Can PayPal send payment notice to a third party? - paypal

I'm creating a PayPal Donate button for nonprofit organization, A, that will use another organization B, a 501c3, as its fiscal agent so that donations to A can be tax-exempt. This is a common practice. Is it possible for PayPal to send a notice of the donation to organization A, as well as to organization B, which is the default?

There is no way to configure PayPal to send multiple email notifications.
You can use the API payment completion response, or the Webhooks or IPN service, to have your system then send your own emails as a notification.
Alternatively, you can set up simple email forwarding of the payment notification emails sent by PayPal to the primary receiver's account.


PayPal payments to a specific email using Python

It is required to write a script in Python, with the help of which it will be possible to transfer funds from one PayPal account to another PayPal account.
input parameters:
Sender's e-mail
E-mail of the recipient
transfer amount.
For PayPal Checkout payments, the sender's email is determined by what they sign into or pay as a guest with. That payer email is not an input parameter prior to their reaching the PayPal Checkout, although one can be pre-filled by your system if already known--but cookies from previous logins might take precedence. (If you need to send money from a specific account without a payer signing into their sender account, that account's owner could request access to PayPal Payouts, which may or may not be granted depending on the business need and use case.)
For such PayPal Checkout payments to be sent to a specified recipient email, set a payee object in the purchase_units when creating the order (which happens on button click).
A server integration to create and capture the order via API with a backend is not required, but certainly recommended for a robust integration that acts on the API capture response. The Checkout-Python-SDK can be used to implement two routes on your server (one for create order, and one for capturing a given order ID. The client-side approval flow to pair with those two server routes is

Email notification when using PayPal Payout API

I'm trying to deal with Payouts API and I have some questions.
I'm using developer account and have 2 "fake" accounts in it, one as a seller and another one as a buyer.
When I'm sending payout request with email of buyer-user from my sandbox then user's balance debited directly without any prompt or notification to his email. Then I tried to send request with email which is not from my sandbox (actually it was my real email) and again I haven't got email with prompt or notification. Also this payment was rejected.
How I can test notification features?
I want to make payout call so the recipient should receive email notification before he get the money onto account. Also I want PayPal send email notification to user who don't have PayPal account when I'm sending the money.

PayPal Notification on Payment Sent

All documentation I can find for PayPal development is focused on capturing payments from a customer. Even IPN and Webhook events are all about taking action when payments are received.
I operate a small press and my primary use of PayPal is to send payments to authors. I need to take certain actions when payment is sent from my PayPal account to many different recipients.
Using any PayPal API, how do I programmatically retrieve a list of recent payments I have sent? Alternatively, how can I receive a webhook notification when I send a payment through PayPal instead of when I receive one?
The TransactionSearch API would allow you to pull transactions based on different types. It uses the Classic API, though, not REST.
IPN would send notifications when any transaction hits in your account, including payments you send from it via send_money, masspay, or the Pay API.

PayPal Invoicing. SandBox. How to "pay" the invoice?

I'm building Invoicing system.
My client wants to send PayPal invoices without loggin to PayPal account.
I managed to make CreateInvoice() and CreateAndSendInvoice() functions to work (thanks to #Andrew Angell again!!!).
But now I need to "pay" the order. How do I act as a buyer, and pay the invoice?
There was no actually email sent to my box. I do see related record in 'notifications': "You've received an invoice XXX from YYY". But how, how do I "pay" it?
If you login to using the email address of the account that you sent the invoice to you'll see the invoice in the history just like a regular receiver would. You can pay it directly from there.

PayPal buy now, get payments information

I have website with "PayPal buy now" button.
How do I automatically get the customers which to make a payment?
I need to get the price, email and product name
You can use Instant Payment Notification to receive real-time POST notifications of all transaction data that hits your PayPal account. This will allow you to automate tasks like updating a database, sending email notifications, hitting 3rd party web services, etc.