Tab-auto slows down Wicket form - wicket

I created some phone number fields in a Wicket form. Without tab-auto, they work fine. When tab-auto is added to the HTML, it takes a few seconds for new values being entered to be displayed.

The best way to get this kind of things solved is to create a "QuickStart" that demonstrates your issue and post it on Wicket's issue management system.


Chrome: Fill out same form many times for testing

Is there some kind of tool (ideally for Chrome) in which I can fill out a long form that I am designing/testing many times?
I should be able to:
Fill out everything once and save it
Fill in the saved form with one button click
Fill out the form differently and save it as a different "profile"
I'm testing some things manually during development so I don't want a fully automated solution for this (I am using Symfony2.1 so I can write functional tests also). I just need a way to quickly fill out the form so I can save myself some time but I haven't been able to find a good Chrome extension or anything to do it. I remember Firebug in Firefox having something like this I think (I never used it though) so I imagine something exists.
The built in saved forms don't seem to be as useful for this task but maybe I'm missing something.
You can check out iMacros for Chrome:
Call it a rudimentary answer, but I believe the button shortcuts in Chrome accept Javascript. I've done this with FireFox by doing something like:
javascript:document.formname.fieldname.value='value';document.formname.fieldname2.value='value';document.formname.fieldname3.value='value';return false;
There are some plugins. I used the below one, and it can satisfy your requirement.
This extension allows you to fill all form inputs with dummy data.
Here this one is for storing the form data and reusing it later. plugin populates with the data saved later when you want to fill it again.
Hope this helps
This isn't an extension, but I've always found the easiest way to test a form is with a little jQuery.
I put a link under the submit button:
Then I fill the form with jQuery.
$('#fill_form').click(function(event) {
$("#name").val("Phoney Phoneyman");
$("#phone").val("555 867-5309");
It takes about as long to do this as it does filling out the form initially and saves a ton of time. A tiny bit more work and you could generate random values - or values from a list.
Just remember to delete it all when you're done.
Google's form filler is just always incorrect enough to create work rather than save time.
Best form fill up extension ever is JunkFill.
I love it.
There is now a Selenium extension for Chrome. Selenium is one of the most popular webdrivers, I've used this as well, and even though there are a few oddballs in there, it works well generally:
I have made a chrome extension which exactly matches your needs, it may be worth a try - SimpleFill.
It's really simple and is available for Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
Another useful chrome extension Formbot. When set to randomly fill the inputs, it will fill them with valid data.
You can check the Bug Magnet Chrome extension.

Update database automatically before loading page

I'd like to update (e.g. dates or upcoming events etc.) in some tables in my database automatically before loading the rest of the page. For example the first time every Monday someone gets on the website.
Before I used joomla I had a php-script which I included at the beginning of every page and that worked pretty well.
But with joomla I don't know where to insert the (adjusted) script. Should I create a (content) plugin? But where/how would I trigger it?
Thank you
I got it working by using a cron job that calls a view especially made for this task. Using the URL with &format=raw so that no unnecessary joomla html gets loaded

GWT suggestBox performance issue

I have a suggestBox with a multiwordsuggestoracle. everything is working fine but there is a performance issue. I have to add around some 12000 Strings to the oracle, but adding this list takes a lot of time, which delays loading of the page. Once the page is loaded it works alright. I am doing just basic things, and i have searched and no one is getting such issue. So is there something i am missing, or is there some other way to remove this problem.
Try deferred loading of this. This will help you the page to load fast and later on you can load the string when needed.
The other choice isy create the whole HTML on server side and then attach it the DOM.

Duplicate form submission in Wicket

In Spring I usually did a redirect-after-submit to prevent the user of submitting a form multiple times by pressing F5. Does wicket handle this out of the box or do I also need to take this into account when developing my form pages?
I don't have a problem with this yet but I would like to know in advance.
Yes, Wicket handles this automatically because of its stateful nature and page versioning.
See also this answer of your previous question:

DropDownList postback never finishes on iPad

I've seen several posts about DropDownLists getting cleared, or events not getting fired, but they don't seem to match this situation.
I've got (well I've reduced the problem to) a very simple website, a master page with a content page. The content page has a single DropDownList with AutoPostback set to True. The code behind updates a Label with the list's selected value. Not using UpdatePanel or AJAX (though I tried using them and I get exactly the same results). It's an intranet site using Windows authentication.
It works fine on IE and Chrome, but every time I try it on my iPad it just sits and spins. The postback appears to be happening, but either nothing's coming back (or being accepted) from the server, or the client just doesn't know how to finish things up, or I don't know what.
Sorry if this seems vague but I've spent two hours on Google and haven't come up with anything other than the fact that a simple page like this should work fine on an iPad, so I'm a little punchy.
Anybody got any pointers or ideas?
EDIT: Running this page through the remote web access portal my company uses, it works fine. So this may be an authentication problem between the iPad and IIS.
Not sure I have an answer but do you have the issue if you remove the DropDownList? If you need to build the list based on data maybe you could use a asp:repeater and build a html select list.