Support Eclipse EASE instructions in PyDev - eclipse

I'm using Eclipse EASE ( with the EASE Python Engine.
The problem is PyDev doesn't recognize EASE instructions. The goal is to get nor errors for the python modules and methods that have been imported through the include EASE instruction and the completion for the methods coming from such modules.
Let's say I have a first EASE Python module:
def fct_readme():
for iproject in getWorkspace().getProjects():
if not iproject.isOpen():
ifile = iproject.getFile("")
if not ifile.exists():
contents = "# " + iproject.getName() + "\n\n"
if iproject.hasNature("org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature"):
contents += "A Java Project\n"
elif iproject.hasNature("org.python.pydev.pythonNature"):
contents += "A Python Project\n"
writeFile(ifile, contents)
Then I have a 2nd EASE Python module:
The PyDev editor shows 2 errors: the first for the include statement and the second for the fct_readme(), and this is logical because PyDev doesn't know the EASE include instruction.
Is it possible to use some PyDev extensions points to support EASE? Which one(s)?
Best regards,

Well, there are 2 issues here:
PyDev does code-analysis based on how you configure it, so, you probably need to do here is provide stubs for PyDev to be able to find the needed names in your namespace (in this case you'd need stubs for the System.Resources -- the AddReadMe doesn't need it as it should be able to find the actual sources in this case).
PyDev has no way to know that some custom include() or loadModule() function actually does an import.
One option here could be providing the builtin modules for PyDev in the form of predefined completions: (or create Python module stub-files).
Then, to make it actually find that, do something as an import in an if False (so, PyDev will consider it in code-analysis even though it won't be executed):
if False:
from AddReadMe import *
if False:
from System.Resources import *
Note: Make sure that your sources are under a source module for the code-analysis/code-completion to work properly there (


How do I use JavaFX in Eclipse 2021-06 JRE x86_64_16.0.2

There are a couple postings on this topic, but I can't get this to work with the latest version of Eclipse. I am using the JRE that comes with 2021-06, the one it puts in p2, x86_64_16.0.2.
I have tried various configurations of User Libraries, Maven dependencies, setting PATH_TO_FX, searching Eclipse Marketplace for JavaFX-as-a-plugin, e.g.,
How do I use JavaFX 11 in Eclipse? (2.5 years old)
On a couple more elaborate examples, a couple builds had a scattering of missing methods, which I assume is due to JavaFX being somewhat in flux or instructions being quite outdated. I can get a simple Hello, World to build with javafx-sdk-17.0.1 as a User Library (what I'm doing now) and also some of the other configurations. When I try to launch Hello, World with various build-able configurations, I keep getting
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
Well, I was a bit too quick. I kept playing around, and adding quotes in the VM arg seems to work,
--module-path="C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls
If the project is not a module project, the Used Library goes on the Classpath in the project properties, Libraries tab. If it is a module project, it goes on the Modulepath,and the following file must be in the src with this minimal information:
module <myProject> {
requires javafx.controls;
exports <myPackageContainingFXAppClass>;
I just don't get it why people prefer to search half of the internet for tutorials instead of just consulting the official documentation first. Here it is: It seems to be the best hidden secret that there actually is documentation for JavaFX that one could start with.
I just did the test. Googling for "javafx documentation" gives as the first search result.
I use --module-path=${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules=javafx.controls.
Obviously PATH_TO_FX needs to be defined in Preferences->Run/Debug->String Substitution.

