MongoDB $pop element which is in 3 time nested array - mongodb

Here is the data structure for each document in the collection. The datastructure is fixed.
'_id': 'some-timestamp',
'NUMERATION': [ // numeration of divisions
// numeration of producttypes
'DIVISIONX': [{'PRODUCTTYPE': 'product xy', COUNT: 100}]
The query result should be in the same structure but only contain producttypes matching a regular expression.
I tried using an nested $elemMatchoperator but this doesn't get me any closer. I don't know how I can iterate each value in the producttypes array for each division.
How can I do that? Then I could apply $pop, $in and $each.
I looked at:
Querying an array of arrays in MongoDB
... and more
The solution I want to avoid is writing something like this:
collection.find().forEach(function(x) { /* more for eaches */ })
Here is an example document to copy:
E.g. the query result should only return the entry with the giftcard:

Using the forEach approach the result is in the correct format. I'm still looking for a better way which does not involve the use of that function - therefore I will not mark this as an answer.
But for now this works fine:
function(wholeDocument) {
wholeDocument['RESULT'].forEach(function (resultEntry) {
resultEntry['NUMERATION'].forEach(function (numerationEntry) {
numerationEntry['DIVISION'].forEach(function(divisionEntry, index) {
// example condition (will be replaced by regular expression evaluation)
if(divisionEntry['PRODUCTTYPE'] != 'Giftcard'){
numerationEntry['DIVISION'].splice(index, 1);
Thanks to Rahul Raj's comments I have read up the aggregation with the $redact operator. A prototype of the solution to the issue is this query:
db.getCollection('DeepStructure').aggregate( [
{ $redact: {
$cond: {
if: { $ne: [ "$PRODUCTTYPE", "Giftcard" ] },
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"

I hope you're trying to update nested array.
You need to use positional operators $[] or $ for that.
If you use $[], you will be able to remove all matching nested array elements.
And if you use $, only the first matching array element will get removed.
Use $regex operator to pass on your regular expression.
Also, you need to use $pull to remove array elements based on matching condition. In your case, its regular expression. Note that $elemMatch is not the correct one to use with $pull as arguments to $pull are direct queries to the array.
{/*additional matching conditions*/},
{$pull: {"RESULT.$[].NUMERATION.$[].DIVISIONX":{PRODUCTTYPE: {$regex: "xy"}}}},
{multi: true}
Just replace xy with your regular expression and add your own matching conditions as required. I'm not quite sure about your data set, but I came up with the above answer based on my assumptions from the given info. Feel free to change according to your requirements.


Within a mongodb $match, how to test for field MATCHING , rather than field EQUALLING

Can anyone tell me how to add a $match stage to an aggregation pipeline to filter for where a field MATCHES a query, (and may have other data in it too), rather than limiting results to entries where the field EQUALS the query?
The query specification...
var query = {hello:"world"};
...can be used to retrieve the following documents using the find() operation of MongoDb's native node driver, where the query 'map' is interpreted as a match...
{hello:"world", extra:"data"}
The same query map can also be interpreted as a match when used with $elemMatch to retrieve documents with matching entries contained in arrays like these documents...
{hello:"world", extra:"data"},
...using an invocation like [PIPELINE1] ...
However, trying to get a list of the matching greetings with unwind [PIPELINE2] ...
...produces all the array entries inside the documents with any matching entries, including the entries which don't match (simplified result)...
{greetings:{hello:"world", extra:"data"}},
I have been trying to add a second match stage, but I was surprised to find that it limited results only to those where the greetings field EQUALS the query, rather than where it MATCHES the query [PIPELINE3].
Unfortunately PIPELINE3 produces only the following entries, excluding the matching hello world entry with the extra:"data", since that entry is not strictly 'equal' to the query (simplified result)...
...where what I need as the result is rather...
How can I add a second $match stage to PIPELINE2, to filter for where the greetings field MATCHES the query, (and may have other data in it too), rather than limiting results to entries where the greetings field EQUALS the query?
What you're seeing in the results is correct. Your approach is a bit wrong. If you want the results you're expecting, then you should use this approach:
With this, you should get the following output:
Whenever you're using aggregation in MongoDB and want to create an aggregation pipeline that yields documents you expect, you should always start your query with the first stage. And then eventually add stages to monitor the outputs from subsequent stages.
The output of your $unwind stage would be:
greetings:{hello:"world", extra:"data"}
Now if we include the third stage that you used, then it would match for greetings key that have a value {hello:"world"} and with that exact value, it would find only two documents in the pipeline. So you would only be getting:
{ "greetings" : { "hello" : "world" } }
{ "greetings" : { "hello" : "world" } }

