"Undefined variable: Environment" when editing SConscript file in Eclipse Neon - eclipse

I have an SCons project (an implementation of the Generic Mapping Tools tutorial at http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/doc/latest/GMT_Tutorial.html using SCons rather than shell scripts), and I am using Eclipse Neon to edit the Sconstruct file.
The Sconstruct file starts in quite a standard way (the rest of the file is immaterial to this question).
import os
import collections
env = Environment(ENV = os.environ)
bld = Builder(action = 'ps2pdf $SOURCE $TARGET', \
suffix = '.pdf', \
src_suffix = '.ps')
What is annoying me is that while the build works perfectly using scons, Eclipse keeps marking the Environment and Builder constructions as "Undefined variables".
I installed the SConsolidator plugin, but it makes no difference.
I find the marking of an error that is not an error incredibly annoying.
While I could do something like tell Eclipse to ignore the error, I would prefer something more intelligent, such as adding Scons to the library path. I have tried adding C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.1\Scons and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.1\Scons\Scripts to the Python Interpreter Paths (Window → Preferences → PyDev → Interpreters → Python Interpreters → Paths), and using an import directive like from SConscript.SCons import * but it doesn't make a difference.

Try library path:
from SCons.Script import *

First thing first - if you know exactly where does your plugin keep it's symbol index(es) make sure that they don't get deleted by whatever the editor/IDE/build think they are doing to "be helpful".
Python plugins for editors easily get confused and you may need you to draw very explicit and detailed picture and train them a bit (by stopping the code in debugger) in order for a scanner/indexer to "wake up" and finally scan and index all symbols.
What I do in VS (with PTVS) is to make one proj for Scons_lib (home at C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.0), another for Scons_Scripts (C:\Python27\Scripts\, startup file: scons.py)
and then separate projects for separate scons driven folders/builds. To get editor to immediately recognize building files as Python I add extension .scons (google's convention used in Chrome build, Sconcsript's are ProjName.scons), tell VS that .scons is also Python, rename Sconstruct to Make.scons.
Then I run in debugger, (with -f Make.scons -n of course) as many times as I can :-) trying to place breakpoints in different files form different sub-packages that I know will run. Letting scons throw exceptions for nothing (like missing Sconstuct file) is also file - the goal is to force indexer to go places because it sees that debugger is going there.
After N runs, (and/or K days). PTVS (you can consider it a plugin) all of the sudden starts recognizing all symbols, packages, sub-packages, only can't penetrate things explicitly hidden behind caches.
Gave up trying to determine which events exactly make the scanner/indexer see the light. Probably something like seeing the number of files at "unexpected" paths being in debugger. Most symbols are visible in debugger immediately, except for the files that load first (scons.py and my own file that I exec from scons.py to inject whatever I want before anything else runs.)
Also I keep PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 to make sure that it always has to load actual .py-s
It might potentially help to have a single file that would exercise something form every sub-package, litter it with breakpoints and let it be run a few times.


