How to install gitlab-runner to CentOS/fedora - centos

I try to install GitLab runner on the AWS server:
Linux distrib:
Linux arh:
Linux 4.14.209-160.339.amzn2.x86_64
So I downloaded .rpm file for CentOS:
sudo curl -LJO ""
But file isn't downloaded - only created with following content:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access
> Denied</Message><RequestId>8DA4057E392621C5</RequestId><Hos
> tId>ehqGGAvJfAjryHQkQh06fmfRDuOX9bAeYYUZLTb6VZg4DkU2DPKRfYD5yv2fYhP0sz+rLlJkvo8=</HostId></Error>
How to properly install the gitlab-runner on the AWS server?

Considering x86_64 is the name of a specific 64-bit ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) released in 1999 by AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), and later rebranded to amd64, I would rather download:
sudo curl -LJO ""
I just tested it: it does download (62.4 MB).

You are not meant to download a file literally named "gitlab-runner_<arch>.rpm". You are meant to replace the "<arch>" part with an appropriate code for the architecture of the machine on which you intend to install the software: probably "x86_64", but maybe "i686" or something else.
If you look in the file you downloaded or ask the file command to identify it, you will likely find that it contains the HTML of an error page, if it contains anything at all.


A procedure to install minishift on Fedora?

This nice article describe very well how to install minishift on Windows, MacOS and RHEL:
Hello World!
Unfortunately, there is no procedure for Fedora, can you provide some guidelines?
It is possible to download the CDK (minishift) binary directly from download page. You just need to be registered.
Next, you should configure your system environment (ie. set up hypervisor driver), take a look here.
Make the downloaded CDK binary executable:
chmod +x cdk-x.y.z-minishift-linux-amd64
Finally, you can continue with setting up the cdk binary as described in section 2 in Hello World page. Mainly, this is about preparing minishift configuration for proper hypervisor (as user can use more than one):
./cdk-x.y.z-minishift-linux-amd64 setup-cdk
./cdk-x.y.z-minishift-linux-amd64 setup-cdk --default-vm-driver xxx
in case that you are using different than default hypervisor (kvm on linux, could be virtualbox).

Swift on Ubuntu - No such file or directory

Trying to install swift on my Ubuntu 14.04.3 server. Followed the guide on
download the install package
fetched the gpg keys
verified the .sig file
extracted the file and added the usr/bin subdir to my PATH
However when I try running swift I get "No such file or directory"
Swift seems to be found:
icanzilb#underplot:~/public$ which swift
Path is correct:
icanzilb#underplot:~/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-25-a-ubuntu14.04/usr/bin$ echo $PATH
But can't run it:
icanzilb#underplot:~/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-25-a-ubuntu14.04/usr/bin$ swift
-bash: /home/icanzilb/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-25-a-ubuntu14.04/usr/bin/swift: No such file or directory
Update 1: I tried the development and stable builds of Swift from and the .sig checks out but still getting the same error.
Both the swift executable and my Ubuntu are 64 bit.
It really looks like this is a problem of an architecture mismatch, as indicated by one of the commenters, or a corrupted download. The swift executable is in the path and is picked up by which. Judging from the name of the directory where it is located, it is indeed for Ubuntu 14.04. I would try the following:
file `which swift`
This should tell you it is an ELF 64-bit executable, dynamically linked, etc. If that is not the case, you have a corrupted binary somehow.
Then do
uname -a
which should identify your system as Ubuntu 14, x86_64 among other things. If that is the case, you probably have a corrupted binary. Unpack the downloaded package again and retry. If your system is not x86_64, then you are on a wrong architecture.
Update 2/4/2016:
Based on the additional info you provided about the binary and the architecture, I tend to believe this is a platform mismatch. The output of uname doesn't show it is an Ubuntu box. Besides, the Linux kernel is 4.4.0, and the binary is for 2.6.24. I can successfully run the same binary on an Ubuntu 14.04 installation with a 3.19.0 kernel. The kernel version difference is not necessarily a problem in itself, but an indicator that the platform may not be a standard Ubuntu 14.04 install.
As another check, could you please do cat /etc/os-release and cat /etc/lsb-release? Those files should indicate if the platform is indeed Ubuntu. If it is, then I'm wondering how you ended up with this late kernel version. It is possible some other components of the OS are also too recent and incompatible with the Swift binary. This may be some strange custom Linode image... If you have a machine you can use, virtual or physical, try downloading and installing a standard Ubuntu 14.04.

Command to download the package from internet in solaris

Can any one suggest a command to download the package from the interent in the solaris box?
Thanks in advance.
See from RaamEE:
The wget command in Solaris 10 is somewhat hidden from sight.
You can find it here
This was checked on s10u10
Then use /usr/sfw/bin/wget <url>
It's hard to tell as you provide few information but wget is a common tool to retrieve things from the Internet.
wget http://server/
If a Solaris package, pkgadd also supports URLs:
pkgadd -d http://server/package.pkg
I once needed to get wget installed on old remote Solaris 8 server (there is no /usr/sfw/ on Solaris 8).
So, after some web surfing, I did the following:
Downloaded wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local.gz from to my Windows machine (where I always have 7-Zip installed)
Extracted wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local.gz
Uploaded resulting package wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local into Solaris server
Under root user executed pkgadd -d wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local
Right away you can start using it as wget <URL>.

Moses server installation

I have installed moses successfully, I have also install xmlrpc-c via
sudo apt-get install libxmlrpc-core-c3 then I have built the moses via
./bjam --with-xmlrpc-c=[/path/to/xmlrpc-c-config]. While doing these I have followed the instructions in Up to that point, I guess everything was correct. From now, I need to connect to the machine where moses is installed, however I could not start the mosesserver. What should I do with the file in mosesdecoder/contrib/server/mosesserver.cpp. I think after the build an executable should be created in there , or am I going to compile it manually? Btw, this is the remote version: x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
Thanks in advance...
"mosesserver" binary executable is located in mosesdecoder/bin directory after successful compilation.
It can be started in a similar fashion to moses, i.e.
/path/to/mosesserver -f /path/to/moses.ini
It will run a web server on port 8080 by default, expecting XML-RPC v2 protocol to communicate.
For building, make sure you have Boost libraries (+ devel package) installed at a location where they can be found (i.e. /lib or /usr/lib or lib64, depending on the system) or add the path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if you compile them manually.

modify the echo service of Suse enterprise Linux

I need to make a small change of the echo service in Suse enterprise server 10 sp1. I has some questions:
Where can I download the source code?
Is there a brief guide to build it?
If I recall correctly, the echo service is implemented in the xinetd tool directly. Look for an xinetd*src.rpm on your install media and either use cpan2rpm to unpack the RPM or rpm -i to unpack the rpm into your configured RPMBUILD directory. There are some details on using source rpm packages here: