How can I search based on relevance to flutter? I'm not just talking about displaying the searched data. I am talking about the ones closest to the term to be searched in terms of their letters to the top. Normally the index order with listviewbuilder is 1,2,3 ... normally. But if the search term is closest to the word having the 2nd id among the data, I want the order to change to 2, 1, 3. How can I achieve this?
the codes I tried
_dataResults = _dataList.where((a) {
return (a.data_name.contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_name.toLowerCase().contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_name.toUpperCase().contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_name.startsWith(controller.text) ||
a.data_name.endsWith(controller.text) ||
a.data_title.contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_title.toLowerCase().contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_title.startsWith(controller.text) ||
a.data_title.endsWith(controller.text) ||
a.data_description.contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_description.toLowerCase().contains(controller.text) ||
a.data_description.startsWith(controller.text) ||
I am looking for all speeches with certain dictionary terms in a particular time frame.
For this, I want name, country, birth, gender, partyname, start date for joining the party, date of speech, and speechnr. In the output however, I get different start versions for the same speechnr. I only want the earliest version (i.e. when they first joined the party). How do I do this?
Here is my code so far:
SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?countryname ?birth ?gender ?partyname ?start ?date ?speechnr ?parlterm ?dictionary
?speech lpv:spokenText ?text.
?speech dcterms:date ?date.
?speech lpv:docno ?speechnr.
?speech lpv:speaker ?speaker.
?speaker lpv:name ?name.
?speaker lpv:dateOfBirth ?birth.
?speaker lpv:gender ?gender.
?speaker lpv:politicalFunction ?function.
?function lpv:institution ?party.
?party rdf:type lpv:NationalParty.
?party rdfs:label ?partyname.
?function lpv:beginning ?start.
?speaker lpv:countryOfRepresentation ?country.
?country rdfs:label ?countryname.
BIND("8" as ?parlterm)
BIND("domestic violence" as ?dictionary)
FILTER ( ?date > "2014-07-01"^^xsd:date )
FILTER(langMatches(lang(?text), "en"))
FILTER(CONTAINS(?text, 'domestic abuse') || CONTAINS(?text, 'domestic violence') || CONTAINS(?text, 'intimate partner violence') || CONTAINS(?text, 'rape') || CONTAINS(?text, 'sexual violence') || CONTAINS(?text, 'sexual assault') || CONTAINS(?text, 'gender base violence') || CONTAINS(?text, 'gender-based violence') || CONTAINS(?text, 'violence against women') || CONTAINS(?text, 'femicide') || CONTAINS(?text, 'witch-hunting death') || CONTAINS(?text, 'femicide-suicide') || CONTAINS(?text, 'excess female mortality'))
?function lpv:beginning ?start2
FILTER (?start2 < ?start)
} ORDER BY ?date ?speechnr
As you can see, I tried to add a Filter Not exists at the end but it doesn't change anything. I would be really glad for help.
Here is the data for anyone interested:
I have the following View:
CREATE VIEW public.profiles_search AS
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig, profiles.title::text), 'B'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig,, 'A'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig, profiles.category::text), 'B'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig, array_to_string(profiles.tags, ',', '*')), 'C'::"char")
) AS document
FROM profiles
However, if profiles.tags is empty then document is empty, even if the rest of the fields (title, bio, and category) contain data.
Is there some way to make the make that field optional such that it having empty data doesn't result in an an empty document?
This seems to be the common string concatenation issue - concatenating a NULL value makes the whole result NULL.
Here it is suggested you should always provide a default value for any input with coalesce():
UPDATE tt SET ti =
setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(title,'')), 'A') ||
setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(keyword,'')), 'B') ||
setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(abstract,'')), 'C') ||
setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(body,'')), 'D');
If you do not want to provide default values for complex datatypes (like coalesce(profiles.tags, ARRAY[]::text[]) as suggested by #approxiblue), I suspect you could simply do:
CREATE VIEW public.profiles_search AS
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig, profiles.title::text), 'B'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig,, 'A'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig, profiles.category::text), 'B'::"char") ||
setweight(to_tsvector(profiles.search_language::regconfig, coalesce(array_to_string(profiles.tags, ',', '*'), '')), 'C'::"char")
) AS document
FROM profiles
I've result set from query select * from personal."phoneNumbers" like this
pref |number
"12 "|"4589524"
But I want to return data like
(12) 4589524;(077) 7090701; (050) 2561024
How to do this with postgresql ?
