Custom Dropdown-List in Toolbar - wysiwyg

I use Jodit WYSIWYG-Editor in my current project and already know how to add a custom button to the toolbar. But I wonder if it is possible to also add a selectbox (dropdown-list).
I want the user to be able to insert custom text modules from this drop-down list (loaded via Ajax from MySQL database).
Is something like that possible?

Try something like this
name: 'borders',
list: {
'double': '2mm double',
'single': '2mm solid',
exec: ( ed, nodeOrFalse, control, origEvent, btn) => {
var key = control.args[0], value = control.args[1];
document.querySelector('#certcss').value = ':root{ --border-style:'+value+'}';
template: function (ed, key, value) {
return '<div>' + key + '</div>';


backgrid.js - how to prevent multi-row selection?

I am new to backgrid and using it in a form to allow the user to select a row (via a checkbox) and then click "Submit". I cannot figure out how to configure my grid to behave like "radio buttons" in that only one row can be selected. Is this something backgrid natively supports or do I need to write a handler to "unselect" previously selected rows?
Here is a quick-n-dirty method:
wellCollection.on('backgrid:selected', function(model, selected) {
if (wellGrid.getSelectedModels().length > 1) {
model.trigger("backgrid:select", model, false);
alert('Only one selection is allowed.');
The downside is this approach requires the use of "SelectAll" which is really counter-intuitive to the user. I would prefer to be able to not use "SelectAll" but it is required to get the getSelectedModels object populated.
You could create a custom cell that renders radio buttons. The implementation below may need some more work but something like this will get you started:
var RadioCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
events: {
"click .selectedRadio": "makeSelected"
render: function () {
this.template = Mustache.to_html($("#radioCell").html(), this.model.toJSON());
return this;
makeSelected: function () {
// set all to inactive
this.model.collection.invoke('set', { "SomeModelAttrib": false });
// check if radio is checked and set the value on the model
var radioValue = $("input[name='someSelection']").is(":checked");
this.model.set("SomeModelAttrib", radioValue);
and the mustache template:
<script type="text/template" id="radioCell">
<input type='radio' class='selectedRadio' name='someSelection' value="{{SomeModelAttrib}}" {{#SomeModelAttrib}}checked{{/SomeModelAttrib}}>

VideoJS 5 plugin add button

I looked everywhere on the internet but I couldn't find any clear documentation or some examples to create my verySimplePlugin for videoJS 5 (Since it uses ES6).
I just want to add a button next to the big play button... Can someone help me?
PS: I'm using it in angularJS but I guess this can not a problem
This is how you can add download button to the end of control bar without any plugins or other complicated code:
var vjsButtonComponent = videojs.getComponent('Button');
videojs.registerComponent('DownloadButton', videojs.extend(vjsButtonComponent, {
constructor: function () {
vjsButtonComponent.apply(this, arguments);
handleClick: function () {
document.location = '/path/to/your/video.mp4'; //< there are many variants here so it is up to you how to get video url
buildCSSClass: function () {
return 'vjs-control vjs-download-button';
createControlTextEl: function (button) {
return $(button).html($('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span>').attr('title', 'Download'));
{fluid: true},
function () {
this.getChild('controlBar').addChild('DownloadButton', {});
I used 'glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt' icon and a title for it so it fits to the player control bar styling.
How it works:
We registering a new component called 'DownloadButton' that extends built-in 'Button' component of video.js lib
In constructor we're calling constructor of the 'Button' component (it is quite complicated for me to understand it 100% but it is similar as calling parent::__construct() in php)
buildCSSClass - set button classes ('vjs-control' is must have!)
createControlTextEl - adds content to the button (in this case - an icon and title for it)
handleClick - does something when user presses this button
After player was initialized we're adding 'DownloadButton' to 'controlBar'
Note: there also should be a way to place your button anywhere within 'controlBar' but I haven't figured out how because download button is ok in the end of the control bar
This is how I created a simple button plugin for videojs 5:
(function() {
var vsComponent = videojs.getComponent('Button');
// Create the button
videojs.SampleButton = videojs.extend(vsComponent, {
constructor: function() {, videojs, null);
// Set the text for the button
videojs.SampleButton.prototype.buttonText = 'Mute Icon';
// These are the defaults for this class.
videojs.SampleButton.prototype.options_ = {};
// videojs.Button uses this function to build the class name.
videojs.SampleButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function() {
// Add our className to the returned className
return 'vjs-mute-button ' +;
// videojs.Button already sets up the onclick event handler, we just need to overwrite the function
videojs.SampleButton.prototype.handleClick = function( e ) {
// Add specific click actions here.
videojs.SampleButton.prototype.createEl = function(type, properties, attributes) {
return videojs.createEl('button', {}, {class: 'vjs-mute-btn'});
var pluginFn = function(options) {
var SampleButton = new videojs.SampleButton(this, options);
return SampleButton;
videojs.plugin('sampleButton', pluginFn);
You can use it this way:
var properties = { "plugins": { "muteBtn": {} } }
var player = videojs('really-cool-video', properties , function() { //do something cool here });
Or this way:

