Command to download the package from internet in solaris - solaris

Can any one suggest a command to download the package from the interent in the solaris box?
Thanks in advance.

See from RaamEE:
The wget command in Solaris 10 is somewhat hidden from sight.
You can find it here
This was checked on s10u10
Then use /usr/sfw/bin/wget <url>

It's hard to tell as you provide few information but wget is a common tool to retrieve things from the Internet.
wget http://server/
If a Solaris package, pkgadd also supports URLs:
pkgadd -d http://server/package.pkg

I once needed to get wget installed on old remote Solaris 8 server (there is no /usr/sfw/ on Solaris 8).
So, after some web surfing, I did the following:
Downloaded wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local.gz from to my Windows machine (where I always have 7-Zip installed)
Extracted wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local.gz
Uploaded resulting package wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local into Solaris server
Under root user executed pkgadd -d wget-1.10.2-sol8-sparc-local
Right away you can start using it as wget <URL>.


Installing cpan or cpanm modules on a behind-firewall machine with no Internet connection

I've already read related threads like these, but they do not fully capture our situation.
This is on a firewalled machine. No net access. We can ftp files to folders and install modules from there.
We have CHMOD 777 for our users on some folders. We can install Perl modules if we locally build them by downloading the relevant .pm files. But when these files cannot install, we do not have any cpan or cpanm.
I'd like to install, for example, HTML::Restrict. If I do the download + install thing, the gives me this error:
/lib/HTML/Restrict.PM:328: Unknown command paragraph "=encoding UTF-8"
Reading a bit online suggests that this could be an old Perl problem. We use 5.8.x. Our own dev machines have the luxury of 5.16.x and internet access so installing module is a cinch. Anyway, one of my older machines also has 5.8.x, and installing the module via cpanminus worked there (with internet).
So, question: is it possible to install "cpanminus" (cpanm) through FTP, then upload specific module files to the server through FTP too, and then go into shell and install modules via cpanm by pointing it to respective .pm files?
Thank you for any pointers.
You should take a look at perldoc perlmodinstall which goes into detail about how to install a module from its distribution. It follows what should be a familiar incantation
Assuming you're on a Linux system, this commonly takes take the form of
gzip -d My-Module-Distribution.tar.gz
tar -xof My-Module-Distribution.tar
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
But after the Unpack stage you will often find a README file or other text file that will describe any unusual steps to be taken
Clearly some of these steps can be combined. For instance, most people will probably want to use
tar -xvfz My-Module-Distribution.tar.gz
to avoid having to invoke gzip separately. Likewise, the make system will force a build phase as a prerequisite if you use just
make test
without the preceding make
The linked document has a lot to say about how to install on other platforms, should you not be running a Linux variant
I still don't really understand your thinking, but you can get a stand-alone version of cpanm using curl. For instance
curl -sS --location --output cpanm
then you should be able to just copy it to your target machine, put it on your PATH, and do
cpanm HTML-Restrict-2.2.2.tar.gz
but I doubt if you will find any change to the specific errors you are getting

wget :: rename downloaded files and only download if newer

I am trying to use wget to download a file under a different local name and only download if the file on the server is newer.
What I thought I could do was use the -O option of wget so as to be able to choose the name of the downloaded file, as in:
wget -O local-name
and combine that with the -N option that doesn't download anything except if the timestamp is newer on the server. For reasons explained in the comments below, wget refuses to combine both flags:
WARNING: timestamping does nothing in combination with -O. See the manual
for details.
Any ideas on succinct work-arounds ?
Download it, then create a link
wget -N
ln weird-name local-name
After that you can run wget -N and it will work as expected:
Only download if newer
If a new file is downloaded it will be accessible from either name, without
costing you extra drive space
If using other tool is possible in your case, I recommend the free, open source lwp-mirror:
lwp-mirror [-options] <url> <file>
It works just as you wish, with no workarounds.
This command is provided by the libwww-perl package on Ubuntu and Debian among other places.
Note that lwp-mirror doesn't support all of wget's other features. For example, it doesn't allow you to set a User Agent for the request like wget does.

