How to configure Proxy in Locust for FastHTTPUser approach - locust

How to configure Proxies in Locust for FastHTTPUser Approach.
It is working fine for HTTPUser approach as given below but same is not working for FastHTTPUser approach.
proxies = {
"http": "",
"https": "",
self.get.client(url, proxies=proxies)
How to verify the same proxy approach in FastHTTPUser

Sorry. Proxies are not supported by FastHTTPUser client among other features available only in the HTTPUser that it's requests based


openshift 3.12 websocket ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED

I would like to start websocket connections (ws://whaterver)
in OpenShift but somehow they always ends with ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED
immediately (new WebSocket('ws://whatever').
First I thought that the problem is in our application
but I created a minimal example and I got the same result.
First I created a pod and started this minimal Python websocket server.
import asyncio
import websockets
async def hello(websocket, path):
name = await websocket.recv()
print(f"< {name}")
greeting = f"Hello {name}!"
await websocket.send(greeting)
print(f"> {greeting}")
start_server = websockets.serve(hello, "", 8000)
Then I created a service (TCP 8000) and created a routing too and I got the same result.
I also tried to use different port or different targets (e.g.: /ws), without success.
This minimal script was able to respond to a simple http request, but for the websocket connection it can't.
Do you have any idea what could be the problem?
(by the documentation these connections should work as they are)
Should I try to play with some routing environment variables or are there any limitations which are not mentioned in the documentation?
Posting Károly Frendrich answer as community wiki:
Finally we realized that the TLS termination is required to be set.
It can be done using Secured Routes

Swagger-ui on GKE 1.9

I am running a kubernetes cluster on GKE. I have been told that Kubernetes API server comes integrated with the Swagger UI and the UI is a friendly way to explore the apis. However, I am not sure how to enable this on my cluster. Any guidance is highly appreciated. Thanks!
I've researched a bit regarding your question, and I will share with you what I discovered.
This feature is not enabled by default on every Kubernetes installation and you would need to enable the swagger-ui through the flag enable-swagger-ui and I believe this was what you where looking for.
--enable-swagger-ui Enables swagger ui on the apiserver at /swagger-ui.
The issue is that I believe it is not enabled for Google Kubernetes engine and the master node in Google Kubernates Engine does not serve any request for this resource and the port appears to be close and since it is managed I believe it cannot be enabled.
However according to documentation the master should expose a series of resources giving you the possibility to access the API documentation and render them with the tool you prefer. This is the case and the following files are available:
https://master-ip/swagger.json (you can get the master IP running $ kubectl cluster-info)
{"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "Kubernetes",
"version": "v1.9.3"
"paths": {
"/api/": {
"get": {
{"swaggerVersion": "1.2",
"apis": [
"path": "/version",
"description": "git code version from which this is built"
"path": "/apis",
"description": "get available API versions"
According to this blog post from Kuberntes you could make use of this file:
From kuber-apiserver/swagger.json. This file will have all enabled GroupVersions routes and models and would be most up-to-date file with an specific kube-apiserver. [...] There are numerous tools that works with this spec. For example, you can use the swagger editor to open the spec file and render documentation, as well as generate clients; or you can directly use swagger codegen to generate documentation and clients. The clients this generates will mostly work out of the box--but you will need some support for authorisation and some Kubernetes specific utilities. Use python client as a template to create your own client.

How to run Identity Server V3 client examples

I'm trying to run some of the examples from here. They're configured to access localhost:44333 - if I run one of the examples, e.g. JavascriptResourceOwner, the calls to that address are not getting any response. What project/solution should I be running on that port?
You should run IdentityServer in separate solution for example from example
All client samples are designed to be run with the core project host:

Does Feign retry require some sort of configuration?

I just tried to do a attempted a seamless upgrade of a service in a test setup. The service is being accessed by a Feign client. And naively I was under the impression that with multiple instances available of the service, the client would retry another instance if it failed to connect to one.
That, however, did not happen. But I cannot find any mention of how Feign in Spring Cloud is supposed to be configured to do this? Although I have seen mentions of it supporting it (as opposed to using RestTemplate where you would use something like Spring Retry?)
If you are using ribbon you can set properties similar to the following (substituting "localapp" for your serviceid):
ps underneath Feign has a Retryer interface, which was made to support things like Ribbon.
see if property works - OkToRetryOnAllOperations: true
You can refer application ->
Spencer was quick...was late by few minutes :-)

Wildfly8: Server-level Remote IP Address filtering with Undertow?

How can I only allow requests from my Apache Server in the DMZ access to WildFly over AJP, and block everything else?
This answer works great at deployment level but I would prefer control at the server-level :
At the moment only way to do this is by implementing ServletExtension and add extra handlers that will take care of that.
see for more on writing extensions
and example of using it:
In any case I would encourage you to create new feature request in undertow jira to add proper support for this. Issue tracker can be found at: