How to run Identity Server V3 client examples - identityserver3

I'm trying to run some of the examples from here. They're configured to access localhost:44333 - if I run one of the examples, e.g. JavascriptResourceOwner, the calls to that address are not getting any response. What project/solution should I be running on that port?

You should run IdentityServer in separate solution for example from example

All client samples are designed to be run with the core project host:


Not Found http://localhost:3000/openapi.json -loopback 3

Please help me,I'm stuck at this point.
Steps done succesfully,
1)Install loopback 3
2)datasource is created ,generated models from mysql and generator script
3)updated model-config.json
4)loopback has run with no errors
Web server listening at: http://localhost:3000
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer
---This was command prompt
5)when trying to access that Not Found http://localhost:3000/openapi.json
LoopBack 3 does not support OpenAPI v3, we support the older v2 specification only (it's usually referred to as Swagger).
The API spec in Swagger JSON format is available at the following URL:
Please check out the recently announced LoopBack 4 version if you are interested in OpenAPI v3: the announcement and the new website.
I faced same error
Clear your browser cache then run URl

How to use RTCMultiConnection on Ruby/Python/PHP or similar platforms?

RTCMultiConnection seems using (node.js) based solution.
How to integrate RTCMultiConnection into ruby-on-rails (or PHP/Python/ASP.NET/MVC/etc.)?
You can setup a separate ipAddress/domain for node.js.
Or you can use same domain however run node.js on a separate port e.g. 9001.
Your PHP/Ruby/Python/ASPX pages can internally use/link that node.js/ server.
Use nohup command to keep running server.js in the background.
Now copy/paste any of the RTCMultiConnection demo in your Ruby/PHP pages.
Make sure that is having a valid URL
<script src=""></script>
Make sure that socketURL property is having valid server link/reference
connection.socketURL = '';
Now you can use any demo on your Ruby/PHP/Python/etc. pages.
PS. Chrome requires HTTPs-privileges for audio/video/screen capturing. So please make sure that your domain is having SSL installed.

Mulesoft - Uh-oh spaghettios! There's nothing here

This error is driving me nuts...
I am trying to create a REST api and use a api-gateway proxy to access it. Proxy URL is HTTPS.
The deployment goes through fine. No errors reported in the logs. Worker assigned.
However when I try to access through browser get the "Uh-oh spaghettios! There's nothing here.".
Have tried all the usual things like making the https port dynamic using ${https.port} and using instead of localhost in the http-listener config. But that does not help. Has this something to got to do with the proxy version ?
Any help or pointers will be great!
Make sure you follow Steps 2 from below link
Getting Started with Connectors
Got the resolution. The problem was with the certificate chain. The keystore did not contain intermediate certificates. When added to the keystore the connectivity worked fine.
Only if Mulesoft provided correct errors or detailed logging, I would have saved lot of time over this.
Thanks for your inputs.

Stop framework from using HTTP Proxy

After nearly drowning in tears of frustration I have to ask you a question.
My play (2.0.3, scala) application is consuming a wsdl, which works perfectly fine, if I run the dev version of my webservice on localhost, which makes the wsdl-url something like http://localhost:8080/Service/Service?wsdl.
When I try to consume the WSDl from the remote test system server, with an Url like, I get:
[WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL at: It failed with: Got Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: while opening stream from]
My company uses a http proxy for internet use, which is the reason for the 502 error. So I want play to stop using the proxy.
So far I have tried (all together):
deleted proxy from Intenet Explorer
set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts=""
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts=""
play run -Dhttp.noProxyHosts=""
None of this worked. Any ideas? How can I stop play from using the HttpProxy?
I found it has someting to do with java Webservices-api / jaxws libraries.
Any ideas?
EDIT 2012-10-17:
It seams to depend on system proxy settings. I still don't know why it didn't work that day although I deleted the whole proxy from IE and restarted everything. Is there any way to make my play app independend from system settings?
play -Dhttp.noProxyHosts="" run
I noticed a typo in your property, the correct property is http.nonProxyHosts so add and extra n after no.

ASP.Net MVC 2 on nginx/mono 2.8

I am trying to setup ASP.Net MVC 2 application on Linux environment. I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 on VirtualBox, then installed Mono 2.8 from sources. After that I have installed nginx and configure it as recommended here.
Unfortunately, FastCGI shows me standard error 500 page:
No Application Found
Unable to find a matching application for request:
Host localhost:80
Port 80
Request Path /Default.aspx
Physical Path /var/www/mvc/Default.aspx
My application is located in /var/www/mvc directory. I've tried to create some stub Default.aspx file and place it in root dir of my application, but it didn't help, same error occured.
I've been doing some testing with this as well, using all ubuntu10.10 binaries.
From what I can make from it, either nginx fails to pass the hostname of the mono server fails to receive it over the fastcgi protocol. Anyhow, the tutorial line:
fastcgi-mono-server2 / /socket=tcp:
doesn't work. Removing the hostname makes the thing work:
fastcgi-mono-server2 /applications=/:/var/www/ /socket=tcp:
but this of course blocks the use of multiple virtual mono hosts.
Since you are running ASP.NET MVC 2 application you should use fastcgi-mono-server4.
Adding following line in /etc/nginx/fastcgi_param resolves the issue for me. It also allows to use multiple virtual hosts.
fastcgi_param HTTP_HOST $host;
Does your application work with xsp (xsp4 if you are using .net 4.0)? You'll want to make sure that is working before you try configuring the connection to another web server.
Does nginx know where to find mono? You most likely have a parallel install and it won't be in the default paths.
I use apache, but you may still find some of the instructions on my blog useful:
I had this problem just now, I too had been following the document on the mono site:
I was trying to start the fastcgi-mono-server as it suggested:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 / /socket=tcp: &
However when I did it like that I got the same problem as you. I changed it to this:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 /applications=/:/var/www/ /socket=tcp: &
And it worked ( I had to type in to see my MVC page, not worked out how to stop it looking for yet XD ).
You need to make sure the domain set in your site config matches the domain passed to the fastcgi server. So for example if your default site (/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default) has the following config:
server {
You would need to pass that domain into the fastcgi server:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 / ...
Then when you access the site it will obviously need to be with that domain you set.