"Undefined variable: Environment" when editing SConscript file in Eclipse Neon

I have an SCons project (an implementation of the Generic Mapping Tools tutorial at using SCons rather than shell scripts), and I am using Eclipse Neon to edit the Sconstruct file.
The Sconstruct file starts in quite a standard way (the rest of the file is immaterial to this question).
import os
import collections
env = Environment(ENV = os.environ)
bld = Builder(action = 'ps2pdf $SOURCE $TARGET', \
suffix = '.pdf', \
src_suffix = '.ps')
What is annoying me is that while the build works perfectly using scons, Eclipse keeps marking the Environment and Builder constructions as "Undefined variables".
I installed the SConsolidator plugin, but it makes no difference.
I find the marking of an error that is not an error incredibly annoying.
While I could do something like tell Eclipse to ignore the error, I would prefer something more intelligent, such as adding Scons to the library path. I have tried adding C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.1\Scons and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.1\Scons\Scripts to the Python Interpreter Paths (Window → Preferences → PyDev → Interpreters → Python Interpreters → Paths), and using an import directive like from SConscript.SCons import * but it doesn't make a difference.
Try library path:
from SCons.Script import *
First thing first - if you know exactly where does your plugin keep it's symbol index(es) make sure that they don't get deleted by whatever the editor/IDE/build think they are doing to "be helpful".
Python plugins for editors easily get confused and you may need you to draw very explicit and detailed picture and train them a bit (by stopping the code in debugger) in order for a scanner/indexer to "wake up" and finally scan and index all symbols.
What I do in VS (with PTVS) is to make one proj for Scons_lib (home at C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.0), another for Scons_Scripts (C:\Python27\Scripts\, startup file:
and then separate projects for separate scons driven folders/builds. To get editor to immediately recognize building files as Python I add extension .scons (google's convention used in Chrome build, Sconcsript's are ProjName.scons), tell VS that .scons is also Python, rename Sconstruct to Make.scons.
Then I run in debugger, (with -f Make.scons -n of course) as many times as I can :-) trying to place breakpoints in different files form different sub-packages that I know will run. Letting scons throw exceptions for nothing (like missing Sconstuct file) is also file - the goal is to force indexer to go places because it sees that debugger is going there.
After N runs, (and/or K days). PTVS (you can consider it a plugin) all of the sudden starts recognizing all symbols, packages, sub-packages, only can't penetrate things explicitly hidden behind caches.
Gave up trying to determine which events exactly make the scanner/indexer see the light. Probably something like seeing the number of files at "unexpected" paths being in debugger. Most symbols are visible in debugger immediately, except for the files that load first ( and my own file that I exec from to inject whatever I want before anything else runs.)
Also I keep PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 to make sure that it always has to load actual .py-s
It might potentially help to have a single file that would exercise something form every sub-package, litter it with breakpoints and let it be run a few times.

Can I use Eclipse XQDT to debug Marklogic modules/xquery?

Hi Markloggers out there,
I am working now a coupe of months with Marklogic, developping xquery, modules, applications on the ML app server etc etc. I use eclipse a lot, I have XQDT up and running for several marklogic servers. We use the console also.
What I miss is a debug functionality... in Eclispe with XQDT I cannot get the debug function working?
What I need is a nice and clean way to quickly test and develop modelules and functions...
This is my basic lib from the ML example documentation:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace lib = '';
declare function lib:user()
I have this is my XQDT project in eclipse, I have setup a marklogic XDBC server locally and it works ok.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module to the db etc etc...:
(: XQuery main module :)
import module namespace lib = '' at 'lib.xq';
XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: (err:XQST0059) Module /lib.xq not found
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root? In the docs it says from a XQDT project I could source a module but I cannot get it to work...
Question 2: I can execute arbitrary xquery to the local Marklogic server but if I set a debug flag anywhere in a xgy file in the XQDT project and press the debug button I get a popup saying "The Debug Engine is not properly configured". Can anyone explain to me if it is possible to use the debug option in eclipse XQDT with Marklogic 7 ?
It's best to limit yourself to one question per SO post. After all you can only accept one answer.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT
project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module
to the db etc
That's a problem. You can evaluate an ad-hoc query directly. But if it references a library module, that library module needs to be available to the server. You're going to have to copy it to the server sooner or later anyhow, so do it sooner. I don't use an IDE myself, but can't you set it up to do that for you?
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root?
Not in the broadest sense of "module root", no. The docs at talk about how this works. Somehow or other, you need to make the library module available to MarkLogic.
I can't address your last question. I don't use an IDE, and even if I did I probably wouldn't use a debugger. Instead I xdmp:log messages to ErrorLog.txt, and occasionally I'll plant an breakpoint-like error() call in my code.