Installing Sphinx on Linux VPS

After hours of searching Google and StackOverflow, I haven't been able to resolve this issue...
I'm trying to install Sphinx Search on my VPS, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that this search feature is extremely important to my project.
I've tried the following commands in puTTy to unpack the Sphinx tarball:
tar xzvf sphinx-2.0.6-release.tar.gz
tar -xzvf sphinx-2.0.6-release.tar.gz
It says there's no such file or directory. I know the file is there because I put it there myself, so I'm assuming now that I've misunderstood what is going on here.
Can someone get me past this step so that I can get lost on the next one?
It says there's no such file or directory. I know the file is there because I put it there myself,
Probably not in the right folder - need to 'cd' into the folder containing the file.
But as you dont seem that familer with linux, would suggest using the RPM file instead - so dont have to compile from source.
get the RPM from
and then upload that. Then use "yum localinstall nameofrpmfile.rpm"
Check the output of uname -a to find if you have 64bit or 32bit system. If mentions x86_64 you have 64bit, and so want the x86_64 RPM file.

modify the echo service of Suse enterprise Linux

I need to make a small change of the echo service in Suse enterprise server 10 sp1. I has some questions:
Where can I download the source code?
Is there a brief guide to build it?
If I recall correctly, the echo service is implemented in the xinetd tool directly. Look for an xinetd*src.rpm on your install media and either use cpan2rpm to unpack the RPM or rpm -i to unpack the rpm into your configured RPMBUILD directory. There are some details on using source rpm packages here:

Installing PDO-drivers for PostgreSQL on Mac (using Zend for eclipse)

How can I get PDO to work on my mac (os x 10.5)? I'm using the built in php and php in Zend/Eclipse. Can't seem to find useful drivers for it at all.
I had to install the PDO_PGSQL driver recently on Leopard, and I ran across a multitude of problems. In my search for answers, I stumbled across this question. Now I have it successfully installed, and so, even though this question is quite old, I hope that what I've found can help others (like myself) who will undoubtedly run into similar problems.
The first thing you'll need to do is install PEAR, if you haven't done so already, since it doesn't come installed on Leopard by default.
Once you do that, use the PECL installer to download the PDO_PGSQL package:
$ pecl download pdo_pgsql
$ tar xzf PDO_PGSQL-1.0.2.tgz
(Note: you may have to run pecl as the superuser, i.e. sudo pecl.)
After that, since the PECL installer can't install the extension directly, you'll need to build and install it yourself:
$ cd PDO_PGSQL-1.0.2
$ phpize
$ ./configure --with-pdo-pgsql=/path/to/your/PostgreSQL/installation
$ make && sudo make install
If all goes well, you should have a file called "" sitting in a directory that should look something like "/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/" (the PECL installation should have outputted the directory it installed the extension to).
To finalize the installation, you'll need to edit your php.ini file. Find the section labeled "Dynamic Extensions", and underneath the list of (probably commented out) extensions, add this line:
Now, assuming this is the first time you've installed PHP extensions, there are two additional steps you need to take in order to get this working. First, in php.ini, find the extension_dir directive (under "Paths and Directories"), and change it to the directory that the file was installed in. For example, my extension_dir directive looks like:
extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613"
The second step, if you're on a 64-bit Intel Mac, involves making Apache run in 32-bit mode. (If there's a better strategy, I'd like to know, but for now, this is the best I could find.) In order to do this, edit the property list file located at /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist. Find these two lines:
Under them, add these three lines:
Now, just restart Apache, and PDO_PGSQL will be up and running.
Take a look at this PECL package: PDO_PGSQL
I haven't tried it myself, but I've been interested in playing with Postgres as an alternative to MySQL. If I have a chance to try it soon, I'll throw my results up here in case it helps.
I'm not sure this will help with the PDO drivers specifically, but you might look into BitNami's MAPPStack.
I had a ton of trouble with Postgres, PHP, and Apache on my Mac, some of it having to do with 64- vs 32-bit versions of some or all of them. So far, the BitNami MAPPStack install is working nicely in general. Maybe it will help with your PDO issues as well.
Install new php version via brew and restart server, and php -v, all issues are removed.
This is what worked for me
brew install php55-pdo-pgsql
This installs PHP 5.5.32 and PostgreSQL 9.5. I already had PostgreSQL 9.4 installed so I uninstalled the homebrew version with:
brew uninstall postgres
You then have to update /etc/apache2/httpd.conf to point to the correct PHP version and restart Apache:
LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/Cellar/php55/5.5.32/libexec/apache2/
My OSX version is Yosemite.