Kafka "Topic/Schema" source control and continuous delivery - apache-kafka

I'm in a small team that is going to begin using Kafka. I'm looking for information regarding development. i.e. How do we keep "our schema" source controlled? i.e. we'd like to ensure that we keep our topics, schema registries consistent, and be able to add/modify topics and the avro schema registry as part of a repeatable deployment process.
It seems to make sense that a developer should be able stand up a docker environment that would deploy our specific topic/schema configuration to a temporary container that they can develop against.
I've not been able to locate any examples of how anyone approaches this.


Best practice for running database schema migrations

Build servers are generally detached from the VPC running the instance. Be it Cloud Build on GCP, or utilising one of the many CI tools out there (CircleCI, Codeship etc), thus running DB schema updates is particularly challenging.
So, it makes me wonder.... When's the best place to run database schema migrations?
From my perspective, there are four opportunities to automatically run schema migrations or seeds within a CD pipeline:
Within the build phase
On instance startup
Via a warm-up script (synchronously or asynchronously)
Via an endpoint, either automatically or manually called post deployment
The primary issue with option 1 is security. With Google Cloud Sql/Google Cloud Build, it's been possible for me to run (with much struggle), schema migrations/seeds via a build step and a SQL proxy. To be honest, it was a total ball-ache to set up...but it works.
My latest project is utilising MongoDb, for which I've connected in migrate-mongo if I ever need to move some data around/seed some data. Unfortunately there is no such SQL proxy to securely connect MongoDb (atlas) to Cloud Build (or any other CI tools) as it doesn't run in the instance's VPC. Thus, it's a dead-end in my eyes.
I'm therefore warming (no pun intended) to the warm-up script concept.
With App Engine, the warm-up script is called prior to traffic being served, and on the host which would already have access via the VPC. The warmup script is meant to be used for opening up database connections to speed up connectivity, but assuming there are no outstanding migrations, it'd be doing exactly that - a very light-weight select statement.
Can anyone think of any issues with this approach?
Option 4 is also suitable (it's essentially the same thing). There may be a bit more protection required on these endpoints though - especially if a "down" migration script exists(!)
It's hard to answer you because it's an opinion based question!
Here my thoughts about your propositions
It's the best solution for me. Of course you have to take care to only add field and not to delete or remove existing schema field. Like this, you can update your schema during the Build phase, then deploy. The new deployment will take the new schema and the obsolete field will no longer be used. On the next schema update, you will be able to delete these obsolete field and clean your schema.
This solution will decrease your cold start performance. It's not a suitable solution
Same remark as before, in addition to be sticky to App Engine infrastructure and way of working.
No real advantage compare to the solution 1.
About security, Cloud Build will be able to work with worker pool soon. Still in alpha but I expect in the next month an alpha release of it.

Programmatically create Artemis cluster on remote server

Is it possible to programmatically create/update a cluster on a remote Artemis server?
I will have lots of docker instances and would rather configure on the fly than have to set in XML files if possible.
Ideally on app launch I'd like to check if a cluster has been set up and if not create one.
This would probably involve getting the current server configuration and updating it with the cluster details.
I see it's possible to create a Configuration.
However, I'm not sure how to get the remote server configuration, if it's at all possible.
Configuration config = new ConfigurationImpl();
ClusterConnectionConfiguration ccc = new ClusterConnectionConfiguration();
// need a way to get and update the current server configuration
Any advice would be appreciated.
If it is possible, is this a good approach to take to configure on the fly?
The org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl object can be used to programmatically configure the broker. The broker test-suite uses this object to configure broker instances. However, this object is not available in any remote sense.
Once the broker is started there is a rich management API you can use to add things like security settings, address settings, diverts, bridges, addresses, queues, etc. However, the changes made by most (although not all) of these operations are volatile which means many of them would need to be performed every time the broker started. Furthermore, there are no management methods to add cluster connections.
You might consider using a tool like Ansible to manage the configuration or even roll your own solution with a templating engine like FreeMarker to customize the XML and then distribute it to your Docker instances using some other technology.

