Computer system architecure exam question help me - cpu-architecture

Assume that a computer architect has already designed 6 two address and 30 zero address instructions using the instruction length of 11 bits and size of the address field of 4 bits. The maximum number of one address instruction that can be added to the instruction set is:

With an address field of 4 bits, a 2-address opcode has 8 bits of address; thus 3 bits (11 - 2*4) to specify the opcode. Note that because the 8 address bits can have any value, one of these 3 bit opcodes must be reserved for specifying 0 or 1 address opcodes. 6 were already defined, so 2^3 - (6 + 1) is the number of available 2-address opcodes.
That leaves 8 bits to encode the zero and one address opcodes.
1 bit can be used to discriminate; leaving 7 bits for zero address opcodes,
and 7-4 bits for one address opcodes.
So, the total available opcode space is (2^3 - (6 + 1)) + (2^7 - 30) + (2^(7-4)).
That should be more than enough clarity for you to work out the answer.


How to understand the physical address in this example?

The image is relating to an example of translating in virtual memory. The address of phys. mem. starts from 0x000 ~ 0x0FC, then moves start 0x100 ~ 0x1FC and so on. Why don't it go like 0x000 ~ 0x0FF, and then 0x100 ~ 0x1FF etc. What are the two lowest bits stand for?
Thank you for your answers. This photo came from MIT open course, and they didn't reveal more details about the address. But I finally figured it out in the later example of the courses.
The two lowest bits can always be zero as the following example:
Supports that we have:
4GB of MM size.
64 lines of cache.
The address have 32 bits because of 4GB of MM.
The partial address defining the line have 6 bits because of 64 lines of cache.
And because the cache size is 2^6*4B
=> The tag have 24 bits (log2(4GB/2^8B))
=> The lowest bits have 2(32 - 24 - 6) bits.
Because there is only a word per block so that the lowest bits, which act as a data boundary(This is what the course said), are always 0.

Why is this question worded like this regarding main memory?

I have this question:
1. How many bits are required to address a 4M × 16 main memory if main memory is word-addressable?
And before you say it, yes I have looked this question up and there have been posts on stackoverflow asking about how to answer it but my question is different.
This may sound like a silly question but I don't understand what it means when it says "How many bits are required to address...".
To my understanding and what I have been taught is that (if we're talking about word addressable) each cell would contain 16 bits in the RAM chip and the length would be 4M-1, with 2^22 words. But I don't understand what it is asking when it says 'How many bits are required...':
The answer says 22 bits would be required but I just don't understand. 22 bits for what? All I know is each word is 16 bits and each cell would be numbered from 0 - 4M-1. Can someone clear this up for me please?
Since you have 4 million cells, you need a number that is able to represent each cell. 22 bits is the size of the address to allow representing 2^22 cels (4,194,304 cells)
In computing, a word is the natural unit of data used by a particular processor design. A word is a fixed-sized piece of data handled as a unit by the instruction set or the hardware of the processor.
Using this principle imagine a memory with a word that uses 2 bits only, and it is capable of storing 4 words:
Each word in this memory is represented by a number that tells to computer it's position.
XX is 0
YY is 1
WW is 2
ZZ is 3
The smallest binary number length that can represent 3 is a 2 bit binary length right? Now apply the same example to a largest memory. Doesn't matters if the word size is 16 bits or 2 bits. Only the length of words matters

How to calculate which virtual logical address corresponds to physical address?

Assume that the page table for the process currently running on the processor looks as shown in the figure below. All numbers are decimal, all numbers starting with 0 and all addresses are memory syllable addresses. The page size is 1024 bytes.
Which physical address (if any) does each of the following logical (virtual) addresses correspond to? Indicates if a page error occurs while translating the title.
Which physical address (if any) does each of the following logical (virtual) addresses correspond to? Indicates if a page error occurs while translating the title.
a) 1085
b) 2321
c) 5409
number of pages
valid/invalid bit
number of frames
I don't want the solution for this problem, I want someone to explain how this kind of problems are solved.
I think you can guess most configuration from the question. I'll take a) as an example. Maybe you can tell me if I get the answer right and then you can solve the rest by yourself?
The first step is to determine what is the part of the virtual address representing the offset in the page table, and the part representing the offset in the physical frame. For address 1085 and page size of 1024 bytes, you need 10 bits for the offset in the physical frame and the rest for the offset in the page table.
1085 decimal = 0x43D = 0b100 0011 1101
The ten least significant bits (to the right) are the offset in the physical frame. That is 0b00 0011 1101 = 0x3D = 61 decimal. So now you know that the offset in the physical frame will be 61 bytes.
To calculate in what page this offset will be, you take the leftover bits (to the left). That is 0b1 = 0x1 = 1 decimal. This references page table entry 1. Page table entry 1 has the valid bit set. It means that the page is present in memory and will not cause a page fault. The page table entry points to frame number 7. There are 7 frames before frame 7: frames 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Thus this virtual address should translate to 7 * 1024 + 61 = 7229.

