Use $in operator to match regex in mongoengine - mongodb

Following the MongoDB documentation, you can use the $in operator with a regular expression like wise db.inventory.find( { tags: { $in: [ /^be/, /^st/ ] } } ). Is there a way to achieve the same result using mongoengine?
For example pass {"tags__in": ["/^be/", "/^st/"]} to my query?

I don't think this is supported by MongoEngine in normal query construct (i.e I doubt that Doc.objects(tags__in=["/^be/", "/^st/"] will work)) but there is support for __raw__ query (
so the following should work
Inventory.objects(__raw__={"tags": { "$in":["/^be/", "/^st/"]}})


Comparing field values in MongoDB

I wanted to run a query that finds the following document from MongoDB database
I know for equality I can use the following query:
.find({ $where : "this.field1 == this.field2" })
In C#
new BsonDocument("$where", new BsonJavaScript("this.field1 == this.field2"));
But how I can use regex in above query?
Somthing like:
.find({ $where : "this.field1 like this.field2" })
And in C# ?
Use the following query and check if it works for you. Let me know if it helped:
db.col.find( { $where: function() {
var regex = new RegExp(this.field1);
return (regex.test(this.field2))
} }).pretty();
The query above turns foo into a regex (something like /foo/) and checks if field2 matches the regex you passed.
FYI: The following statement was taken from mongodb website. Take it into consideration:
Changed in version 3.6: The $expr operator allows the use of aggregation expressions within the query language. $expr is faster than $where because it does not execute JavaScript and should be preferred where possible.

MongoDB $pop element which is in 3 time nested array

Here is the data structure for each document in the collection. The datastructure is fixed.
'_id': 'some-timestamp',
'NUMERATION': [ // numeration of divisions
// numeration of producttypes
'DIVISIONX': [{'PRODUCTTYPE': 'product xy', COUNT: 100}]
The query result should be in the same structure but only contain producttypes matching a regular expression.
I tried using an nested $elemMatchoperator but this doesn't get me any closer. I don't know how I can iterate each value in the producttypes array for each division.
How can I do that? Then I could apply $pop, $in and $each.
I looked at:
Querying an array of arrays in MongoDB
... and more
The solution I want to avoid is writing something like this:
collection.find().forEach(function(x) { /* more for eaches */ })
Here is an example document to copy:
E.g. the query result should only return the entry with the giftcard:
Using the forEach approach the result is in the correct format. I'm still looking for a better way which does not involve the use of that function - therefore I will not mark this as an answer.
But for now this works fine:
function(wholeDocument) {
wholeDocument['RESULT'].forEach(function (resultEntry) {
resultEntry['NUMERATION'].forEach(function (numerationEntry) {
numerationEntry['DIVISION'].forEach(function(divisionEntry, index) {
// example condition (will be replaced by regular expression evaluation)
if(divisionEntry['PRODUCTTYPE'] != 'Giftcard'){
numerationEntry['DIVISION'].splice(index, 1);
Thanks to Rahul Raj's comments I have read up the aggregation with the $redact operator. A prototype of the solution to the issue is this query:
db.getCollection('DeepStructure').aggregate( [
{ $redact: {
$cond: {
if: { $ne: [ "$PRODUCTTYPE", "Giftcard" ] },
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
I hope you're trying to update nested array.
You need to use positional operators $[] or $ for that.
If you use $[], you will be able to remove all matching nested array elements.
And if you use $, only the first matching array element will get removed.
Use $regex operator to pass on your regular expression.
Also, you need to use $pull to remove array elements based on matching condition. In your case, its regular expression. Note that $elemMatch is not the correct one to use with $pull as arguments to $pull are direct queries to the array.
{/*additional matching conditions*/},
{$pull: {"RESULT.$[].NUMERATION.$[].DIVISIONX":{PRODUCTTYPE: {$regex: "xy"}}}},
{multi: true}
Just replace xy with your regular expression and add your own matching conditions as required. I'm not quite sure about your data set, but I came up with the above answer based on my assumptions from the given info. Feel free to change according to your requirements.

MongoDB $and on two columns

I am following MongoDB documentation for C# & shell commands to understand find() for $and for restaurants example. However, following issue I observed:
ar builder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter;
var filter = builder.Eq("cuisine", "Italian") & builder.Eq("address.zipcode", "10075");
filters the restaurants collection however when I change filter as:
var filter = builder.Eq("borough", "Manhattan") & builder.Eq("cuisine", "American");
This doesn't return any record as I can see combination of these two are present in restaurants collection.
Shell command which is not working:
db.restaurants.find( { $and: [ {borough: "Queens" }, { cuisine: "American" } ] } )
Any clue?
Yo don't need to use the $and operator in this case.
db.restaurants.find({borough: "Queens", cuisine: "American"})
Only use $and operator when you need to specify more than one condition for the same field (i.e: db.restaurants.find( { $and: [ {score:{$gte:5}}, {score:{$lte:10}} ] } ))

is it possible to use "$where" in mongodb aggregation functions

I need to get the length of a string value in MongoDB using aggregation functions.
it works in
but when implanted to
$group :
_id : 1,
app_downloads : {$sum: "$app_downloads"}
I got this result:
failed: exception: $where is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression
The question is: is it possible to use $where in aggregation functions?
or is there any way of getting the length of a string value in aggregation function?
Thanks in advance
MongoDB doesn't support $where in aggregation pipeline and hope this will never happen, because JavaScript slows things down. Never the less, you still have options:
1) Мaintain additional field(e.g. app_name_len) than will store app_name length and query it, when needed.
2) You can try extremely slow MapReduce framework, where you allowed to write aggregations with JavaScript.
Today I had the same problem.
Mongodb doesn't support this.app_name.length, but you can do this condition with $regex - this is not very quick, but it still works.
{"app_name": { $regex: /^.{12}$/ }}
A simple way to achieve the behaviour expected of OP would be chaining up $expr with $strLenCP
$expr: {
$eq: [
$strLenCP: "$app_name"
Mongo Playground

mongoDB PHP query where is NOT

ok I need a quick way to do the following with mongoDB
I was looking to do a query that would search for anything that did NOT have the word Apple in the fruit or veg column in the collection
here etc
The operator you probably want to use is $nin ("not in"):{
'fruit': {$nin:['apple']},
'veg': {$nin:['apple']}
You could also use $not to negate a standard where condition.