Full Rust setup in VSCode/Atom Issue

This is a long post, sorry.
I have been trying to start a project, using Rust, but ran into a problem: it just does not work correctly on Linux in VSCode/Atom.
Wasted 3 days, searching online, trying different tutorials/videos - nothing worked + most of the material is from 2017. I have tried Matrix chat, but no one knew what to do. Git too has no solution as people keep suggesting very random things, like "change this variable in toml file to something else, and back again"
Git: https://github.com/rust-lang/rls-vscode/issues/513
I installed (and re-installed rust many times in the last 3 days), and it works just fine from the terminal, but not in the Editor.
Two Issues:
Editors don't see any crates, so you can't run your code from the editor.
Autocomplete does not work (only works on std, not on extra crates you add).
What I did (out of many other things):
install Rust (on Manjaro and Debian computers): curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Tried stable, beta, nightly (for racer)
Just did a clean install again:
stable installed - rustc 1.40.0 (73528e339 2019-12-16)
Rust is installed now. Great!
Installed Rust (rls) rust-lang.rust extension in VSCode (and rust in Atom)
Created a new project: cargo new test_proj and added new rand = "0.6" to [dependencies] and used cargo build. It did build rand
Added "rust-client.enableMultiProjectSetup": true to the settings file to avoid a warning: A Cargo.toml file must be at the root of the workspace in order to support all features. Alternatively set rust-client.enableMultiProjectSetup=true in settings. by Rust (rls)
I also install 'code runner' extension that I use with Python, C++, and Java, to run the code from within the editor.
So now I have just the main func and it runs just fine from the editor:
Now I add rand and it seems to work, and does SOME auto-completion...
But now it stops working:
OK, I will finish the code and try running it, And now we can't run it anymore as the crate is missing:
OK, let's try Ctrl + Shift + B and try cargo build:
For some odd reason, it is looking in /media/Work/Work/rust_code and not in /media/Work/Work/rust_code/test_proj/
One last thing: let's try running in the terminal:
So it does work just fine.
Sorry for the long post, but I have wasted 3 days now and it still can't get it up and running. Did anyone manage to set this up at all?
It has to be Atom or VSCode as I have all of the other languages/projects setup there + VSCode is listed on the official Rust website, so I presume it should work.
Basically, out of two editors (VSCode and Atom), that have Debugging capabilities, unlike Intellij Rust, both don't work for me and I just can't code in Rust as tools are literally broken/not mature enough for productive work. Please let me know if I am wrong and it is just a case of one little flag, that everyone forgets to mention, is missing in some config.
Short Version
Assuming I understand the issue correctly. Then the various build issues boil down to different ways you're trying to build the project, and attempting to do so in different directories.
TL;DR: The directory you have open in VSCode is the rust_code directory. Close it and instead open rust_code/test_proj. Now the Rust: cargo build (or Rust: cargo run) should work.
Long Version
Editors don't see any crates, so you can't run your code from the editor.
The Rust: cargo build task isn't working, because the directory you have open isn't a "Rust project" (Cargo package), it's a directory containing another directory, which is a Rust project.
Looking at your screenshot shows this, look at how the top line says rust_code/test_proj:
When you execute the task, Cargo is complaining that rust_code/Cargo.toml doesn't exist, which is true since it's located in rust_code/test_proj/Cargo.toml
If you look at the output of this screenshot, you can see that is the case:
Here you're executing cargo run manually. But the important difference is that you're inside the rust_code/test_proj directory.
Lastly simply executing rustc main.rs is failing since you aren't passing the arguments needed. So rustc doesn't know anything about your dependencies.
Try executing cargo build -v then you can see all the arguments that Cargo is passing to rustc.
Autocomplete does not work (only works on std, not on extra crates you add).
Try and open a directory that contains a Cargo.toml, then code completion should work for dependencies. If I don't, then I get the following notification, and code completion only works for the standard library as you said. That being said, RLS is weird sometimes.
If I had to guess, then I think RLS compiles the code, and at some stage extracts the needed information. Thus if the code doesn't compile, then code completion could be affected. But this is 100% an educated guess.
Alternatively, I have heard praise about using IntelliJ + the Rust plugin, but I haven't used it myself yet.
I have figured out one part: problems with running your code from within the VSCode. I had to modify default code-runner command for rust:
Original command:
"rust": "cd $dir && rustc $fileName && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt",
Changed to:
"rust": "if [ $(basename $dir) = 'examples' ]; then cargo run --example $fileNameWithoutExt; else cargo run; fi",
And now it works, and I can run my code quickly.
Part 2: Autocomplete still is very very bad, unfortunately. I am using RLS. there is this thing racer. Is it a better choice?
Alternatively, I have heard praise about using IntelliJ + the Rust
plugin, but I haven't used it myself yet.
As I mentioned in my previous post, IntelliJ, free edition does not have a debugger from what I can see. I need it.
I am wondering how people get a good autocomplete from Rust?

Installing haxe

I have a problem with programming in Haxe. Whenever I try to run a code, I get an error:
Please don't add haxe/std to your classpath, instead set HAXE_STD_PATH env var.
I tried to find a solution - according to multiple sites, I'm supposed to change the environment variable HAXE_LIBRARY_PATH to HAXE_STD_PATH and set the value to actual path to the std file in my haxe folder. In my case, there was no such variable among my env vars, so I made HAXE_STD_PATH as a new one - and I still get the same error.
I'm using FlashDevelop and when I try to search for any class that would reference std, I can see in Type Explorer that there is a classpath that leads straight to haxe/std, which should not happen IMO. I looked at classpaths in Properties and the path to std was not listed, so I could not change it.
So problem could be in the classpath or in FlashDevelop settings.
Did anyone have the same problem?
Oh, and BTW I'm using Windows - and yes, restarting did not help.
I removed all: FD including program settings and HaxeToolkit (the whole map).
Then I reinstalled FD, Haxe (using the apps window from FD), Lime and openFL (from command window).
Now I don't get this error anymore.

