Can I use Eclipse XQDT to debug Marklogic modules/xquery? - eclipse

Hi Markloggers out there,
I am working now a coupe of months with Marklogic, developping xquery, modules, applications on the ML app server etc etc. I use eclipse a lot, I have XQDT up and running for several marklogic servers. We use the console also.
What I miss is a debug functionality... in Eclispe with XQDT I cannot get the debug function working?
What I need is a nice and clean way to quickly test and develop modelules and functions...
This is my basic lib from the ML example documentation:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace lib = '';
declare function lib:user()
I have this is my XQDT project in eclipse, I have setup a marklogic XDBC server locally and it works ok.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module to the db etc etc...:
(: XQuery main module :)
import module namespace lib = '' at 'lib.xq';
XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: (err:XQST0059) Module /lib.xq not found
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root? In the docs it says from a XQDT project I could source a module but I cannot get it to work...
Question 2: I can execute arbitrary xquery to the local Marklogic server but if I set a debug flag anywhere in a xgy file in the XQDT project and press the debug button I get a popup saying "The Debug Engine is not properly configured". Can anyone explain to me if it is possible to use the debug option in eclipse XQDT with Marklogic 7 ?

It's best to limit yourself to one question per SO post. After all you can only accept one answer.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT
project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module
to the db etc
That's a problem. You can evaluate an ad-hoc query directly. But if it references a library module, that library module needs to be available to the server. You're going to have to copy it to the server sooner or later anyhow, so do it sooner. I don't use an IDE myself, but can't you set it up to do that for you?
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root?
Not in the broadest sense of "module root", no. The docs at talk about how this works. Somehow or other, you need to make the library module available to MarkLogic.
I can't address your last question. I don't use an IDE, and even if I did I probably wouldn't use a debugger. Instead I xdmp:log messages to ErrorLog.txt, and occasionally I'll plant an breakpoint-like error() call in my code.


How do I use JavaFX in Eclipse 2021-06 JRE x86_64_16.0.2

There are a couple postings on this topic, but I can't get this to work with the latest version of Eclipse. I am using the JRE that comes with 2021-06, the one it puts in p2, x86_64_16.0.2.
I have tried various configurations of User Libraries, Maven dependencies, setting PATH_TO_FX, searching Eclipse Marketplace for JavaFX-as-a-plugin, e.g.,
How do I use JavaFX 11 in Eclipse? (2.5 years old)
On a couple more elaborate examples, a couple builds had a scattering of missing methods, which I assume is due to JavaFX being somewhat in flux or instructions being quite outdated. I can get a simple Hello, World to build with javafx-sdk-17.0.1 as a User Library (what I'm doing now) and also some of the other configurations. When I try to launch Hello, World with various build-able configurations, I keep getting
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
Well, I was a bit too quick. I kept playing around, and adding quotes in the VM arg seems to work,
--module-path="C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls
If the project is not a module project, the Used Library goes on the Classpath in the project properties, Libraries tab. If it is a module project, it goes on the Modulepath,and the following file must be in the src with this minimal information:
module <myProject> {
requires javafx.controls;
exports <myPackageContainingFXAppClass>;
I just don't get it why people prefer to search half of the internet for tutorials instead of just consulting the official documentation first. Here it is: It seems to be the best hidden secret that there actually is documentation for JavaFX that one could start with.
I just did the test. Googling for "javafx documentation" gives as the first search result.
I use --module-path=${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules=javafx.controls.
Obviously PATH_TO_FX needs to be defined in Preferences->Run/Debug->String Substitution.

What language does SmartFoxServer 2x use on the server side?