How was the range of a 32 bit register defined?

I have a doubt..range of a 32 bit register is 2^32 it because a bit can store 2 values if yes please could you justify's really confusing..
Say you have 2 bit. The possible different binary values you could create., with 2 bit is 00, 01,10, and 11 hence 2^2 = 4. Hence, for decimal you could store 0,1,2,3 (4 vlaues) with 2 bits.
Similar case applies to 32 bits.

Bits, Bytes and numbers. Shrink the size of the byte

It may be a very basic low level architecture questions. I am trying to get my head around it. Please correct if my understanding is wrong, as well.
Word = 64 bit, 32 bit, etc. This is a number of bits computer can read at a time.
1.) Would this mean, we can send, 4 numbers (of a 8 bits/byte length each) for 32 bit? Or combination of 8 bit (byte), 32 bit (4 bytes), etc numbers at one time?
2.) If we need to send only 8 bit number, then how does it form a word? Only first byte is filled and rest all bytes are padded with 0s or last byte gets filled while rest of the bytes are padded with 0s? Or I saw somewhere like first byte has information as to how the rest of the bytes are filled. Does that apply here? For example, UTF-8. Here, ASCII is 1 byte, and some other chars take up to 4 bytes. So when we send one char, we send all 4 bytes together, but fill the bytes as required for the char and rest of the bytes 0s?
3.) Now to represent 8 digit number, we would need 27 bits (remember famous question, sorting 1 million 8 digit number with just 1 MB RAM). Can we exactly use 27 bits, which is 32 bits (4 bytes) - 5 bits? and use those 5 digits for something else?
Appreciate your answers!
1- Yes, four 8-bit integers can fit in a 32-bit integer. This can be done using bitwise operations, for example (using C operators):
((a & 255) << 24) | ((b & 255) << 16) | ((c & 255) << 8) | (d & 255)
This example uses C operators, but they are also used for the same purpose in several other languages (see below - a complete, compilable version of this example in C). You may want to look up the bitwise operators AND (&), OR (|), and Left Shift (<<);
2- Unused bits are generally 0. The first byte is sometimes used to represent the type of encoding (Look up "Magic Numbers"), but this is implementation dependent. Sometimes it is a different number of bits.
3- Groups of 8-digit numbers can be compressed to use only 27 bits each. This is very similar to the example, except the number of bits and size of the data are different. To do this, you will need 864-bit groups, i.e. 27 32-bit integers to store 32 27-bit numbers. This would be more complex than the example, but it would use the same principles.
Complete, compilable example in C:
#include <stdio.h>
/*Compresses four integers containing one byte of data in the least
*significant byte into a single 32-bit integer*/
__int32 compress(int a, int b, int c, int d){
__int32 compressed = ((a & 255) << 24) | ((b & 255) << 16) |
((c & 255) << 8) | (d & 255);
return compressed;
/*Test the compress() function and print the resuts*/
int main(){
printf("%x\n", (unsigned)compress(255, 0, 255, 0));
printf("%x\n", (unsigned)compress(192, 168, 0, 255));
printf("%x\n", (unsigned)compress(84, 94, 255, 2));
return 0;
I think that clarification on 2 points is required here :
1. Memory addressing.
2. Word
Memories can be addressed in 2 ways, they are generally either byte addressable or word addressable.
Byte addressable memory means that each byte is given a separate address.
a -> 0th byte
b -> 1st byte
Word addressable memories are those in which each group of bytes that is as wide as the word gets an address. Eg if the Word Length is 32 bits :
a->0th byte
b->4th byte
And so on.
I would say that a word defines the maximum number of bits a processor can handle at a time. For 8086, for eg, it's 16.
It is usually the largest number on which the arithmetic can be performed by the processor. Continuing the example , 8086 can perform operations on 16 bit numbers at a time.
Now i'll try and answer the questions :
1.) Would this mean, we can send, 4 numbers (of a 8 bits/byte length each) for 32 bit? Or combination of 8 bit (byte), 32 bit (4 bytes),
etc numbers at one time?
You can always define your own interpretation for a bunch of bits.
For eg, If it is byte addressable, we can treat every byte individually and thus , we can write code at assemble level that treats each byte as a separate 8 bit number.
If it is not, you can use bit operations to extract individual bytes out.
The point is you can represent 4 8 bit numbers in 32 bits.
2) Mostly, leftover significant bits are stuffed with 0s ( for unsigned numbers)
3.) Now to represent 8 digit number, we would need 27 bits (remember famous question, sorting 1 million 8 digit number with just 1 MB RAM).
Can we exactly use 27 bits, which is 32 bits (4 bytes) - 5 bits? and
use those 5 digits for something else?
Yes, you can do this also. But you know the great space-time tradeoff.
You sure save 5 bits, per number. But you'll need to use bit operations and all the really cool but hard to read stuff. Shooting up time and making code more complex.
But i don't think you'll ever come across a situation where you need such level of saving, unless you are coding for a very constrained system. (embedded etc)