Best practice for running database schema migrations - mongodb

Build servers are generally detached from the VPC running the instance. Be it Cloud Build on GCP, or utilising one of the many CI tools out there (CircleCI, Codeship etc), thus running DB schema updates is particularly challenging.
So, it makes me wonder.... When's the best place to run database schema migrations?
From my perspective, there are four opportunities to automatically run schema migrations or seeds within a CD pipeline:
Within the build phase
On instance startup
Via a warm-up script (synchronously or asynchronously)
Via an endpoint, either automatically or manually called post deployment
The primary issue with option 1 is security. With Google Cloud Sql/Google Cloud Build, it's been possible for me to run (with much struggle), schema migrations/seeds via a build step and a SQL proxy. To be honest, it was a total ball-ache to set up...but it works.
My latest project is utilising MongoDb, for which I've connected in migrate-mongo if I ever need to move some data around/seed some data. Unfortunately there is no such SQL proxy to securely connect MongoDb (atlas) to Cloud Build (or any other CI tools) as it doesn't run in the instance's VPC. Thus, it's a dead-end in my eyes.
I'm therefore warming (no pun intended) to the warm-up script concept.
With App Engine, the warm-up script is called prior to traffic being served, and on the host which would already have access via the VPC. The warmup script is meant to be used for opening up database connections to speed up connectivity, but assuming there are no outstanding migrations, it'd be doing exactly that - a very light-weight select statement.
Can anyone think of any issues with this approach?
Option 4 is also suitable (it's essentially the same thing). There may be a bit more protection required on these endpoints though - especially if a "down" migration script exists(!)

It's hard to answer you because it's an opinion based question!
Here my thoughts about your propositions
It's the best solution for me. Of course you have to take care to only add field and not to delete or remove existing schema field. Like this, you can update your schema during the Build phase, then deploy. The new deployment will take the new schema and the obsolete field will no longer be used. On the next schema update, you will be able to delete these obsolete field and clean your schema.
This solution will decrease your cold start performance. It's not a suitable solution
Same remark as before, in addition to be sticky to App Engine infrastructure and way of working.
No real advantage compare to the solution 1.
About security, Cloud Build will be able to work with worker pool soon. Still in alpha but I expect in the next month an alpha release of it.


Expressing that a service requires another

I'm new to k8s, so this question might be kind of weird, please correct me as necessary.
I have an application which requires a redis database. I know that I should configure it to connect to <redis service name>.<namespace> and the cluster DNS will get me to the right place, if it exists.
It feels to me like I want to express the relationship between the application and the database. Like I want to say that the application shouldn't be deployable until the database is there and working, and maybe that it's in an error state if the DB goes away. Is that something you'd normally do, and if so - how? I can think of other instances: like with an SQL database you might need to create the tables your app wants to use at init time.
Is the alternative to try to connect early and exit 1, so that the cluster keeps on retrying? Feels like that would work but it's not very declarative.
Design for resiliency
Modern applications and Kubernetes are (or should be) designed for resiliency. The applications should be designed without single point of failure and be resilient to changes in e.g. network topology. Also see Twelve factor-app: IV. Backing services.
This means that your Redis typically should be a cluster of e.g. 3 instances. It also means that your app should retry connections if connections fails - this can also happens same time after running - since upgrades of a cluster (or rolling upgrade of an app) is done by terminating one instance at a time meanwhile a new instance at a time is launched. E.g. the instance (of a cluster) that your app currently is connected to might go away and your app need to reconnect, perhaps establish a connection to a different instance in the same cluster.
SQL Databases and schemas
I can think of other instances: like with an SQL database you might need to create the tables your app wants to use at init time.
Yes, this is a different case. On Kubernetes your app is typically deployed with at least 2 replicas, or more (for high-availability reasons). You need to consider that when managing schema changes for your app. Common tools to manage the schema are Flyway or Liquibase and they can be run as Jobs. E.g. first launch a Job to create your DB-tables and after that deploy your app. And after some weeks you might want to change some tables and launch a new Job for this schema migration.
As you've seen, YAML objects can not express such dependencies. As suggested by #fabian-lopez, your application container may include an initContainer that would wait for dependencies to be available, before starting their main container.
Now, if you want a state machine, capable to provision a database, initialize its schema, maybe import some records, and only then create your application: you're looking for an operator. Then, you may use the operator-sdk ( ), or pretty much anything integrating with some Kubernetes cluster API.
I think Init Containers is something you could leverage for this use case
This is up to your application code, not something Kubernetes helps nor hinders.