I have downloaded and started the community version of SFSx2. I read everything on their documentation page:
Which unfortunately only talks about flash client side code. Nothing about the corresponding server side code, nor about html5 client side which I need.
I downloaded the HTML5 examples, which took me a long time to find (they are here: )
None of the examples work, as they can't connect to the server. Presumably, this is because the examples only supply client side code. There are no instructions supplied on how to install or run the examples.
I can find no mention on the smartfox documenation on the following:
1) what language is used on the server side. One assumes its java.
2) how does one deploy java code to the smartfox server? I cant find any mention of this in the docs.
3) how does one find and install the server part of the client side examples (which are Tris, GameLobby, BuddyMessenger, AdvancedChat).
I applied to be allowed to post on the smartfoxserver forums, but no reply yet.
I also found it hard so I share what I've found out.
The server extensions are written in Java. I used Eclipse JUNO to write my code.
You can download Eclipse here.
You export the extension in jar format from eclipse into you extension path. The name of your file has to end in 'extension' eg MyFirstExtension.jar otherwise sfs2x wont recognize it. Your extension path will be something like this: C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\extensions\MyFirstExtension\MyFirstExtension.jar if your working in windows.
You will find docs on JAVA API here.
This is a link to the basic example code:
Unzip the content into the [SFS2X_install_folder]/SFS2X/www/root/examples folder, overwriting the existing file. Run the index.html file, then navigate to another index.html to open the example. Run the sfs2x-standalone.exe first of course(see below). If you followed the 'server configuration tutorial' on smartfox website and changed the server ports, the examples wont work. Leave the ports alone until you start to understand the server.
This is a link to the flash example code:
You will find the example code for apps mentioned above. They are written in Adobe Flash Builder and Java extensions. I don't know if there is any code for HTML5 but the Java server code and AS3 is there.
I also found that using the standalone server was the way to go rather than using SFS2x as a service. c:\program files\smartfoxserver2x\sfs2x\sfs2x-standalone.exe. Using the exe gives you the command prompt window. You can use the window for debugging and see the state of the server when it starts.
Most of the examples should work without creating extensions but to create an extension out of source examples:
Create and setup a new project in your Java IDE. You will have already set up a workspace.
Copy the content of the /source/server/src folder to your project's source folder.
Add SFS2X Libraries. Go to properties of the project -> Select Java Build Path -> Click Library Tab -> Add external jar. Add 'sfs2x.jar' and 'sfs2x-core.jar' from C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\lib folder. To create the extension, export jar file to extension path. Restart server.
Another problem I had was the Java Version I was using. I had to use Java1.6 with my version of sfs2x when writing extensions. This was trial and error as there was no documentation. There may be a newer version out now.
I had to copy all the server source into eclipse to try and understand how things were done. It was a way of having all the code in one place. There was a lot of trial and error as getting help is hard. I eventually accomplished what I set out to achieve. Good Luck.
SmartFox Server is easy to use even with extension. documentation Give try to Nuggeta solution for game development too. No extension needed at first. This is optionnal.
We have full HTML5 open source game walkthrough on github

How to run GWT RequestFactory Validation Tool on Eclipse project

I've got a Android AppEngine Connected Project I'm trying to build using GWT2.4 RequestFactory and Objectify on my Eclipse IDE.
Apparently I need to run the RequestFactory Validation Tool because I'm using ServiceName and ProxyForName annotations (these are required especially when working on the Android client side). My problem is the Eclipse can't validate it and the solution provided at is enough to make me rip my eyes out.
Since I'm working on a Windows machine, the shell script provided is not very useful. Trying to run Validation Tool from a cmd propt returns the error message:"This tool must be run with a JDK, not a JRE"
Can someone explain how this Tool is supposed to be run? Is there a way to use it as an External Tool in eclipse?
Normally if you follow carefully the instructions in the link you show, and run the GWT Development Mode from Eclipse, the Validation should be done automatically at the time you access the development URL with your browser.
For the record, I've actually had some problems with it, but launching the application several times maked it work.
Well, I ran into the same problem as well. When I tried annotation processing (under Java Compiler-> Annotation processing )was being disabled. So RequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder was not being generated. Try enabling that and rebuilding your project.
I've just recovered from two days of hunting this bug down in a project that used to run validation properly but stopped.
In my case I had a new-ish generic BaseRequestContext and a specific sub-interface that extended it. My parent interface declared a method that didn't match the Locator's exactly (e.g. getThing(T) vs get(T)) and this wasn't reported as an error but did stop the validation tool from completing.
Apt is also removed in Java 8 : . So beware.
Switching back to Java 7 will fix the issue if you are using Java 8.
I understood why the error happens sometimes in a project: the compiler was complaining it cannot find the directory .apt . But when I tried to create it manually it was not possible (under windows). I think the validation tool mutes the exception of not being able to create the directory: try renaming .apt in your validation tool calls (do a text search in your project)