how to add protractor locator for add click function in this menu

I have two menus 'Setup' and 'Reports' with sub-menus 'admin users','Reports dashboard','partner dashboard','partner relationship' etc marked with red color.
I want to navigate or click using protractor locators but unable to find how to select these menus that have no id and common CSS. I want something like this
var userTypes = element.all(by.repeater('t in user_userTypes'));</br>
From what I see, these elements are navigation menu items, Setup and Reports are high-level menus and Admin Users, Reports Dashboard, Partner dashboard, Partner Relationship and Grading Data are submenus. To open a submenu, I assume, you should click the appropriate menu.
Let's make a reusable function that would accept a menu label and a desired submenu label and use by.repeater() locator filtering the menus by text:
function selectMenu(menuLabel, submenuLabel) {
var menu = element.all(by.repeater("mi in menuItems")).filter(function (menu) {
return menu.all(by.tagName("a")).first().getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(menuLabel) === 0;
}).first();; // open up menu
var submenu = menu.all(by.repeater("s in mi.subMenuItems")).filter(function (submenu) {
return submenu.all(by.tagName("a")).first().getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(submenuLabel) === 0;
}).first();; // select submenu
Usage samples:
selectMenu("Setup", "Admin Users");
selectMenu("Reports", "Reports Dashboard");
Define a method and pass the 'hrefValue', filter by anchor tag.
var clickParticular = function(hrefValue){
element.all(by.tagName('a')).filter(function(element, index) {
return element.getAttribute('href').then(function (text) {
return text === hrefValue;
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
filteredElements[0].click().then(function() {

How do I submit a form using a store under ExtJs?

Is there a way to have a form submit create an object in a store under ExtJs 4?
It seems strange to me that the grid is built completely around the store mechanism and I see no obvious way to plug a form into a store. But I am most likely just missing something.
You can add a model instance to a store upon form submit using this code:
onSaveClick: function()
var iForm = this.getFormPanel().getForm(),
iValues = iForm.getValues(),
iStore = this.getTasksStore();
iStore.add( iValues );
This is within an MVC controller, so this is the controller.
For model editing, you can 'bind' a form to a model instance using loadRecord:
iFormPanel.loadRecord( this.selection );
You can then update the model instance using updateRecord():
Just for fun (and as it might help some), it is similar to the following code:
onSaveClick: function()
var iForm = this.getFormPanel().getForm(),
iRecord = iForm.getRecord(),
iValues = iForm.getValues();
iRecord.set ( iValues );
If your store is has autoSync: true. An Update (or Create) call will be made via the configured proxy. If there's no autoSync, you'll have to sync your store manually.
You can subclass Ext.form.action.Action to provide load/save actions for a Form to be performed on a Store. The only gotcha is that somehow there's no "official" way to select any non-standard Action in Ext.form.Basic, so I'd suggest an unofficial override:
Ext.define('Ext.form.Advanced', {
override: 'Ext.form.Basic',
submit: function(options) {
var me = this,
options = options || {};
action = options.submitAction || me.submitAction;
if ( action ) {
return me.doAction(action, options);
else {
return me.callParent(arguments);
load: function(options) {
var me = this,
options = options || {};
action = options.loadAction || me.loadAction;
if ( action ) {
return me.doAction(action, options);
else {
return me.callParent(arguments);
And, having created the Actions you need, you could then use them in a Form Panel:
Ext.define('My.form.Panel', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
requires: [ 'Ext.form.Advanced' ],
loadAction: 'My.load.Action',
submitAction: 'My.submit.Action',
There are other ways and shortcuts though.

Jquery in Custom HTML Helper Extensions to pick value from the form

I have used this custom Helper in My Razor View.
#Html.Link("OpenewWindow", Constants.Value, new { k = Constants.k, Staff_ID = LoginHelper.GetLoggedInUser() }, new { id = "mytag", target="_blank" })
When I Click on this link it opens me a new window with the Querystrings ConstantValue/Constants?=someValue&Staff_ID=UserLoggedName.
I want to pick the radio button selected value on the form and pass the checked value in QueryString.
So where can I use Jquery function in my custom Helper method to pick the value from the form.
The Custom Helper method takes this kind of aurguments.
public static IHtmlString Link(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string baseUrl, object query, object htmlAttributes).
You could use javascript to do that. For example you could subscribe to the click event of the link and then open a popup window by appending the new query string parameter:
$(function() {
$('#id_of_link').click(function() {
var url = this.href;
if (url.indexOf('?') > -1) {
url += '&';
} else {
url += '?';
// get the value of the radio button
var value = $(':radio[name="name_of_your_radio_groups"]:checked').val();
url += url + 'radiovalue=' + encodeURIComponent(value);, 'newwindow');
// cancel the default action
return false;
If you don't need to use javascript then a cleaner approach is to use a form instead of a link. This way the value of the selected radio button will automatically be sent.