GitHub, how to get all repository permission setting? - github

Right now, I'm working on my customer repository, I don't have permission to look into the project setting, and we work remotely.
One way to figure it out is to ask a customer to screen capture the permission page. But will I have to do this all the time?
I wondered if GitHub already has some API to get all of the permission already.


How to skip installation page for a Github app if its already installed in the account

I am working on a application that uses Github API to fetch appropriate statistics data about users and their repositories and show them to the end user.
I interacted a Github App right now to maintain authentication to get private user repository data.
The current flow to get the authentication is User clicks Login button on my front end page, it takes them to my github app installation page and once the installation is done it takes back to my front end with the required query parameters. I am able to get the user token and access data. My issue is when the token is expired or a existing user tries to login again, they are stuck in the installation page and will need to re click the save button again to continue with the flow.
What can I do something to make sure if the app is already installed then skip the installation window and automatically proceed to the next step. I am aware I might be missing over something simple here, but I am unable to find a solution for this.
I saw that installation_id also gets returned along with the code in callback parameters after each Github app installation. I however haven't found much on what to do with the installation_id. Is that something that would be useful for my case ?
Same question on Github Community. Asking here for more coverage.

Accepted invite for github project but cannot find it anywhere on my github?

Silly question probably but I find github not that user friendly for beginners. I was invited to join a group and project, accepted the invitation through my email which took me directly to their page. If I ever leave the page and want to find out how to get back to it, there is absolutely no way/notifications for me to find that page ever.
Even when I type their username in search, their project is private but I clearly have access to it so I cannot find their project in their repository to get back to it. How does this make sense? Where do you go from your github page to find all projects/repos that you are a part of and have access to?
Obviously the GitHub search engine doesn't index private repositories by default; that would pose a security risk.
All repositories you are a manager or owner of can be found by
clicking your profile picture in the upper-right corner and clicking
"Your Repositories."
Starring the repository will save the repository to your starred list, which will improve your recommendations, make it appear in your
Starred list on your profile page, and in many cases, enable the
repository to appear as a search suggestion when you type the
repository into the search bar. You can do it by visiting the
repository and clicking the star icon in the upper-right.
Watching the repository will subscribe you to notifications. You can do it by visiting the repository and clicking the eyeball icon in
the upper-right.

Can't access settings of my own GitHub repo?

In my team, someone I work with transferred ownership of their repo to me. But now neither of us can access the Settings for the repo!
This is bizarre to me, and I'd appreciate any help. I saw other SO questions about GitHub permissions, but they had to do with push/pull issues, not with accessing the Settings tab on the GitHub website.
I figured it out. I needed to go to the URL directly:{username}/{repo-name}/settings
That takes me to the Settings page. The tab still does not show up normally. It seems to be a bug on the GitHub website.

Which permissions are needed for a GitHub app to access list-issues-for-a-repository API?

I'd like to create a GitHub app to display the current issues in a repository, organized by labels. The repositories under the organization are private, but my account has admin access. I've installed the app under my name. The API list-issues-for-a-repository is returning:
"message": "Not Found",
"documentation_url": ""
I've set the app permissions as follows:
Repository permissions
Issues - Read-only
Metadata - Read-only
No access for everything else
Organization permissions
No access for all
User permissions
No access for all
Subscribe to events
Unchecked for all
Getting all the repos using /orgs/«org»/repos returns an empty array, meaning the private repositories aren't showing up, so there's likely a permission issue going on here, too.
Do I need to install the app under the organization? The organization is not showing any installed apps, even though we're running Codacy and GitHub Desktop.
The app is not under the organization's Third-party access policy. Do I need to add it? I don't see any way to request permissions, and I don't know if GitHub apps work this way.
Do I need to include more permissions for the app? I just need read-only for the issues and don't want to expose more than I need.
First of all, confirmed it has to be a "GitHub App" and not an "OAuth App", because the API to list the issues in a repository is, according to the documentation, available only to GitHub Apps. I took an initial wrong turn, documented in the edit history of a previous related issue, of selecting an OAuth App, and getting nowhere.
As far as my specific questions:
Do I need to install the app under the organization? The organization is not showing any installed apps, even though we're running Codacy and GitHub Desktop.
Yes, it needs to be installed or added under the organization. It was easier for me to delete the existing app under my account, and re-add (vs re-install) under the organization.
The app is not under the organization's third-party access policy. Do I need to add it? I don't see any way to request permissions, and I don't know if GitHub apps work this way.
Once the app is added under the organization, it is automatically given access. You can fine tune which repositories it can access or let it access them all. Installing, as opposed to adding, might need a few more steps, and the app needs to be published first. My app is intended for the organization only, so I opted for the simpler solution. Also, even if you give the app access to all repositories, the access rights of whoever logs in take precedence. For example, someone outside of the organization won't see any private repositories.
Do I need to include more permissions for the app? I just need read-only for the issues and don't want to expose more than I need.
No, just read-only for issues, meta-data is included automatically.
With these revisions I was able to access the repositories, and also get results for list-issues-for-a-repository.

Facebook App Install ad campaign not allowing deep link

I'm trying to create a Facebook App Install campaign. When I create the ad itself, it wont let me specify my Branch link as the deep link. I've used Branch links in other App Install campaigns, so not sure why it's failing now.
Not Working:
Alex from here: this is a known issue with Branch links in Facebook ads that comes up sometimes, and we're not even quite sure why or when. There are several workarounds you can try, detailed on this page.
To summarize, rescraping sometimes fixes the issue. This may also indicate that your Branch configuration is missing some required data. As a last resort, you can feed the Branch deep link ID directly into your ad to make sure deep linked behavior still works.