Setup of PyDev and Eclipse for Blender Add-Ons

I followed the instructions in this ebook Programming Add-Ons for Blender 2.5 to setup a development environment.
Currently I try to debug an installed add-on called Bloop although it seems to work, eclipse still shows many error messages like:
class Mapping(object):
def __init__(self, joint=None, id=None, bone=None, other=None):
self.bone_matrix = bpy.bloop.armature.matrix_world.inverted() * self.bone.bone.matrix_local.inverted()
ErrorMsg: Undefined variable from import: bloop
The external libraries are configured as follows:
Blenders version is 2.67, the add-on was developed for 2.59. I have absolutely no experience with Python in blender.
Another type of errors is:
Unresolved import: MappingSet
from .mapping_set import MappingSet
Where MappingSet is in the same folder as which tries to import.
The projects structure is as follows (I don't have a source folder since I want to edit in place)
What am I doing wrong?
A workaround to suppress at least the error messages is using ##UnresolvedImport and ##UndefinedVariable at the end of those lines.
I setup debug differently but still based on the lux-render tutorial.
First, create the a .py file, lets call it, which will contain a function which we will call later to setup debugging. Put this file in the same folder as the main of your module. As per the lux-renderer tutorial, add the following code, updating PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR.
import sys
def startdebug():
# set the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR correctly before using the debugger
PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR = 'C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_2.5.0.2012040618\pysrc'
# test if PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR already in sys.path, otherwise append it
if sys.path.count(PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR) < 1:
# import pydevd module
import pydevd
# set debugging enabled
pydevd.settrace(None, True, True, 5678, False, False)
When setting the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR ensure you point it to the org.python.pydev.debug_xxxxx. There is another folder similiar to this. To ensure you have the correct folder it will contain a /pysrc folder.
Now in your main, this must come before any other import statements to work correctly. Add the following directly under the bl_info section, as strangely blender parses this itself.
import debug
Having it here will avoids adding per file traces like the lux-render tutorial.
Add some breakpoint to the version in the add-ons folder,
Switch to the debug perspective,
Start Eclipses debug server,
Start blender
Run the script and it will hit the breakpoint.
The common problems I find people encounter:
pointing the path to the wrong pydev debug folder, ensure that there is a /pysrc folder
When Pydev updates, update the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR as the debug_xxxxx will have change
not having eclipse server running,
setting breakpoints on a local copy of the files instead of the version in the blender add-on directory
saving the script does not mean that blender will reload it, use imp, disable/renable the add-on or restart Blender.
There are good instructions for setting up blender and eclipse for debugging.
While this is for blenders game engine, much of it applies to regular blender. Hope this help!
EDIT: I deleted it because I felt that this doesn't answer your question. But here it is since you insisted.

Set environment variable at the project level

Using PyDev with Eclipse Juno, I need to set some environment variables to debug every single of the many scripts in my project. I have found how to set them for a given script but it would be totally impractical to do it for all of them. The only solution I have found consists in adding those variable to the Python interpreter configuration in the Preferences. But then it will be used by all projects, which I don't want.
I thought of creating a script setting those environment variables and then launching Python, and then add it as a new Python interpreter but PyDev does not accept two interpreters with the same actual exe (I guess it checks sys.executable).
The recommended approach is really setting it at the Python interpreter level.
You can use virtualenv ( ) to create a copy of your interpreter in a different path.
Just to elaborate that #FabioZadrozny's answer meets the need of the OP...
In case it hasn't occurred to you, do this:
From the menu "Window->Preference"
Navigate to "PyDev->Interpreters->Python Interpreter"
Create a new interpreter instance with "New..." button
Name it something like "python-MyProj", but use the same executable you are already using
Now in the "Environment" tab for that interpreter, set up the needed environment variable
Now, see the PyDev project to use THAT interpreter:
Right-click the project to get "Properties..."
Navigate to "PyDev-Interpreter/Grammar"
Select the newly created interpreter instance by name
Now run any python file within the project, and it should "see" the configured environment variable.
By this mechanism, you do have a "project specific setting"... which, again, for the reasons #FabioZadrozny pointed out, need to be set at the interpreter level.