Getting angles in my 2d circles when using texture in unity - unity3d

I am building my first 2D mobile game using unity, everything works as expected when I create a circle with a new default Material, but when I use a Material that has a Shader and a texture the circle shows angles.
I am using unity 2020.2.1f1 with Universal Render Pipeline running on Linux.
I have attached an image of the problem, the left circle uses a Material with Shader and texture and the right one uses a Material without texture.
I would like the left circle to be also a proper circle as the one in the right side.
There is also an error that says Material does not have _MainTex texture property. It is required for SprintRenderer But when I add that as reference of the property, the texture is not shown at all. I don't know if that could be related.

When I install unity 2019.4.19f1 the circle is rendered as I expected. So that is how I fixed it.
The message:
Material does not have _MainTex texture property. It is required for SprintRenderer
wasn't related with the problem.


Unity URP not applied, Sprite Lit Default shader not turning pink

When you insert a pipeline asset into graphics like this, the existing sprite default material should be pink, but it is the same.
Even the Sprite Lit Default material is not pink. Does anyone know a solution?
The current project is a project converted from 3D to 2D, and 3D URP was applied well in the past.

URP Lit Shader on 2D sprite delayed reaction to directional light - Unity 2021.3.11f1

So I have a HD2D Setup in Unity, meaning a 3D world containing 2D sprites (billboards). I am using URP and created a Lit Shader with the following configuration:
This Shader is attached to a material and this material is attached to my sprite. My problem is, when I rotate the global directional light, the sprite with this shader attached has sort of a delay in adjusting its darkness to the global light (in the video, the environment is bright (morning) but the sprite is still very dark in color (see next picture) and vice versa). This behavior can be seen in the video I uplaoded here:
Desired outcome:
The sprite gets darker as the sun fades (similar to the white Quad that can be seen in the video scene).
Does anyone have an idea which setting I need to tweak here? Thanks for any advice.
I figured it out. For some reason, URP Pipeline was not set under Edit-->ProjectSettings-->Graphics. Once set, I was able to set [X] Will be affected by shadows in shader graph. This solved the problem

Unity VR custom shader material is only rendered in the left eye

I have a problem in my Unity VR project, where I'm doing a red highlight material created from an Unity Built-in Shader Graph.
However, the material is only rendered in the Left Eye and not in the Right Eye, which makes it look strange when seeing the highlight in VR. How can I make the material appear in both Eyes (left and right)?
I'm using the Built-In pipeline and my Oculus are the Oculus Rift.
Here are two pictures, one from my problem and the other that is how I have my shader graph:
How the highlight appears in VR, with the material only being rendered in the Left eye
How my shader graph is
Edit: Nevermind. I was using a Single Pass Stereo Rendering Mode, and it started being rendered in both eyes as soon as I changed that to Multi Pass Stereo Rendering Mode.

Why SpotLight passes through 3D sprite using this shader?

I'm using Unity2021.3, and this is a URP project.
There is a 3D sprite in the scene that receives and casts shadow, the material for its spriteRender uses a shader that is a simple modification of Unity URP Simple Lit, and there is a spotLight in front of the 3D sprite with shadow enabled, and there is also a directional light in the scene. The 3D sprite casts shadow on the ground due to the directional light and the spotLight, everything is correct.
But if I switch to a new shader, it seems the SpotLight passes through the 3D sprite, rendering the shadow incorrectly, if I move the SpotLight to make it far away from the 3D sprite, then it seems the shadow is correct.
Please see the attached screenshot, the top three screens are custom shader, below two are the URP Simple Lit variant.
I'm wondering what the problem is with the new shader?
Thank you so much.

Sprite shadow in 3D world

I am trying to project shadows from sprites on 3D objects, i followed some tips here and there but i still have issues.
I created a material that use Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse and add it to my sprite, i also enable ShadowCastingMode and receiveShadows on the SpriteRenderer.
The result is that my sprite actually cast a shadow now, but the sprite itself is also shadowed, which is not the result i am looking for.
Without the shader:
With the shader:
I know absolutely nothing about materials and shader so this is me just walking in the dark.
Also this is a brand new project and i am using the template 3D with extra if it makes any difference.