Pgbouncer - managing dynamic db settings

We are considering using pgbouncer for our project, which includes dynamic db creation (i.e each and every tenant that is added - a new db created)
As far as I understand, pgbouncer takes a config file that maps the databases.
The question is - is there a way adding new databases to pgbouncer without restarting it? (adding a new db row in the config.ini file)
I was actually looking into this same issue. It doesn't seem to be possible by default right now (per this issue). The originator of that issue has a branch of his fork for dynamic pooling, but it doesn't seem that will be merged. I wouldn't use it in production unless you're up to the additional work of maintaining a forked dependency for your project.
The current way is updating the .ini. However, in addition to the overhead of maintaining configuration in another place this is further complicated because based on the docs the "online restart" capability of pgbouncer only works for non-TLS connections and if your pgbouncer is running with unix sockets. So depending on your system configuration online restarts for the potentially frequent updates might be out of the question.

why salt-cloud is so slow comparing to terraform?

I'm comparing salt-cloud and terraform as tools to manage our infrastructure at GCE. We use salt stack to manage VM configurations, so I would naturally prefer to use salt-cloud as an integral part of the stack and phase out terraform as a legacy thing.
However my use case is critical on VM deployment time because we offer PaaS solution with VMs deployed on customer request, so need to deliver ready VMs on a click of a button within seconds.
And what puzzles me is why salt-cloud takes so long to deploy basic machines.
I have created neck-to-neck simple test with deploying three VMs based on default CentOS7 image using both terraform and salt-cloud (both in parallel mode). And the time difference is stunning - where terraform needs around 30 seconds to deploy requested machines (which is similar to time needed to deploy through GCE GUI), salt-cloud takes around 220 seconds to deploy exactly same machines under same account in the same zone. Especially strange is that first 130 seconds salt-cloud does not start deploying and does seemingly nothing at all, and only after around 130 seconds pass it shows message deploying VMs and those VMs appear in GUI as in deployment.
Is there something obvious that I'm missing about salt-cloud that makes it so slow? Can it be sped up somehow?
I would prefer to user full salt stack, but with current speed issues it has I cannot really afford that.
Note that this answer is a speculation based on what I understood about terraform and salt-cloud, I haven't verified with an experiment!
I think the reason is that Terraform keeps state of the previous run (either locally or remotely), while salt-cloud doesn't keep state and so queries the cloud before actually provisioning anything.
These two approaches (keeping state or querying before doing something) are needed, since both tools are idempotent (you can run them multiple times safely).
For example, I think that if you remove the state file of Terraform and re-run it, it will assume there is nothing in the cloud and will actually instantiate a duplicate. This is not to imply that terraform does it wrong, it is to show that state is important and Terraform docs say clearly that when operating in a team the state should be saved remotely, exactly to avoid this kind of problem.
Following my line of though, this should also mean that if you either run salt-cloud in verbose debug mode or look at the network traffic generated by it, in the first 130 secs you mention (before it says "deploying VMs"), you should see queries from salt-cloud to the cloud provider to dynamically construct the state.
Last point, the fact that salt-cloud doesn't store the state of a previous run doesn't mean that it is automatically safe to use in a team environment. It is safe to use as long as no two team members run it at the same time. On the other hand, terraform with remote state on Consul allows for example to lock, so that team concurrent usage will always be safe.