MongoDB: Search in array

I have a field in a MongoDB Collection like:
place = ['London','Paris','New York']
I need a query that will return only that particular entry of the array, where a specific character occurs. For Example, I want to search for the terms having the letter 'o'(case-insensitive) in them. It should just return 'London' and 'New York'.
I tried db.cities.find({"place":/o/i}), but it returns the whole array.
You'll need to $unwind using an aggregate query, then match.
db.cities.aggregate([ { $unwind:'$place' }, { $match: { place : {$regex: /o/i } } } ])
In simple you find with $regex below query will work without aggregation
db.collectionName.find({ place : {$regex: /o/i } })

Mongo Aggregation select and push last element in array

I have documents with the following structure:
trials:[ {...,
Where ref is an array guaranteed to be of length of at least 1.
If I want to count the individual occurrences of each of elements in each of the ref arrays I would use the following aggregation. (This works fine)[
{$group:{_id:"$trials.ref", count:{$sum:1}}}
Now I want to do the same thing, but only with the last element in each ref array. I need a way to only select the last element of each array in the aggregation pipeline.
I first thought I could add a intermediate step to just get all the elements that I want to group by doing something like this:[
I've also tried using a position operator with $match.[
Or trying to project the last element.[
Neither of these get me anywhere. The $pop operator is not valid in the aggregation pipeline. $last operator isn't really useful here.
Any ideas on how to only use the last element of the ref array? I'd rather keep with the aggregation framework and NOT use Map Reduce.
The aggregation framework really has no way of dealing with this. Aside from lacking any "slice" type operator, the real problem here is the lack of any marker to tell where your inner array ends, and there really isn't any way to do that with any other form of document re-shaping.
For now at least, the mapReduce approach is very simple, and does not even require a reducer:
function() {
this.trials.forEach(function(trial) {
trial.ref = trial.ref.slice(-1);
var id = this._id;
delete this._id;
emit( id, this );
{ "out": { "inline": 1 } }
In the future there might be some hope. Some form of $slice has sought after for some time. But I did notice this interesting snippet inside the $map operator code. Just to list here as well:
for (size_t i=0; i < input.size(); i++) {
vars->setValue(_varId, input[i]);
Value toInsert = _each->evaluateInternal(vars);
if (toInsert.missing())
toInsert = Value(BSONNULL); // can't insert missing values into array
Note the for loop and the index value. I for one would be voting to have this exposed as a variable within the $map operator, as where you know the current position and the length of the array you can effectively do "slicing".
But for now, there is not a way to tell where you are in the array using $map and if you $unwind both of your arrays, you loose the end-points of the inner arrays. So the aggregation framework is lacking in the solutions to the right now.

How can I use a $elemMatch on first level array?

Consider the following document:
"_id" : "ID_01",
"code" : ["001", "002", "003"],
"Others" : "544554"
I went through this MongoDB doc for elemmatch-query & elemmatch-projection, but not able to figure it out how to use the same for the above document.
Could anyone tell me how can I use $elemMatch for the field code?
You'll want to use the $in operator rather than $elemMatch in this case as $in can be used to search for a value (or values) inside a specific field. $in requires a list of values to be passed as an array. Additionally, and for your case, it will find either a single value, or by searching in an array of values. The entire matching document is returned.
For example, you might use it like this:
db.mycodes.find( { code: { $in: ["001"] } } )
Which could be simplified to just be:
db.mycodes.find({ code: "001" })
As MongoDB will look in an array for a single match like above ("001").
Or if you want to search for "001" or "002":
db.mycodes.find( { code: { $in: ["001", "002"] } } )
$in documentation
If you're simply looking to match all documents with an array containing a given value, you can just specify the value on the reference to that array, e.g.
db.mycodes.find( { code: '001' } )
Which thus would return you all documents that contained '001' in their code array

remove documents with array field's size less than 3 in mongoDB

i have a mongoDB collection named col that has documents that look like this
Now i want to remove documents from collection col in which size of the array field is less than 2.
So i wrote a query that looks like this
Now this query doesnt do anything. i checked with db.col.find() and it returns all the documents. Whats wrong with this query?
With MongoDB 2.2+ you can use numeric indexes in condition object keys to do this:
db.col.remove({'arrField.2': {$exists: 0}})
This will remove any document that doesn't have at least 3 elements in arrField.
From the documentation for $size:
You cannot use $size to find a range of sizes (for example: arrays with more than 1 element).
The docs recommend maintaining a separate size field (so in this case, arrFieldSize) with the count of the items in the array if you want to try this sort of thing.
Note that for some queries, it may be feasible to just list all the counts you want in or excluded using (n)or conditions.
In your example, the following query will give all documents with less than 2 array entries:
"$or": [
{ "arrField": {"$exists" => false} },
{ "arrField": {"$size" => 1} },
{ "arrField": {"$size" => 0} }
The following should work
db.col.remove({$where: "this.arrField.length < 2"})