Ambisonics makes weird beeps - unity3d

First of all, I'm using FMOD v. 1.10.02 w/ Resonance Audio.
When using the Soundfield in FMOD I get weird beeps and squeaky noises when rotating my HMD. I've put the R.A. Soundfield effect on the master of an event and the Resonance Audio Listener on the Group master of my ambisonics.
This makes the Soundfield effect unusable and therefor - no ambisonics for me :( Is this only happening for me?
Best regards,

OK, so I found out that the Soundfield behaves weird when the audiofile has a lot of low frequencies, removing some of them with an eq did the trick and the small beeps is now gone. Instead of removing this post, I'll leave it here - maybe this can be helpful for others ;)


Autohotkey for VLC where scrolling affects video playback speed (eg. 1x 2x)

I had accomplished it somehow once before but since resetting my computer I can't figure out how to do it (I don't even know if I used autohotkey the first time but it seems to be my only choice now.)
So I'd like, when watching videos in VLC media player, that when I scroll up the video plays faster, and vice versa.
So far I've tried:
while disabling the existing scroll functions in VLC, to no effect. Please advise :)
Nevermind I forgot to simply reload the actual script I was adding onto. It works just fine lol
keeping this up incase it helps anyone else out! :3c

Sound plays even though on awake is unticked unity

I looking into similar threads with this issue and sadly my issue is not being resolved how theirs was. I have a sprite that when it is collected a sound is played. As soon as the game starts any audio I attach is playing. I have deleted the sprite and remade it and the issue is still the same, however for my 7 other sprites there is no issue.
Does anyone know why this may be an issue?
If needed i can supply code however i don't think it is a code based issue
I had the same issue, old post but I didn't see my solution anywhere else. I found that the default script in the audio source game object was playing the clip in the start method. By commenting this out, I was able to stop it from playing when the game was started.
There is a chance that your audio source has a box named "Play On Awake" ticked.
I was looking for the same answer, as my audio sources also played when starting the game. After reading this question, somehow I realized there was a box ticked which I didn't bother looking over.
If your box is not ticked, then try writing in the Start method:
this.yourAudioSource.playOnAwake = false;

ScriptProcessorNode - prevent jittering?

I'm using a ScriptProcessorNode in order to record audio from a MediaStream/MediaStreamNode. Any time a UI operation blocks the main thread a little bit (like drawing on a canvas), the audio result is jittery at those specific moments.
It seems like AudioWorker is eventually going to be implemented, which I think would solve my problem, but as of now, what is the solution?
Use MediaRecorder API to record rather than ScriptProcessor, is my only advice.

Why are my iOS events firing in the wrong order?

I'm working an iPhone app called RealBaseball. If you're familiar with RealSoccer, it's pretty similar. It will allow you to play baseball with your iPhone with friends around the world.
When you hit the iPhone screen with your conductive bat, it should first detect the touch event then detect the acceleration so it knows exactly when you hit it, and how hard and how fast.
This is where I'm running into some technical difficulties. I have the standard touchesBegan and didAccelerate listeners. The problem is that didAccelerate is firing before touchesBegan. Clearly, something is wrong since it shouldn't start accelerating before the bat touches it. Could I be missing setup code?
I need to fix this, because if the timing is wrong, the batting machine on the other end will be laggy, and it won't be any fun.
Any advice you can provide would be appreciated.
EDIT: I added some NSLog calls with formatted [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]; Here's the output:
didAccelerate: 1364850400.03221
touchesBegan: 1364850400.21486
So you can see it's a small but clear difference.
How are you ensuring the bat is closing the conductive circuit from the phone to your hand? I'd suggest copious use of the material used to make gloves touchscreen friendly. Silver-threaded nylon is recommended here:
UPDATE: Oh, you might need to amplify the very tiny current that the bat will experience so it can travel all the way to your hand. I'm not an electrician but a portable car battery attached to the bat via the same thread should do the trick.

Making fire effect on iPhone

I'll describe ways that I already know, and can do, and want to hear another suggestions, or may be even solutions :)
Create N frames of fire with semi-transparent pictures (PNGs)
Like at this site
Create pixel-based fire - line by line with shifting up. (not the best way I think)
Like here
Any other solutions?
Mr.doob's fire effect in flash is very clever.
Particles Fire Prototype by Nicolas Goles
Chapter 7 of iPhone Games Projects begins with a discussion of fire effects.
A movie with the fire animation playing, or maybe an animated .gif image.