Spring Cloud Data Flow: versioned streams

I'm implementing a stream pipe with Spring Cloud Data Flow.
My problem is that I configured MANUALLY the pipe (e.g. http | log_sink) in the server and it will be lost if I reset that server (think in an Amazon EC2 instance that can be hard reseted).
Which is the suggested way to keep versioning of pipes using SCDF?
I am summarizing the discussion from the comments.
To automate the promotion of Stream/Task workloads from lower to higher-level environments, the recommended approach would be the use of SCDF's Java DSL. With this, users can programmatically register, create, deploy, or launch stream/task in a repeatable manner and across many different platforms simultaneously (if there's a need for it). The Boot App built with the Java DSL can be versioned in Git, and it can be CD/GitOps friendly. With sufficient generalization to this App, it can also be reused by many different teams by overriding the defaults.
We put this for use in the product proper for or IT and Acceptance tests, which run on every upstream commit daily across multiple Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry installations.
Alternatively, all of the register, create, deploy, or launch stream/task commands can also be dumped in a text or a property file. Once when you have the file, the dataflow:>script --file command can help slurp in all the commands in each of the new environments — see docs.

How to use kafka and storm on cloudfoundry?

I want to know if it is possible to run kafka as a cloud-native application, and can I create a kafka cluster as a service on Pivotal Web Services. I don't want only client integration, I want to run the kafka cluster/service itself?
I can point you at a few starting points, there would be some work involved to go from those starting points to something fully functional.
One option is to deploy the kafka cluster on Cloud Foundry (e.g. Pivotal Web Services) using docker images. Spotify has Dockerized kafka and kafka-proxy (including Zookeeper). One thing to keep in mind is that PWS currently doesn't support apps with persistence (although this work is starting) so if you were to go this route right now, you would lose the data in kafka when the application is rolled. Looking at that Spotify repo, it looks like the docker images are generally run without any mounted volumes, so this persistence-less kafka seems like it may be a valid use case (I don't know enough about kafka to say).
The other option is to deploy kafka directly on some IaaS (e.g. AWS) using BOSH. BOSH can be hard if you're seeing it for the first time, but it is the ideal way to deploy any distributed software that you want running on VMs. You will also be able to have persistent volumes attached to your kafka VMs if necessary. Here is a kafka BOSH release which may work.
Once you have your cluster running, you have two ways to integrate your Cloud Foundry applications with it. The simplest is just to provide it to your applications as a "user-provided service", which lets you flow kafka cluster access info to your apps. The alternative would to put a service broker in front of your cluster, which would be especially useful if you have many different people who will be pushing apps that need to talk to the kafka cluster. Rather than you having to manually tell people the access info each time, they can do something simple like cf bind-service SOME_APP YOUR_KAFKA_SERVICE. Here is a kafka service broker along with more info about service brokers in general.
According to the 12-factor app description (https://12factor.net/processes), Kafka should not run as an application on top of Cloud Foundry:
Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing. Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service, typically a database.
Kafka is often considered a "distributed commit log" and as such carries a large amount of state. Many companies use it to keep all events flowing through their distributed system of micro services for a long (sometimes unlimited) amount of time.
Therefore I would strongly recommend to go for the second option in the accepted answer: Kafka topics should be bound to your applications in the form of stateful services.

