tinymce 5 and n1ed - upon save to db, it also includes text "[removed][removed]" - tinymce

I am using tinyMCE 5 and n1ed. I have no idea where this is coming from and have search google with zero results. When I submit my textarea to db for saving, it always includes "[removed][removed]". I remove n1ed and it doesn't happen. I am stumped how to even debug. Any guidance very much appreciated.

Sorry, I failed to mention I was using Codeigniter3.
I turned off xxs_clean in the validation rules and it worked.
Refer to this: Codeigniter: Submit textarea with <script> inside


Form displaying an error in frontend TYPO3

I have followed every tutorial on Form. In every tutorial after I finish their steps the form appears in front-end. My form displays this error:
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 20220818062042eaedc27c
I have installed a sitepackage in my page and created some custom masked element but nothing I think to interfere with the Form module. What could be causing this?
Since I am new to TYPO3 I have made a noob mistake. Anyway I am leaving the answer here for anyone to see. Also this does not apply only to this case, just be careful to not forget to include this for other extensions as well:
This should work after that, if not just give a flush cache and you should be good.

WYSIWYG Editors Ripping Table Cells and Images on Save

I have built a bespoke CMS in php and have used a wysiwyg editor to save description areas. For some reason when a table or an image is inserted they are not getting saved. On preview they seems to be fine however after the data is saved the edit seems to rip off the tables and images.
I have tried both CKEditor and Tinymce and have the same problem on both hence I am guessing this could be a database or server side error.
If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.
One thing I noticed was that I had to go into settings and specifically tell tinymce to stop taking out the <p> and <br /> in my code.
My tables were getting screwed up until I did that. While that might not be your specific problem, it might help to go through the advanced settings for your wysiwyg and check for things like that.
Check your tinymce settings valid_elements and valid_children to find out if tinymce strips out your elements.

Chrome: Fill out same form many times for testing

Is there some kind of tool (ideally for Chrome) in which I can fill out a long form that I am designing/testing many times?
I should be able to:
Fill out everything once and save it
Fill in the saved form with one button click
Fill out the form differently and save it as a different "profile"
I'm testing some things manually during development so I don't want a fully automated solution for this (I am using Symfony2.1 so I can write functional tests also). I just need a way to quickly fill out the form so I can save myself some time but I haven't been able to find a good Chrome extension or anything to do it. I remember Firebug in Firefox having something like this I think (I never used it though) so I imagine something exists.
The built in saved forms don't seem to be as useful for this task but maybe I'm missing something.
You can check out iMacros for Chrome:
Call it a rudimentary answer, but I believe the button shortcuts in Chrome accept Javascript. I've done this with FireFox by doing something like:
javascript:document.formname.fieldname.value='value';document.formname.fieldname2.value='value';document.formname.fieldname3.value='value';return false;
There are some plugins. I used the below one, and it can satisfy your requirement.
This extension allows you to fill all form inputs with dummy data.
Here this one is for storing the form data and reusing it later. plugin populates with the data saved later when you want to fill it again.
Hope this helps
This isn't an extension, but I've always found the easiest way to test a form is with a little jQuery.
I put a link under the submit button:
Then I fill the form with jQuery.
$('#fill_form').click(function(event) {
$("#name").val("Phoney Phoneyman");
$("#phone").val("555 867-5309");
It takes about as long to do this as it does filling out the form initially and saves a ton of time. A tiny bit more work and you could generate random values - or values from a list.
Just remember to delete it all when you're done.
Google's form filler is just always incorrect enough to create work rather than save time.
Best form fill up extension ever is JunkFill.
I love it.
There is now a Selenium extension for Chrome. Selenium is one of the most popular webdrivers, I've used this as well, and even though there are a few oddballs in there, it works well generally:
I have made a chrome extension which exactly matches your needs, it may be worth a try - SimpleFill.
It's really simple and is available for Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
Another useful chrome extension Formbot. When set to randomly fill the inputs, it will fill them with valid data.
You can check the Bug Magnet Chrome extension.

TinyMCE executes HTML tags - how to stop it?

I'm trying to include simple code samples in the TinyMCE editor. It looks fine when I'm writing it and when it is saved in the MySQL database. But when loading it in the TinyMCE editor once again the HTML-tags seems to be executed, even though they are saved as HTML names and not the actual tags.
For example if I write
In the database this was exactly what was stored, but when loading it in the TinyMCE editor, it now looks like
And if this is saved and loaded one more time it turns into
So it seems like TinyMCE is executing the tags, even though they are not actual tags to begin with. Does anyone know why this is happening?
I have tried to add the pre-tag and code-tag around the code, but it seems to be ignored by TinyMCE. I've also tried to add
preformatted : true,
verify_html : false,
to the TinyMCE init-function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
From v3 documentation:
Removed in 3.4
This option enables or disables the built-in clean up functionality. TinyMCE is equipped with powerful clean up functionality that enables you to specify what elements and attributes are allowed and how HTML contents should be generated. This option is set to true by default, but if you want to disable it you may set it to false.
Notice: It's not recommended to disable this feature.
It might be worth mentioning that the browser usually messes with the HTML. The clean up not only fixes several problems with the browsers' parsed HTML document, like paths etc., it also makes sure it is a correct XHTML document, with all tags closed, the " at the right places, and things like that.
Example of usage of the cleanup option:
cleanup : true
I found out this is not a TinyMCE problem, this is just how textareas work. I used the PHP function htmlspecialchars() and everything is now working as intended.

Tab-auto slows down Wicket form

I created some phone number fields in a Wicket form. Without tab-auto, they work fine. When tab-auto is added to the HTML, it takes a few seconds for new values being entered to be displayed.
The best way to get this kind of things solved is to create a "QuickStart" that demonstrates your issue and post it on Wicket's issue management system.