Can't access settings of my own GitHub repo? - github

In my team, someone I work with transferred ownership of their repo to me. But now neither of us can access the Settings for the repo!
This is bizarre to me, and I'd appreciate any help. I saw other SO questions about GitHub permissions, but they had to do with push/pull issues, not with accessing the Settings tab on the GitHub website.

I figured it out. I needed to go to the URL directly:{username}/{repo-name}/settings
That takes me to the Settings page. The tab still does not show up normally. It seems to be a bug on the GitHub website.


GitHub, how to get all repository permission setting?

Right now, I'm working on my customer repository, I don't have permission to look into the project setting, and we work remotely.
One way to figure it out is to ask a customer to screen capture the permission page. But will I have to do this all the time?
I wondered if GitHub already has some API to get all of the permission already.

Github Profile in Search Engines

Recently I changed my github username due to some issue. But google cannot re-index my new github profile link. There is any way to fix it ??
Thanks in Advance
Well, I faced the same issue. Apparently, if you change your name from the profile tab(go to settings) google does not re-index it. However, if you go to the account tab(settings) and click Change username google will re-index your new profile link.

How to share portfolio publicly?

I have managed to create a GitHub folder and uploaded my .html files. However, I do not see a publishing link in GitHub pages under settings.
Here is the screenshot of mine. As this website says, there is not even an option to make this repository public. The only available option is to upgrade and pay :(
How can I make this public?
In the GitHub Free plan, GitHub pages are available only for public repositories.
It looks like your repository is private. You could either make it public, or upgrade your plan to GitHub Pro or above.
To make the repository public, scroll down to the bottom of the settings page, and under "Danger Zone", select "Make public".

"There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

Around 12 hours ago, I tried creating a personal blog using 'beautiful jekyll'. I followed the simplest 3-step method to get a basic blog running however, every time I enter my website link, I get
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn
how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user
There isn't anything that I did different from the tutorial. I want to know does github just takes long to publish the pages or is there some sorcery ?
As I commented: would not work, since yourboygorja is not your GitHub username. nitinrabbit is.
So the repo should be called
And some content needs to be pushed to it.
You may need to go to the settings>pages>Source>Main (or subfolders) to activate page root. You may find detailed explanations here.

Facebook App Install ad campaign not allowing deep link

I'm trying to create a Facebook App Install campaign. When I create the ad itself, it wont let me specify my Branch link as the deep link. I've used Branch links in other App Install campaigns, so not sure why it's failing now.
Not Working:
Alex from here: this is a known issue with Branch links in Facebook ads that comes up sometimes, and we're not even quite sure why or when. There are several workarounds you can try, detailed on this page.
To summarize, rescraping sometimes fixes the issue. This may also indicate that your Branch configuration is missing some required data. As a last resort, you can feed the Branch deep link ID directly into your ad to make sure deep linked behavior still works.