A procedure to install minishift on Fedora? - redhat-containers

This nice article describe very well how to install minishift on Windows, MacOS and RHEL:
Hello World!
Unfortunately, there is no procedure for Fedora, can you provide some guidelines?

It is possible to download the CDK (minishift) binary directly from download page. You just need to be registered.
Next, you should configure your system environment (ie. set up hypervisor driver), take a look here.
Make the downloaded CDK binary executable:
chmod +x cdk-x.y.z-minishift-linux-amd64
Finally, you can continue with setting up the cdk binary as described in section 2 in Hello World page. Mainly, this is about preparing minishift configuration for proper hypervisor (as user can use more than one):
./cdk-x.y.z-minishift-linux-amd64 setup-cdk
./cdk-x.y.z-minishift-linux-amd64 setup-cdk --default-vm-driver xxx
in case that you are using different than default hypervisor (kvm on linux, could be virtualbox).


Need to Install Concourse(CI/CD) on windows system

I need to install Concourse(CI/CD) on my Local windows machine
Below process I followed :
Install Bosh on local system.
It was successfully install and while executing command at command prompt
then it show version all "bosh" -- "version 3.0.1-712bfd7-2018-03-13T23:26:43Z".
Try Download the concourse-lite deployment manifest file but it fails it shows below error.
Follow the below link to install Concourse :
https://concoursetutorial.com/ --- section For Windows:
I don't reccomend doing this at all because you'll be swimming so far out of the main stream that you'll find tons of issues and no one is going to care enough to want to fix them.
Even if you didn't find any issues, resources require a linux worker for anything to work so your going to need linux anyways.
I recommend running your db, web and linux worker on linux and then running windows workers as needed.

Availability of snapcraft on AlpineLinux

I was looking for compatibility between snap package management system and alpine linux but could not find any relevant resources. Is there any plan to make it available on alpine linux? Any progress being made in that regard?
To be clear: there are two components here: snapd, which is responsible for running snaps, and Snapcraft, which is responsible for building/creating snaps. You specifically asked about Snapcraft, which unlike snapd, is currently Ubuntu-specific. This is due to the fact that it assumes build- and stage-packages are debs, and tries to use apt (and apt python bindings) to get them.
This is currently changing to be more extensible, with RPM support to probably be added first. Alpine will likely need apk support there.
Another feature coming soon will be to build in lxd containers by default. This may be the easier path, where Snapcraft can run natively on Alpine but then build packages using an Ubuntu container.
If you're curious about snapd, you can see from this table that Alpine does not currently seem to be a target. However, please do log a bug requesting that it be put on the roadmap.

How to test virtual machine performance in ubuntu 14.04?

I am using xml-rpc to integrate opennebula into my own cloud dashboard. I need to test the vm performance. Suggest me any tools to test the vm. How to do that in ubuntu14.04?
Use UnixBench (the best free benchmarking tool available) as follows:
$apt-get install libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxext-dev perl perl-modules make gcc
$wget http://byte-unixbench.googlecode.com/files/UnixBench5.1.3.tgz
$tar xvf UnixBench5.1.3.tgz
$cd UnixBench
For details about every test executed, visit:

Vagrant Berkshelf - Shelf Path?

Is it possible to set the path where the berkshelf plugin puts the cookbooks it installs? (As in the .berkshelf folder)
I am running Windows 7.
I am currently trying to install a mysql server using an opscode cookbook to a vm and here at work they have the %HOMEDRIVE% system variable set to a network drive. So when .berkshelf starts at the beginning of the Vagrantfile, it pushes the cookbooks to the network drive and it causes it to be slow and well, its not where it should be. Is there a fix to this?
VirtualBox did this as well, but I fixed it by altering the settings. I tried looking for some sort of equivalent settings for berkshelf, but the closest I got was for the standard berkshelf (thats not a vagrant plugin), it appears you can set this environment variable:
Found here:
I need to be able to have the cookbooks it reads from the berksfile store to my laptops local drive instead, as in my scenario I cannot have the mobility of the VM limited to the building because of files that are stored on the network.
Any incite would be much appreciated.
Perhaps its better to use the actual berkshelf over the vagrant plugin?
If you want to have the portability - a full chef-repo ready for chef-solo runs, better off using standalone berkshelf instead of the vagrant-berkshelf plugin - which is NOT that flexibly.
For complex cookbooks, I prefer to use standalone berkshelf as it allows me to do berks install --path chef/cookbooks to copy all cookbooks required from ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks, then I can just tar the whole thing and transfer to other machines for the same chef-solo run. some people use capistrano automate the tar and scp/rsync over the network. I just use rysnc/scp;-)

shell script vs. perl for an install script - how ubiquitous is perl?

I am wanting to create an install script in the fashion of npm's (curl http://example.com/install.sh | sh) but it leaves me asking the question: can I just write the script in perl? As far as I know, perl is installed by default on at least ubuntu, RHEL & OS X - so I'm wondering in the year 2011, can I not write shell and still be generic enough for everyone? Is there a third and better option?
This would be targeting a user's development box, not staging or production.
What I want to do specifically is use this install script to bootstrap a development environment easily without the overhead of creating and maintaining packages. The script would have 4 steps:
check and make sure git is installed
use git to clone a repo to cwd
pull down and save a perl control script to /usr/bin, make it executable
add some environment variables (related post: linux cross-distro environment variable modification via script?)
That's it. My thinking is this is simple and generic enough to use a bootstrap script rather than a package. And my target audience is a user's unix or linux local development system.
The best option is to simply use the existing, well-oiled and -used (development) toolchain for the language the target app is written in. Not doing so frivolously discards the network effects gained from the ecologies that have grown around them.
C: GNU autotools
Haskell: Cabal
Perl: EU::MM, M::B, M::I
etc. etc.
Installing from the Web should be reserved for conveniently bootstrapping a user's system into the development environment.
Do tell more details about your software to get less general advice.
Edit: response to your addendum.
I dissuade you from a Web installer. This isn't bootstrapping an installation tool, this is plain installation of software and it should be done with with e.g. a Module::Build subclass.
I think perl is ubiquitous enough for you to write your installer in it. Shell is a lot more awkward anyway.
You might want to consider actually packaging your application as a deb or rpm or even using makeself rather than providing a raw script.
Here's a list of the various distributions of perl:
Even if perl doesn't ship on every little obscure distro it's just an apt-get (or whatever) away. You might run into problems due to the various versions of perl installed however.
Use something like:
perl -E "$( wget -q -O - http://host/intall.pl )"
Also you can use
instead of
but anyway, double-quote your choice.