Setup of PyDev and Eclipse for Blender Add-Ons

I followed the instructions in this ebook Programming Add-Ons for Blender 2.5 to setup a development environment.
Currently I try to debug an installed add-on called Bloop although it seems to work, eclipse still shows many error messages like:
class Mapping(object):
def __init__(self, joint=None, id=None, bone=None, other=None):
self.bone_matrix = bpy.bloop.armature.matrix_world.inverted() * self.bone.bone.matrix_local.inverted()
ErrorMsg: Undefined variable from import: bloop
The external libraries are configured as follows:
Blenders version is 2.67, the add-on was developed for 2.59. I have absolutely no experience with Python in blender.
Another type of errors is:
Unresolved import: MappingSet bloop.py
from .mapping_set import MappingSet
Where MappingSet is in the same folder as bloop.py which tries to import.
The projects structure is as follows (I don't have a source folder since I want to edit in place)
What am I doing wrong?
A workaround to suppress at least the error messages is using ##UnresolvedImport and ##UndefinedVariable at the end of those lines.
I setup debug differently but still based on the lux-render tutorial.
First, create the a .py file, lets call it debug.py, which will contain a function which we will call later to setup debugging. Put this file in the same folder as the main __init__.py of your module. As per the lux-renderer tutorial, add the following code, updating PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR.
import sys
def startdebug():
# set the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR correctly before using the debugger
PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR = 'C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_2.5.0.2012040618\pysrc'
# test if PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR already in sys.path, otherwise append it
if sys.path.count(PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR) < 1:
# import pydevd module
import pydevd
# set debugging enabled
pydevd.settrace(None, True, True, 5678, False, False)
When setting the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR ensure you point it to the org.python.pydev.debug_xxxxx. There is another folder similiar to this. To ensure you have the correct folder it will contain a /pysrc folder.
Now in your main __init__.py, this must come before any other import statements to work correctly. Add the following directly under the bl_info section, as strangely blender parses this itself.
import debug
Having it here will avoids adding per file traces like the lux-render tutorial.
Add some breakpoint to the version in the add-ons folder,
Switch to the debug perspective,
Start Eclipses debug server,
Start blender
Run the script and it will hit the breakpoint.
The common problems I find people encounter:
pointing the path to the wrong pydev debug folder, ensure that there is a /pysrc folder
When Pydev updates, update the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR as the debug_xxxxx will have change
not having eclipse server running,
setting breakpoints on a local copy of the files instead of the version in the blender add-on directory
saving the script does not mean that blender will reload it, use imp, disable/renable the add-on or restart Blender.
There are good instructions for setting up blender and eclipse for debugging.
While this is for blenders game engine, much of it applies to regular blender. Hope this help!
EDIT: I deleted it because I felt that this doesn't answer your question. But here it is since you insisted.

PyDev: "Unresolved import nltk" When running, pydev imports it

I want to get rid of this error message and I want to have the benefits of auto completion and suggestions. PyDev obviously does find nltk, because when running it from inside the IDE it works. Not only from console.
Surely someone needs to know why I got this "unresolved import" error message but on the other way when clicking on "run" it works perfectly well.
#TheGT seems to be on the correct path, though I found the instructions a little confusing. My solution:
Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries
Add source folder (button)
Obviously, your path, version, etc... could be different.
Here's what seems odd.
There's a button to add zip/jar/egg and that doesn't want to work correctly with the nltk...directory...egg. The nltk egg behaves like a directory in the chooser (i.e. continues to drill down rather than return).
On the other hand, the source folder button does allow you to choose a folder... so I chose the egg and that seems to work.
It seems like the nltk egg is not configured correctly for OSX. And, depending on how it is accessed, it can behave like a folder or a final destination.
NOTE: Adding the nltk egg into the external libraries path of your project makes the error go away. But adding the egg into preferences>PyDev>Interpreter does not appear to resolve the problem (on it's own).
I faced the exact same error when I was trying to use nltk in my project. I did 2 things to resolve the unresolved error to go away.
I added the setupctools**.egg file (the file that is used to install nltk in mac/*nix systems) as an external library
[Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries]
I am using Eclipse Indigo, and Python 2.6.1 on my mac btw.
I restarted the eclipse
Bam! - the error goes away.
Although, the error is not there anymore, I would like to know why Eclipse was behaving this way. The strange thing to note was that when I tried to run the program, the program did run successfully, even though eclipse marked "import nltk" as unresolved import.

