. When played in quicktime, it pauses itself at dozens of pre-defined points waiting for user input. It is basically a slide show with transitions pre-rendered to video.
I want to wrap this in an iPhone app, but see no methods on an MPMoviePlayerController to do anything other than play, which does not pause at the pause points.
Also, I want to be able to play backwards to a prior stop point if the user taps elsewhere on the phone.
Is there a better library for this than MPMoviePlayerController or (deprecated?) UIMoviePlayerController? Or am I overlooking methods that would allow this?
If you think about what you're trying to do, this is actually a fairly complex task. What you're really asking for is the ability to hook up an arbitrary movie playing UI tied to unique gestures, based on the specifics of your movie. I don't think either of the classes in question is going to get you there.
The easiest solution here might be content-based: generate one quicktime movie per "group" of Keynote slides, where each group ends at a pause point, and then it should be pretty easy to interpret gestures to either advance to the next movie (or load it automatically when you reach the end of the last one), or return to the start of the currently playing movie.