Good practices of Websphere MQ production deployment

I'm about to prepare a deployment specification for the Websphere MQ production environment. As always I hate reinventing the wheel hence the question:
Is there an article, specififaction of best practices when it comes to deploying and maintaining the Webshpere MQ production environment?
Here are more specific doubts of mine:
Configuration versioning (MQSC, dmpmqcfg, etc).
Deploying new objects (MQSC or manual instructions?)
Deployment automation (maybe basing on the diff of dmpmqcfg?).
Deploying and versioning configuration alterations.
Currently I am simply creating MQ objects manually and versioning the output of dmpmqcfg. However, in a while there are going to be too many deployments to handle it like this.
That's an extremely broad question so I'll try to respond before a moderator deletes it. :-)
The answer depends on many things such as whether MQ clusters are in use, the approaches to high availability and disaster recovery, the security requirements, whether the QMgrs are configured as dedicated or shared infrastructure, etc. However, there are a few patterns that I follow in almost all cases, including non-Production. This is because things like monitoring and security tend to get dropped at deployment time if not tested in Dev and don't work as expected in Prod.
I use a script to create my QMgrs in Production to insure that basics like generating the X.509 certificate (or CSR) is always done according to standards, that any exits or exit parm files are present, that certain SupportPac executables (like q) are present in /opt/mqm/bin, circular queues, etc. It also checks for negative factors such as GSKit not being installed.
I have a baseline script that is run against all QMgrs. This script sets up the DLQ, any queues for monitoring agents, enables events as required, sets up system services, trigger monitors, listeners, etc. The exception is B2B gateway QMgrs which are handled in a class all their own and have very specific configurations not used on the internal network.
I have several classes of QMgr with specific configuration requirements. These include cluster repositories (where primary and secondary are distinct sub-types), service-provider QMgrs, and service consumer QMgrs. These all have secondary scripts run against them.
I have scripts per-cluster to join or suspend a QMgr in cases where clustering is used (which for me is almost 100% since v7.1).
These set up a QMgr's infrastructure. Then I maintain scripts for each application. So for example, if there's a Payroll app, I'll have queues and possibly topics with names containing a PAY node such as PAY.EMPLOYEE.UPDT.REQ.V032.PRD. Corresponding to that will be a single script for all PAY.** queues. Used to be one for setmqaut commands too, but these are now in the same script as the objects. I only ever have one version of the script and keep a history of changes in the script. This way when I need to recreate a QMgr, I just run all the scripts for it. Similarly, if I need to deploy the PAY objects on another QMgr, I just copy the script to that server.
When defining objects for clusters, I always do a DEFINE NOREPLACE that contains all the run-time attributes such as whether the queue is enabled in the cluster. The queue is always defined as disabled in the cluster and for triggering but because I use NOREPLACE re-running the script doesn't change whatever state it has in, say, a month. Those things that are configuration and not run-time, such as the description, are handled in an ALTER immediately after the DEFINE and these are updated each time the script is run. There's an article on this here.
Finally, the scripts I use are of the self-executing, self-documenting variety. For example, many people put all the MQSC commands into a script then do something like:
runmqsc < payroll.mqsc > payroll.out
TONS of problems here. The main one is that it relies on the operator to know a lot and execute the script right all the time. For example, suppose (s)he forgets to capture the output? Or overwrites a previous output? Or doesn't get STDERR because (s)he needs to do the 2>&1 at the end and doesn't know redirection that well?
So my scripts are all written in ksh handle all the capturing of output, complete with time and date stamping and STDERR, can freely mix MQSC with OS commands, etc. All you do is go to the scripts directory for that QMgr and . ./*ksh to build/rebuild a QMgr.
I do of course also take regular configuration dumps, but these are more for running queries and reports like "how many QMgrs have this channel defined and where are they?" kind of thing.
Also, when taking backups there is almost NEVER a good reason to back up a QMgr at a point in time. However, if it is required be sure to stop the QMgr first. Also, think long and hard about capturing certificates in a backup. Many people are good about locking the certificate directory so only mqm can read it but often the backups are unprotected. As long as you aren't trying to restore on top of Production, many shops let you restore the Production /var/mqm/* files to your own sandbox. If the QMgr's KDB files are included, you just lost them. An alternative is to put the certificates in /etc or some other directory that is protected but not backed up with the QMgr's directories.