Failed to log metrics - swift

There is no Buildtime or runtime error on my code. however, when I run the code it says succeeded and a black screen comes up.
I get the following on my console after successfully running the app.
2022-03-09 20:52:47.780476+1100 Firebaseauth[13847:7411556] [boringssl] boringssl_metrics_log_metric_block_invoke(151) Failed to log metrics.
Any idea what it could be??

I can't take credit for this but found a working answer from Evgeny Karkan in this post:
Open a terminal and execute this command:
xcrun simctl spawn booted log config --subsystem --category boringssl --mode "level:off"
After running the above in a terminal, my issue went away and I did not see it again! I am running Xcode 14.1


What can I do if I can't save in vs code & I can't submit things in vs code?

On this morning when I open my vs code I found this suddenly pop out. I ignore it and start coding. Afterward I found that I can save my codes, so I code it in notepad and I save it to vs code using Nano in the terminal. It saved successfully. But it comes to the second issue, I can't handin my work it shows
bash: submit50: command not found
bash: style50: command not found
bash: check50: command not found
when I input check50 cs50/problems/2022/x/cash style50 cash.c check50 cs50/problems/2022/x/cash .
The error I saw when I start the vs code is as follow:
This codespace is currently running in recovery mode due to a
container error. Review the creation logs, update your devcontainer
configuration as needed, and run the "Rebuild Container" command to
After I click view creation log it shows the following things in the coding area.
2022-04-19 03:34:20.311Z: Configuration starting...
2022-04-19 03:34:20.440Z: Entering recovery mode after failing to start. Reason: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.String]
2022-04-19 03:34:20.461Z: Found a recovery marker flag. Validate the reason.
2022-04-19 03:34:20.477Z: Container creation failed.
2022-04-19 03:34:21.673Z:
2022-04-19 03:34:21.737Z: Creating recovery container.
Please tell me what can I do to solve this issue. Thanks a lot.

why I am receiving the errors, when I want to launch my app?

this is that error that I received.
Error:- ADB exited with exit code 1
Performing Streamed Install
adb:- failed to install F:\My Project\FirstApp\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1367571730.tmp/base.apk using APK Signature Scheme v2: SHA-256 digest of contents did not verify]
try to install adb manually on your windows.
I think this problem is occurred because your devise storage is full first of all make free space in your device after that try again. it will work.

Crashes not displayed in sulley fuzzing framework on fuzzer localhost:26000

Question: Is the sulley fuzz control supposed to update in real time?
It apears that my procmon script is not recording crashes in the crashbin file. I have setup sulley fuzzing framework step by step with the install instructions however I am not able to see access violations within the fuzzer script output or the sulley web app. I am fuzzing a application given to me from a course and the application is crashing correctly. I have fuzzed multiple programs to test sulley and get many crashes however the debugger is not displaying access violations. I have sulley and paimei setup "perfectly" and can import all library's from each folder location and globally. here is a list of library's. My fuzz script is configured perfectly! All connections happen with all sulley scripts correctly and I get info, debug and warnings, I am using log level 10. My crashbin is not growing when the application crashes and I request any help to fix the issue.
scripts run on the fuzzed machine
python -l 10 -d 0 -f "port 80" -P audits --port 26001
python --port 26002 -l 10 -c audits/master_server.crashbin -p "application.exe"
installation instructions
following a guide I fuzzed the vulnserver LTER /.:AAA and below is an output of the PEDRPC results

Error encountered in starting Kafka zookeeper application start script

I am seeing an error when I am starting Zookeeper service on windows using command prompt in admin mode. Can somebody assist with this error.
Running the following command in the bin folder: config/
Results in the below error:
"this file does not have an app associated with it for performing this
action . Please install an app or, if one is already installed ,
create an association in the default apps settings page"
You must use zookeeper-server-start.bat on Windows.

After upgrading GitLab, two different psql/postgres versions

We recently did a GitLab upgrade from 11.x up to 12.9.2. It all went well; however, when I do gitlab-ctl pg-upgrade it shows the DB being 10.12. But when I do gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info it shows 10.7.
If I drop into gitlab-rails dbconsole it shows:
psql (10.12, server 10.7)
I didn't originally set this server or instance up. Any idea why it would be showing two different versions (does 10.12 mean the client is 10.12, the server is still 10.7?) Ideally the server would be 10.12.
Thanks for any help.
Answered my own question after further digging.
I ran a stat on /opt/gitlab/embedded/postgresql/10/bin/postgres and it showed that it was indeed changed when we did the upgrade.
Then I ran an lsof and saw that the postgres process had this binary open with a (deleted) marker, meaning it had the previous file still open in memory.
I ran a gitlab-ctl stop and a gitlab-ctl start and now it's showing properly when I do gitlab-rails dbconsole.
Should've done all that first!