mongoDB PHP query where is NOT - mongodb

ok I need a quick way to do the following with mongoDB
I was looking to do a query that would search for anything that did NOT have the word Apple in the fruit or veg column in the collection
here etc

The operator you probably want to use is $nin ("not in"):{
'fruit': {$nin:['apple']},
'veg': {$nin:['apple']}
You could also use $not to negate a standard where condition.


How to write a mongo query that returns fields with the expected results?

For instance I am trying to bring up the organization ids that are tagged to multiple countries in db.
this doesnot give me the results that they have all 3 countries in the same document. Obviously $where does not work which I can query to bring up the fields that have more than 1 country in it.
Trying this for 2 days and need your help.
Thanks in advance.
Use $all
The $all operator selects the documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified elements.
db.collection.find({"Region":{ $all :["CHINA","JAPAN","SOUTH_KOREA"] } })
i hope this will go acording youre need's:
$and: [
{ Region: {$in: /\bCHINA\b/i} },
{ Region: {$in: /\bJAPAN\b/i} },
{ Region: {$in: /\bSOUTH_KOREA\b/i} }
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you are trying to match a document where the Region key is a list conataining all three countries.
db.collection.find({$and: [
{Region: {$in: ["CHINA"]}},
{Region: {$in: ["JAPAN"]}},
{Region: {$in: ["SOUTH_KOREA"]}}
If so, this should work for you.
These two queries worked in my case. They are as simple as they look like but somehow I missed them our after many trials I may have miswritten them. Anyways here is the solution to my question:
db.collection.find({ "region.2":{$exists:true}})

Use $in operator to match regex in mongoengine

Following the MongoDB documentation, you can use the $in operator with a regular expression like wise db.inventory.find( { tags: { $in: [ /^be/, /^st/ ] } } ). Is there a way to achieve the same result using mongoengine?
For example pass {"tags__in": ["/^be/", "/^st/"]} to my query?
I don't think this is supported by MongoEngine in normal query construct (i.e I doubt that Doc.objects(tags__in=["/^be/", "/^st/"] will work)) but there is support for __raw__ query (
so the following should work
Inventory.objects(__raw__={"tags": { "$in":["/^be/", "/^st/"]}})

How to search for a value that IS NOT equal to the speciefied value?

I am using MongoDB and I need a query to check of a value is NOT a certain value, I know how to search for a value like this:
db.getCollection('ships').find({"name": "MY BOAT"})
So lets say I need a query that finds the entries where name is not "MY BOAT"
I allready checked out the $NOT operator
But don't understand how to apply it.
db.getCollection('ships').find( { name: { $ne: "MY BOAT" } } )
follow the above url for more information
This can be accomplished with the $ne operator, so the query becomes:
db.getCollection('ships').find({"name": {$ne: "MY BOAT"}})
The credits for this answer go to #JohnnyHK

is it possible to use "$where" in mongodb aggregation functions

I need to get the length of a string value in MongoDB using aggregation functions.
it works in
but when implanted to
$group :
_id : 1,
app_downloads : {$sum: "$app_downloads"}
I got this result:
failed: exception: $where is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression
The question is: is it possible to use $where in aggregation functions?
or is there any way of getting the length of a string value in aggregation function?
Thanks in advance
MongoDB doesn't support $where in aggregation pipeline and hope this will never happen, because JavaScript slows things down. Never the less, you still have options:
1) Мaintain additional field(e.g. app_name_len) than will store app_name length and query it, when needed.
2) You can try extremely slow MapReduce framework, where you allowed to write aggregations with JavaScript.
Today I had the same problem.
Mongodb doesn't support this.app_name.length, but you can do this condition with $regex - this is not very quick, but it still works.
{"app_name": { $regex: /^.{12}$/ }}
A simple way to achieve the behaviour expected of OP would be chaining up $expr with $strLenCP
$expr: {
$eq: [
$strLenCP: "$app_name"
Mongo Playground

Mongodb find wrong document

You can see my document as bellow. How can I write a find for my uniq fields?
I need search a document where KEYMAP is (SNUM="3151" and "SKEY"="THR" and "SID"="ID_HUT")
"OUT": "log_cid_out_1"
{"SNUM":"3151","SKEY":"THR", "SID":"ID_HUT"},
{"SNUM":"3152","SKEY":"ONE", "SID":"ID_XL"},
{"SNUM":"3153","SKEY":"TWO", "SID":"ID_INDO"}
db.mycollection.find({"KEYMAP.SNUM":"3151","KEYMAP.SKEY":"TWO","KEYMAP.SID":"ID_XL"});# not work. it find the document
I believe you want to use $elemMatch ( ) here like:
find({KEYMAP: {$elemMatch: {SNUM: "3151", SKEY: "TWO", SID: "ID_XL"}}})
Also unique indexes on subdocuments do not work the way you probably think they do. They create uniqueness across all documents not just that one document. If you want a unique index on that one document then you will need to use something like $addToSet or an upsert function on the subdocument.