Wildfly8: Server-level Remote IP Address filtering with Undertow? - wildfly

How can I only allow requests from my Apache Server in the DMZ access to WildFly over AJP, and block everything else?
This answer works great at deployment level but I would prefer control at the server-level :

At the moment only way to do this is by implementing ServletExtension and add extra handlers that will take care of that.
see http://undertow.io/documentation/servlet/servlet-extensions.html for more on writing extensions
and example of using it:
In any case I would encourage you to create new feature request in undertow jira to add proper support for this. Issue tracker can be found at: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/UNDERTOW


How do I Re-route Ghost Blog Admin URL without modifying the API Address?

Ghost blog platform has a setting that allows you to change the admin panel login location (which starts as: https://whateveryoursiteis.com/ghost). Methodology / docs for changing that setting can be found here: https://ghost.org/docs/config/#admin-url
However — when using the above methodology the API Url that is used for Search etc etc is ALSO modified meaning all requests to the ghost API will also be forwarded to the alternate domain (not just the admin access).
My question is — what is the best way to achieve a redirect of the admin URL to a different Domain / protocol while allowing the API url used by Ghost to remain the same?
More background.
We are running ghost on top of GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) on a Multi-Region Ingress which allows us to dump our CloudSQL DB down to a SQLite file and then build that database into our production Docker Containers which are then deployed to the different Kubernetes nodes that are fronted by the GCE-Ingress load balancer.
Since we need to rebuild that database / container on content change (not just on code change) we need to have a separate Admin URL backed by Cloud SQL where we can persist / modify our data which then triggers the rebuild on our Ci pipeline via Ghost Webhooks.
Another related question might be:
Is it possible to use standard ghost redirects (created via: https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/redirects/) to redirect the admin panel URL (ie. https://whateveryoursiteis.com/ghost) to a different domain (ie. https://youradminsite.com/ghost)?
Another Related GKE / GCE-Ingress Question:
Is it possible to create 301 redirects natively using Kuberentes GCE-Ingress on GKE without adding an nGinx container etc?
That will be my first attempt after posting this — but I figured either way maybe it helps another ghost platform fan down the line someplace — I will attempt to respond back as I find answers to those questions (assuming someone doesn't beat me to it!).
Regarding your question if it's possible to create 301 redirects without adding a nginx container, I can suggest to use istio, find out more information about traffic routing here.
OK. So as it turns out the Ghost team currently has things setup to point API connections at the Admin URL. So if you change your Admin URL expect your clients to attempt to connect to that URL.
I am going to be raising the potential of splitting these off as a feature request over on the ghost forums (as soon as I get out from under pre-launch hell on the current project).
Here's the official Ghost response:
What is referred as 'official docker image' is not something that we
as a Ghost team support.
The APIs are indeed hosted under the same URL as the admin and that's
by design and not really a bug. Introducing configuration options for
each API Ghost instance hosts would be a feature and should be
discussed at our forum first 👍 I think it's a nice idea to be able to
serve APIs from different host, but it's not something that is within
our priorities at the moment.
In case you need more granular handling of admin site, you could
introduce those on your proxy level and for example, handle requests
that are coming to /ghost/api with a different set of rules.
See the full discussion over here on the TryGhost GitHub:
I haven't looked into what it would take to implement the feature but the suggestion on proxying the request could work... if only I didn't need to run on GKE Multi region (which requires use of GCE-Ingress which doesn't have support for redirection hah!). This would be relatively easy to solve the nGinx ingress.
Hopefully this helps someone — I will update as I work through the process. As of now I solved it by dumping my GCP CloudSQL database down to a SQLite db file during build time (thereby allowing me to keep my admin instance clean and separate from the API endpoint — which for me remains the same URL).

How to monitor multiple JNDI datasources with FlexyPool?

I am starting to use FlexyPool to monitor an JNDI datasource managed by Tomcat.
I found how to monitor one datasource in this answer and in FlexyPool doc. I can not, however, figure how to configure the monitoring of multiple sources through the flexy-pool.properties file. Is this possible ?
Currently, the declarative configuration only supports a single DataSource. You can open an issue on GitHub for this. I would not mind if you send a Pull request for it.

Does Feign retry require some sort of configuration?