Creating SVN repository server with XAMPP on windows

For last 3 days I am struggling in setting up my SVN server. I tried several ways and tools but I found always some issue and bug all the files.
I am planning to use the following tools for this project.
For Server and database - XAMPP (Comes with APACHE and MySql)
Version control server - subversion-1.6.16
Version control client - tortoiseSVN
IDE is Eclipse
Following are my queries
1. Is the above combination of tools and softwares is perfect for my project?
2. Is there any open-source software which provides all the above functionalities combined?
3. If anybody of you has already done such kind of project, could you please share with me which are the correct version of softwares I should use to get it worked error free.
If anybody can provide solution for below I can carry on with my current setup also.
My Error Message from server for current configuration : I tried to setup the svn-win32-1.6.16 with my XAMPP installation by copying the two moduels and to my apache modules directory and changed the httpd.conf file with Loadmodules of these the so files and set the location also for these. But when i start the server in error logs I get error message like this - "httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 136 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/xampp/apache/modules/ into server: The specified module could not be found."
Following are pre-conditions and configurations prior to this error
Location of SVN - C:/SVN/svn-win32-1.6.16
Location XAMPP - C:/xampp/
Changes in httpd.conf file
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/
and for location
# Enter this location in your browser to access the repository
<Location /repos>
DAV svn
SVNPath c:/SVN/svn_repos
I have created the repository here - C:/SVN/svn_repos
Is the above combination of tools and softwares is perfect for my
That is impossible to answer, because:
a) we don't know what your project is
b) nothing is perfect
But it is definitely an ok combination of tools. If I were you I would not use XAMPP but Zend Server CE instead! You get a nice web GUI for most php configuration needs.
Is there any open-source software which provides all the above
functionalities combined?
No. These tools are maintained for various target audiences and the combination you're asking for wouldn't make much sense in a bundle.
But of course your IDE (Eclipse in this case) integrates nicely with these tools. 'Integrates' means it plays together, doesn't mean it comes bundled with these things.
If anybody of you has already done
such kind of project, could you please
share with me which are the correct
version of softwares I should use to
get it worked error free.
I used to have such a combination (now I'm on Zend Studio with Zend Server CE) and there is no problem with it. The problem is that you're trying to do something unnecessary and wrong.
If you're using XAMPP, you're on a Windows machine, using .so extensions wouldn't do any good at all, Windows needs .dll extensions.
Why do you want to load such extensions anyways? You don't need those in order to get it all working.
Where are your repositories? Only if you want to host your own repositories do you need to run your own server. If that is the case, look at VisualSVNServer. You just install it, no need for integration with anything.
If your repositories are on a location in the net (more likely) you don't need an SVN server, you just need the client. In that case you're ready to go, no need for php extensions. You can checkout repos, commit, export, branch, tag, etc. From within Eclipse or in your file system with TortoiseSVN.
Try it and get back here, if you still experience problems.

Eclipse Configuration Problems

Lately, I am trying to use Eclipse more often, but so far I have shied away from it because I found it so difficult to install new packages. Whenever I find and try to install a new package, the errors panel flashes a batch of configuration errors. It requires this or that package to install this one. And when I find that package, it turns out that package requires another one that I don't have...and it's been a daunting problem for me.
These days I've been running into these configuration errors:
The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have
unpredictable results.
JST Web Core Patches requires feature "org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature ".
WST Server Core Patches requires feature "org.eclipse.wst.server_core.feature".
Specifically, I'm looking for help to figure out how to get around these errors. (There aren't any informative pages in Google for "org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature.")
More generally, though, I am wondering what alternatives I have to the internal package management system of Eclipse? (If I'm doing it wrong and the internal system is not as difficult as it seems to me, let me know of that as well!) I've heard of Pulse, but haven't used that much.
are you using 3.4 Ganymede? .. the dependencies should be figured out and selected for you .. in 3.1 there is a 'Select Required' button in the Updates window which is supposed to locate and select for you all the dependencies