Overriding acm.program init() method; does Java have to be this hard?

Java problems
I am a student of Java. I managed to write about 15 Java programs so far and get them working on the PC. But I have not yet written a init() method like my latest assignment requires in order to initialize some instance variables. The compiler tells me that my init() method is attempting to override the final init() method in the acm.program. Isn’t that what an init() method is supposed to do? After exhausting all avenues on PC for the last week, I thought maybe it is an Eclipse problem on the PC. All the example code in the Java documentation shows little Mac windows. So I thought I would try moving my code to a Mac running Lion OS 10.7.2.
Switching to MAC environment.
The Mac claims to have Java installed but I think it’s just the run time environment, not a development environment. All I could find for applications is the Java VisualVM, which I assume is the virtual machine so there is no java development software. So… I downloaded Eclipse for Mac from Stanford’s website and got Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Helios Service Release 2 and tried to run a simple program which included an import statement.
The import acm.program.*; statement is giving the compiler a problem: "acm cannot be resolved”. After researching this I think the problem is I have not downloaded the acm.jar archive and added that to my build path. Why this isn’t already done for me, as part of Eclipse I have no clue. I guess everything has to be difficult.
So I downloaded the acm.jar archive and it’s sitting in my download folder. I tried double clicking it and thankfully the mac won’t execute it. I tried dragging it into my source folder in Eclipse and then adding it to the build path. Once in the build path, Eclipse tells me the jar is missing. So I removed it from the build path and instead from inside Eclipse went to Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries/add External JARS… and navigated to my downloads folder where the acm.jar folder is to select the JAR. However, Eclipse seems to be looking for a .jar;.zip file, which there are none because my Mac helpfully already unzipped the folder. So I changed the open window to look for all files (.) and now I see individual .java files that are too numerous to add to the build path individually.
So back to the PC and download the acm.jar zip file and copy it over to the Mac in unzipped form and again add it to the build path as a zip file. This resolved the compiler error and my simple program executed on the Mac!
Next I will try my program with the init() method to see if that now works. Nope. Same problem on the Mac. This init method causes the following error: Multiple markers at this line
overrides acm.program.Program.init
Cannot override the final method from
public void init() {
canvas = new HangmanCanvas();
Does it have to be this hard or am I missing something?
Generally Macs have the whole JDK installed. Eclipse is nice, though.
This "acm" package isn't installed because it's not any kind of standard thing; this is like asking why your refrigerator doesn't come with asparagus already in it.
That last dialog was the right one; you need the original jar file. Try again, right-click and "Save As..." the link to save the file from your browser.
See 3. I find it particularly funny that anybody would use a Windows computer to make up for shortcomings of a Mac; in reality the Mac is infinitely more flexible and more powerful.
If you got a message that complains you're trying to override a final method, then you are indeed trying to do something wrong; final actually means "You're not allowed to override this." Perhaps you didn't fully understand the instructions for the assignment.
It gets better, I promise. Just be sure to use each of these annoyances as a learning experience.
There is no reasons why Java for the Mac would be any better than Java for the PC. The language and tools should work the same ... assuming that you are using the same versions of the language and similar versions of the tools.
Your problem with init is nothing to do with PCs versus Macs. So don't waste your time switching platforms to try to fix it. You need to figure out what the
On the face of is, the compiler / IDE is telling you the truth. Java won't let you override a final method. In fact the whole point of declaring a method to be final is to prevent overloading.
However, this does not make sense. According to the documentation I found here, the acm.program.Program.init() method is designed to be overridden. So why won't it let you?
I suspect that the cause of your problems is that you've downloaded or been given a copy of the JAR file that someone has messed around with. Someone has changes the method to be final (for some reason best kown to themselves), compiled it and put it up for people to download. Google is not always your friend ...
So, what I suggest you do is review all of the handouts and the files that were provided to find either the copy of the JAR that is provided, or the instructions on WHERE to download it from. Then replace the copy of the JAR you are currently using with the recommended one.
Why this isn’t already done for me, as part of Eclipse I have no clue. I guess everything has to be difficult.
How is Eclipse supposed to know what this "acm" stuff is? Which version you require? Where to download it from?