I just tried to do a attempted a seamless upgrade of a service in a test setup. The service is being accessed by a Feign client. And naively I was under the impression that with multiple instances available of the service, the client would retry another instance if it failed to connect to one.
That, however, did not happen. But I cannot find any mention of how Feign in Spring Cloud is supposed to be configured to do this? Although I have seen mentions of it supporting it (as opposed to using RestTemplate where you would use something like Spring Retry?)
If you are using ribbon you can set properties similar to the following (substituting "localapp" for your serviceid):
ps underneath Feign has a Retryer interface, which was made to support things like Ribbon.
see if property works - OkToRetryOnAllOperations: true
You can refer application ->
Spencer was quick...was late by few minutes :-)

Can I call synchroniseUserDirectories (ConfluenceRpc) via REST, SOAP or XML-RPC?

I am using Confluence 4.2.5 (build 3284) with CAS SSO connected to my LDAP server and would like to be able to call synchroniseUserDirectories() from the LDAP server when a user changes their password so that the change is instantaneous.
The way it works now is that users have to wait for the Confluence to run it's periodic LDAP synchronization which can be disconcerting for them.
I have tried using the XML-RPC interface to call changeUserPassword() (as an administrator) but it doesn't work. The operation raises an exception "Error changing password for user ...". I presume that that is because the user is defined in the LDAP but I can't tell for sure because the exception message wasn't clear about the cause.
Here is example code that I would like to be able to use. It doesn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import xmlrpclib
url = 'https://docs.example.com'
admin_user = 'frobisher'
admin_pass = 'supersecretstuff'
username = 'bigbob'
new_password = 'bigbobsbigsecret'
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url + '/rpc/xmlrpc')
token = server.confluence2.login(admin_user, admin_pass)
# CITATION: https://developer.atlassian.com/display/CONFDEV/Remote+Confluence+Methods
# this doesn't exist but would be my preferred approach.
# It raises a NoSuchMethodException exception.
# this throws a general exception, because of the LDAP? The message
# wasn't clear about the source of the problem.
# username,
# password)
Is there any way to do this using SOAP or REST? I was concerned about REST because it sounds like it is still a prototype.
If none of those approaches will work, can it be done with a simple plugin considering that this must be a push operation from the LDAP server to the Confluence server? I have no experience writing plugins but I do some java work occasionally.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
The short answer is "no". The ability to synchronise remote user directories is not exposed as a remote operation in Confluence.
The long answer is "yes", you can write a plugin to do this. If you're already familiar with java, then perhaps the best answer is to just show you some source code I've written that performs a similar function: https://bitbucket.org/jaysee00/confluence-user-sync-api This plugin gives you SOAP, XML-RPC and JSON-RPC methods to force an individual user account to be synced in to Confluence from a remote directory.
That might suit your purposes as-is, but I imagine it would be possible to edit the source of this plugin and change it to synchronise an entire directory, too.

WSO2 Class Mediator gives an error

Our team is completely new to the WSO2 tool. We got the basic training on how to add proxy services and were able to do so as well.
Now, we have to add a class in the In Sequence. We tried that using the Class mediator but it was not able to find the class. Then we realized that the jar file needs to be in the components/lib folder. So, its able to load the class now. It proceeds to the out sequence and fault sequence properly. But, in the end, it gives the following exception.
Unable to add proxy service :: Failed to add proxy service: Parse. Check whether the Proxy already exists-Failed to add proxy service: Parse. Check whether the Proxy already exists
So far, we're using the design view to configure it. I surveyed through most of the posts within this forum, and, all are using the source code to configure. Also, the proxy service is not present in the Source View section under Service Bus.
Are we missing any step in the configuration? Do we need to switch to coding method or it is possible this way.
Your explanation is strange. Above mentioned error log can appear at the time of deploying the proxy service. But you say your proxy is going to the out-sequence and fault-sequence. From that what I understand is the proxy is already deployed.
You can check whether a proxy with the same name is there by looking in the ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default/proxy-service folder. If there is a file with name Parse.xml (I think the name of the proxy service is Parse) you can delete it from the file system and then go to the design view and add the proxy again.
It seems there is already a proxy with the name you provided. Go to WSO2 ESB "source view" and check whether there exist a proxy with that name. Source view is available on the left side of the management console.
This artical will take you step by step in writing custom class mediators.
This post may also be relevant for you.