Best practice for getting RDS password to docker container on ECS

I am using Postgres Amazon RDS and Amazon ECS for running my docker containers.
The question is. What is the best practice for getting the username and password for the RDS database into the docker container running on ECS?
I see a few options:
Build the credentials into docker image. I don't like this since then everyone with access to the image can get the password.
Put the credentials in the userdata of the launch configuration used by the autoscaling group for ECS. With this approach all docker images running on my ECS cluster has access to the credentials. I don't really like that either. That way if a blackhat finds a security hole in any of my services (even services that does not use the database) he will be able to get the credentials for the database.
Put the credentials in a S3 and control the limit the access to that bucket with a IAM role that the ECS server has. Same drawbacks as putting them in the userdata.
Put the credentials in the Task Definition of ECS. I don't see any drawbacks here.
What is your thoughts on the best way to do this? Did I miss any options?
Building it into the container is never recomended. Makes it hard to distribute and change.
Putting it into the ECS instances does not help your containers to use it. They are isolated and you'd end up with them on all instances instead of just where the containers are that need them.
Putting them into S3 means you'll have to write that functionality into your container. And it's another place to have configuration.
Putting them into your task definition is the recommended way. You can use the environment portion for this. It's flexible. It's also how PaaS offerings like Heroku and Elastic Beanstalk use DB connection strings for Ruby on rails and other services. Last benefit is it makes it easy to use your containers against different databases (like dev, test, prod) without rebuilding containers or building weird functionality
The accepted answer recommends configuring environment variables in the task definition. This configuration is buried deep in the ECS web console. You have to:
Navigate to Task Definitions
Select the correct task and revision
Choose to create a new revision (not allowed to edit existing)
Scroll down to the container section and select the correct container
Scroll down to the Env Variables section
Add your configuration
Save the configuration and task revision
Choose to update your service with the new task revision
This tutorial has screenshots that illustrate where to go.
Full disclosure: This tutorial features containers from Bitnami and I work for Bitnami. However the thoughts expressed here are my own and not the opinion of Bitnami.
For what it's worth, while putting credentials into environment variables in your task definition is certainly convenient, it's generally regarded as not particularly secure -- other processes can access your environment variables.
I'm not saying you can't do it this way -- I'm sure there are lots of people doing exactly this, but I wouldn't call it "best practice" either. Using Amazon Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store is definitely more secure, although getting your credentials out of there for use has its own challenges and on some platforms those challenges may make configuring your database connection much harder.
Still -- it seems like a good idea that anyone running across this question be at least aware that using the task definition for secrets is ... shall way say ... frowned upon?

MongoDB on Azure Cloud

Is MongoDB for Azure production ready ?
Can anyone share some experience with it ?
Looks like comfort is missing for using it for prod.
What do you think ?
Edit: Since there is a misunderstanding in my question i will try to redefine it.
The information i look into from the community is sharing an info of someone who is running mongo on windows azure to share experience from it.
What i mean by experience is not how to run it in the cloud(we already have the manual on 10gens faq) nor how many bugs it have(we can see that in mongo-azure jira).
What i am looking for is that how it is going with performance ?
Are there any problems(side effects) from running mongodb on azure ?
How does mongodb handle VM recycling ?
Does anyone tried sharding ?
In the end, is the mongo-azure worker role from 10gens stable for using it in production ?
Hope this clears out.
A bit of clarification here. MongoDB itself is production-ready. And MongoDB works just fine in Windows Azure, as long as you set up the scaffolding to get it to work in the environment. This typically entails setting up an Azure Drive, to give you durable storage. Alternatively, using a replicaset, you effectively have eventual consistency across the set members. Then, you could consider going with a standalone (or standalone with hot standby). Personally, I prefer a replicaset model, and that's typical guidance for production MongoDB systems.
As far as 10gen's support for Windows Azure: While the page #SyntaxC4 points to does clarify the wrapper is in a preview state, note that the wrapper is the scaffolding code that launches MongoDB. This scaffolding was initially released in December 2011, and has had a few tweaks since then. It uses the production MongoDB bits (and works just fine with version 2.0.5 which was published on May 9). One caveat is that the MongoDB replicaset roles are deployed alongside your application's roles, since the client app needs visibility to all replica set nodes (to properly build the set). To avoid this limitation, you'd need to run mongos and the entry point (and that's not part of 10gen's scaffolding solution).
Forgetting the preview scaffolding a moment: I have customers running MongoDB in production, with custom scaffolding. One of them is running a rather large deployment, with multiple shards, using a replicaset per shard.
So... does it work in Windows Azure? Yes. Should you take advantage of 10gen's supplied scaffolding? If you're just looking for a simple way to launch a replicaset, I think it's fine. If you want a standalone model, or a shard model, or if you need a separate deployment for MongoDB, you'd currently need to do this on your own (or modify the project 10gen published).
MongoLab is now offering Mongo as a service on Azure MongoLab Blog
Free Demo account is 0.5 GB storage are available in the Windows Azure Store
The warning message on their site says that it's a preview. This would mean that there would be no support for it at a product level in Windows Azure.
If you want to form your own opinion on a comfort level, you can take a look at their bug tracking system and get a feeling for what people are currently reporting as issues.