return one string from colums data - postgresql

I've result set from query select * from personal."phoneNumbers" like this
pref |number
"12 "|"4589524"
But I want to return data like
(12) 4589524;(077) 7090701; (050) 2561024
How to do this with postgresql ?

You can use the string operators and functions to construct a single phone number in the format that you want:
'(' || btrim(pref) || ') ' || number
This, obviously, yields a string for each record that you process. You can then use the aggregation function string_agg() to string (no pun intended) the extended phone numbers from all the records together into one, with the appropriate separator between phone numbers:
SELECT string_agg('(' || btrim(pref) || ') ' || number, '; ') AS pref_number
FROM personal."phoneNumbers"


PostreSQL- How to convert float containing a number of seconds to MM:SS.sss

I have a float8 that contains a number of seconds ie 65.455. I was trying to format a column in a view so that it would read as 1:05.455.
Using postgres command like this:
TO_CHAR((user_data.totaltime || ' second')::interval, 'MI:SS')
I can format it as 1:05 but i loose the precision i need.
Anyone know of a way to achieve what i need ? It doesn't look like interval allows the formatting of milliseconds.
Try justify_interval:
SELECT justify_interval(
CAST(65.455::text || ' seconds' AS interval)
Here is a rather brute force you may do this, using the base string functions:
FLOOR(65.455 / 60)::text || ':' || LPAD(FLOOR(65.455 % 60)::text, 2, '0') ||
TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM (65.455 % 1)::text);
This outputs:

why do i have a date error in my sql query?

I am doing an SQL SELECT query but I have the error message:
"SQL Error [22007]: [SQL0181] A value of date, time, or timestamp
string is incorrect."
Here is my request:
WHERE ( A.STNLIB <> '-- Trémie --'
AND DATE(LEFT(STNDAV,4) || '-' || substr(STNDAV,5,2) || '-' || RIGHT(STNDAV,2))
BETWEEN DATE('2019-01-01') AND DATE('2019-01-04') );
The problem seems to come from the date created with the STNDAV field, because if I replace with for example DATE ('2019-01-03'), it works.
DATE (LEFT (STNDAV, 4) || '-' || substr (STNDAV, 5,2) || '-' || RIGHT (STNDAV, 2)) Gives me the correct date format.
Where would the problem come from?
thank you,
Ensure that dates stored in STNDAV are valid. I mean, check there is any invalid date such as February 30th or '99999999'. If the source is an IBM i (iSeries or AS/400), it will be faster if you avoid functions in the WHERE portion, so STNDAV BETWEEN '20190101' AND '20190104' will perform better.

PostgreSQL return last n words

How to return last n words using Postgres.
I have tried using LEFT method.
SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(name, -4) FROM my_table;
but it return last 4 characters ,i want to return last 3 words.
You can do this using a the SUBSTRING() function and regular expressions:
SUBSTRING(name FROM '((\S+\s+){0,3}\S+$)')
FROM my_table
This has been explained here: How can I match the last two words in a sentence in PostgreSQL?
\S+ is a string of non-whitespace characters
\s+ is a string of whitespace characters (e.g. one space)
(\S+\s+){0,3} Zero to three words separated by a space
\S+$ one word at the end of the text.
-> creates 4 words (or less if there are no more).
One way is to use regexp_split_to_array() to split the string into the words it contains and then put a string back together using the last 3 words in that array.
SELECT coalesce(w.words[array_length(w.words, 1) - 2] || ' ', '')
|| coalesce(w.words[array_length(w.words, 1) - 1] || ' ', '')
|| coalesce(w.words[array_length(w.words, 1)], '')
FROM mytable t
CROSS JOIN LATERAL (SELECT regexp_split_to_array(t."name", ' ') words) w;
RIGHT() should do
You can convert to array and then back to string
SELECT array_to_string(sentence[(array_length(sentence,1)-3):(array_length(sentence,1))],' ','*')
SELECT regexp_split_to_array('this is the one of the way to get the last four words of the string', E'\\s+') AS sentence
) foo;

Postgres SQL - different results from LIKE query using OR vs ||

I have a table with an integer column. It has 12 records numbered 1000 to 1012. Remember, these are ints.
This query returns, as expected, 12 results:
select count(*) from proposals where qd_number::text like '%10%'
as does this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) LIKE '%10%' OR qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
but this query returns 2 records:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
which implies using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using OR. Is that correct or am I missing something else here?
You probably have nulls in first_name. For these records (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text results in null, so you don't find the numbers any longer.
using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using ORIs that correct or am I missing something else here?
That is correct.
|| is the string concatenation operator in SQL, not the OR operator.

LIKE with % on column names

Here is my query that results in a syntax error:
FROM account_invoice,sale_order
WHERE LIKE %account_invoice.origin%
The account_invoice.origin field contains the text of, plus other text as well, so I need to match string anywhere in the account_invoice.origin string.
I'm using PostgreSQL 8.4.
Try this
FROM account_invoice,sale_order
WHERE LIKE '%' || account_invoice.origin || '%'
% needs single quote because the pattern is a string.
|| is the operator for concatenation.