You can use the string operators and functions to construct a single phone number in the format that you want:
'(' || btrim(pref) || ') ' || number
This, obviously, yields a string for each record that you process. You can then use the aggregation function string_agg() to string (no pun intended) the extended phone numbers from all the records together into one, with the appropriate separator between phone numbers:
SELECT string_agg('(' || btrim(pref) || ') ' || number, '; ') AS pref_number
FROM personal."phoneNumbers"
I'm using Entity Framework together with Unit-of-work and repository pattern.
For a function with ordering, pagination, etc. I use the following code:
stammdatenEntityModels =
s =>
s.Geloescht == false &&
((s.Auftraggeber != null && s.Auftraggeber.Bezeichnung.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.SerienNummer.Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.Bezeichnung.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.StammdatenKunde != null && s.StammdatenKunde.Name.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.BeginnVos.HasValue && s.BeginnVos == dateTime) ||
(s.VosDauer != null && s.VosDauer.Bezeichnung.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.Geraetewert.HasValue && s.Geraetewert.Value.ToString().Contains(keyword))
.Skip(inputModel.EntriesToDisplay*(inputModel.Page - 1))
Now I need to know the numbers of records, but before the skip and take (for pagination) is performed.
Therefore I have the same code again:
totalCount = _unitOfWork.StammdatenRepository.Get()
s =>
s.Geloescht == false &&
((s.Auftraggeber != null && s.Auftraggeber.Bezeichnung.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.SerienNummer.Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.Bezeichnung.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.StammdatenKunde != null && s.StammdatenKunde.Name.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.BeginnVos.HasValue && s.BeginnVos == dateTime) ||
(s.VosDauer != null && s.VosDauer.Bezeichnung.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) ||
(s.Geraetewert.HasValue && s.Geraetewert.Value.ToString().Contains(keyword))
Unfortunately this leads to a lot of redundance and my query is performed twice. Is there any better solution?
I agree with the redundancy. What you can do is to cache the count result for the specific parameters (keyword, dateTime) a certain amount of time and use it again at subsequent calls to deliver paginated (skip, take) results from the StammDatenRepository.
This way you only have the overall count-call one time for specific parameters.
Found this SO question where a respected member states:
Thinking about it from a SQL point of view, I can't think of a way in
a single normal query to retrieve both the total count and a subset of
the data, so I don't think you will be able to do it in LINQ either.
So, I really think you have to cache some counts results to increase performance. You know best how to do it for your specific situation and if it's worth it at all...
I am trying to do log table in dynamodb and my table looks like
Pid[HashKey] || TableName[SecondaryIndex] || CreateDate[RangeKey] || OldValue || NewValue
10 || Product || 10.10.2013 00:00:01 || Shoe || Skirt
10 || Product || 10.10.2013 00:00:02 || Skirt || Pant
11 || ProductCategory || 10.10.2013 00:00:01 || Shoes || Skirts
19 || ProductCategory || 10.10.2013 00:00:01 || Tables || Armchairs
Pid = My main db tables primary key
TableName = My main db table names
CreateDate = Row created date
now I want to get list of
where (Pid = 10 AND TableName = "Product") OR (Pid = 11 AND
in a single request (it wouldn't be so short like this. It could include too many tables and pids)
I tried batchget but I didn't use it because I couldn't query with secondary index. It needs rangekey with equal operator.
I tried query but this time I couldn't send multiple hash key in a same query.
Any ideas or successions?
Thank you.
The problem here is the OR .... Generally you cannot get this where condition with a single query operation without modifying your row,
Solution 1: You have to issue 2 query operations, and append them to the same resultset.
where (Pid = 10 AND TableName = "Product")
where (Pid = 11 AND TableName = "ProductCategory")
Those operations should run in parallel to optimize performance.
Solution2: create a field xxx that describe your condition and maintain it on writes, than
you could create a global secondary index on it and perform a single query.