having trouble setting up flutter in vs code - flutter

I have trouble in setting flutter and running an app on a real device in vs code. I want to run my apps on physical device and I do not want to use emulators. Is it going to be possible?

Yes, this is very possible. In fact, many flutter developers use physical devices in order to test features like Maps,Camera, etc. I always recommend following a video tutorial to set up environments for development. But you should try the following:
First of all, I recommend the flutter docs https://flutter.dev/docs/development/tools/vs-code to set up vscode.
After this, all you need does not have anything to do with VSCode any longer. You should check https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows to connect a physical device.

Im not sure if you have already setup flutter on your machine to start with. If you haven't use this link how to install flutter
the next part is easy just install dart and flutter extensions in vscode.


can i create android and ios applications with flutter without android emulator , with just flutter sdk and vscode and browser

I learned dart and I want to access flutter, but I was surprised by android studio because my computer is weak.so,can i create android and apple applications with flutter without android emulator , with just flutter pack and vs code and browser
If you only work with simple UI widgets yes you can use the embedded development tools within the browser to get the dimensions of the device you working on like so
But, most of the cases there are libraries work differently according to the platform so it might work with the web but not with android or iphone and you can not test it without the actual device.
And yes VS code is a very good with flutter and might be better than android studio but it won`t make the difference you expected, in my opinion what make it faster is to use an actual device for testing and not using the emulator, also don't use a lot of application along side with the IDE, like if you are using spotify, listening to youtube video or following a tutorial just use your phone because browsers as bad as emulator.
You can use a text editor and the command line tools to build flutter apps and test them on a real device.
I wouldn't recommend it though.
You could give VSCode a try as it is a more lightweight environment.
Your computer should handle testing on a real device, which requires only a USB cable. Accessing the application in the browser would probably eat a lot more memory. You can read about how to use the real device with flutter here.

Does Flutter 3 support Webview on Desktop?

Flutter 3 was released recently with Desktop platform support for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Can Flutter developers clarify if Flutter 3 also supports Webview on Windows, Linux and macOS? Flutter documentation seems to suggest Webview support exists only for Android and ios.
Would appreciate some insights as I have a project that requires Webview, and if Flutter 3 supports it on all platforms it would make my work a lot easier. (I am asking here before trying out Flutter myself as I am completely unfamiliar with Flutter, and need to know about Webview status before I invest my time to learn Flutter).
(Note: Please do not go on a tangent and focus on "why webview" or whether it is apt etc. as I have no choice in the matter - it's one of the stated requirement of the project and I cannot change it).
No Flutter 3 Does not support Webview on Desktop, however you can use a package -

How can I make responsiveness test on flutter

I'm developing flutter on windows 10, could you recommend some plugins or emulators that I can test my app in different sizes ?
At least you can use VirtualBox and set different screen sizes
I misunderstood the question. You can use IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio as coding software AND emulator. There's a feature that makes it possible to run your app instantly on an emulator. Check this out. You can set different devices and different screen sizes. Even custom device.

Flutter Basics (write once, run anywhere?)

Hi stack overflow community,
I'm a novice programmer in high school and have never written an app for mobile devices before so please bear with me. If I was to write an app using Flutter, will I only be required to write the code once and then be able to distribute different versions of it (iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, etc)? Or will I need to make small changes for each version such as using XCode to create the iOS version and Android Studio for the Android version? I know this is such a basic question but I've spent a couple of hours looking this stuff up and I'm still confused. Any help would be nice.
In a product development environment, after writing the cross-platform code with Flutter, there are some need-to-do tasks related to Native environment.
In the case of Android, there are several cases when you'll need to touch the Native level such as config Firestore settings, Social authentication (Login with Facebook for example), changing the launch icons/ splash screen of the app or publishing to app store, etc
For iOS, the same case apply as well. So I suggest you start with small steps to develop the app first, then when running into something that seems impossible with just Flutter code, there are tutorials and SO to guide you through. It might seem overwhelmed at first, but we are all on a journey, so no need to rush it ;)
You should make small changes too. For eg when adding launcher icons and splash screen you have to edit the respective native folders. When distributing for ios you need to manually customize its Runner from xcode. There are many library that support either android only or ios only. In that case if you need that feature you have to make changes in native code like java ans swift.
if you're creating your own native plugins, you will have unique code to write. But if you're just using things out of pub, almost nothing will require change (unless you are publishing to the store).

Testing React Native code without an Android Emulator

I'm a uni student who has to create a React Native mobile application for an assignment. Initially, we were using University computers for our coding and using Android Studio emulators to test our code once it was written to make sure it works on an android device.
Unfortunately due to the current epidemic, my University has closed all facilities including their 24 hour library which myself and coursemates were using to complete this assignment. This means that all of our assignment work must now be completed on personal computers. My personal laptop doesn't seem to work well with Android Studio, I am assuming it is due to the ageing hardware. I cannot get an emulator to run.
I would like to know if there is a way to use an online emulator or something of the sort to test the code I have written to make sure it actually works. I am aware of expo but since I am using the React Native CLI I don't think I am able to use Expo for an emulator. Is there a way that I can still use the Expo emulator even though this React project is not using Expo CLI?
Unfortunately I also cannot use a personal device as I do not own an Android phone.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have made my course tutors aware of my circumstances and was informed that I can apply for exceptional factors to be taken into consideration when marking my work. However I would much rather complete the work to the best of my ability if possible without needing to apply for the above.
The only solution I know is the genymotion, it should be a bit easier to run on less powerful hardware but take no word from me because I've never used it. Otherwise if you know someone with a more powerful pc/laptop you can clone your project from git to that pc, connect to that pc with teamviewer or remote desktop (vpn needed) and run it from there.
There is another solution at last after making a build for you app you can try running the app on BrowserStack a cloud testing platform. But it's gonna be tough if you have a bug or something. Or you can use Genymotion it runs on a less powerful hardware