how to add protractor locator for add click function in this menu - protractor

I have two menus 'Setup' and 'Reports' with sub-menus 'admin users','Reports dashboard','partner dashboard','partner relationship' etc marked with red color.
I want to navigate or click using protractor locators but unable to find how to select these menus that have no id and common CSS. I want something like this
var userTypes = element.all(by.repeater('t in user_userTypes'));</br>

From what I see, these elements are navigation menu items, Setup and Reports are high-level menus and Admin Users, Reports Dashboard, Partner dashboard, Partner Relationship and Grading Data are submenus. To open a submenu, I assume, you should click the appropriate menu.
Let's make a reusable function that would accept a menu label and a desired submenu label and use by.repeater() locator filtering the menus by text:
function selectMenu(menuLabel, submenuLabel) {
var menu = element.all(by.repeater("mi in menuItems")).filter(function (menu) {
return menu.all(by.tagName("a")).first().getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(menuLabel) === 0;
}).first();; // open up menu
var submenu = menu.all(by.repeater("s in mi.subMenuItems")).filter(function (submenu) {
return submenu.all(by.tagName("a")).first().getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(submenuLabel) === 0;
}).first();; // select submenu
Usage samples:
selectMenu("Setup", "Admin Users");
selectMenu("Reports", "Reports Dashboard");

Define a method and pass the 'hrefValue', filter by anchor tag.
var clickParticular = function(hrefValue){
element.all(by.tagName('a')).filter(function(element, index) {
return element.getAttribute('href').then(function (text) {
return text === hrefValue;
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
filteredElements[0].click().then(function() {


Checking if an element is present in protractor-cucumber-framework

I am having an e2e testing pack with protractor-cucumber-framework and Chai for asserting.
I have a Feature file with a data table as below.
Scenario: Menu Validation
Given I am on the home page
When I do Hover over the menu item I should have the menu dropdown
|menu1 |
|menu2 |
|menu3 |
I have the step definition as below.
When(/^I do Hover over the menu item I should have the menu dropdown/, (dataTable) => {
let rootMenu : Array<string> = Array.from( dataTable.rawTable )
rootMenu.forEach((ele) => {
element([0])).isPresent().then(function(present) {
Even if the menu element ID is not present this test step never fail, I checked further the expect(present).to.equal(true); never get executed. I am not sure what I am missing.
can you try this instead
When(/^I do Hover over the menu item I should have the menu dropdown/, async (dataTable) => {
let rootMenu : Array<string> = Array.from( dataTable.rawTable )
for (let i; i < rootMenu.length; i++) {
let ele = = rootMenu[i];
expect(await element([0])).isPresent()).to.equal(true);

In vscode how to add multiple options to the status bar

I am planning to add multiple options to the status bar. Is it possible?
Like, If we click on the language type of a file we see multiple options in the same way.
how to create it?
Use vscode.window.createStatusBarItem to place an item on the status bar. When the item is clicked, it runs a command, that itself runs vscode.window.showQuickPick to prompt the user to select from a list of items.
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext)
createStatusBarItem(context) ;
function createStatusBarItem(context: vscode.ExtensionContext)
// register a command that is invoked when the status bar
// item is clicked.
const myCommandId = 'myExtension.statusBarClick';
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand(myCommandId, async () =>
const pageType = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(
['shell', 'fetch rows, list in table'],
{ placeHolder: 'select type of web page to make' });
// create a new status bar item that we can now manage
const item = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Right, 100);
item.command = myCommandId;
item.text = `my command`;
item.tooltip = `status bar item tooltip`;;

backgrid.js - how to prevent multi-row selection?

I am new to backgrid and using it in a form to allow the user to select a row (via a checkbox) and then click "Submit". I cannot figure out how to configure my grid to behave like "radio buttons" in that only one row can be selected. Is this something backgrid natively supports or do I need to write a handler to "unselect" previously selected rows?
Here is a quick-n-dirty method:
wellCollection.on('backgrid:selected', function(model, selected) {
if (wellGrid.getSelectedModels().length > 1) {
model.trigger("backgrid:select", model, false);
alert('Only one selection is allowed.');
The downside is this approach requires the use of "SelectAll" which is really counter-intuitive to the user. I would prefer to be able to not use "SelectAll" but it is required to get the getSelectedModels object populated.
You could create a custom cell that renders radio buttons. The implementation below may need some more work but something like this will get you started:
var RadioCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
events: {
"click .selectedRadio": "makeSelected"
render: function () {
this.template = Mustache.to_html($("#radioCell").html(), this.model.toJSON());
return this;
makeSelected: function () {
// set all to inactive
this.model.collection.invoke('set', { "SomeModelAttrib": false });
// check if radio is checked and set the value on the model
var radioValue = $("input[name='someSelection']").is(":checked");
this.model.set("SomeModelAttrib", radioValue);
and the mustache template:
<script type="text/template" id="radioCell">
<input type='radio' class='selectedRadio' name='someSelection' value="{{SomeModelAttrib}}" {{#SomeModelAttrib}}checked{{/SomeModelAttrib}}>

ckeditor + smartgwt modal window + dialog dropdown gains focus but does not show options

I am using the ckEditor along with GWT and SmartGWT. I have a problem that whenever the ckEditor displays a dialog (e.g. link button, table button), although the items in the dialog gain focus (input texts work fine, I can write inside them), the dropdowns (select elements) when clicking on them, do not expand to show their option items (they expand only when they have focus and user hits "spacebar"). This happens only in firefox and chrome (latest versions) while on IE11 it works as expected.
Note that I am already aware of the "focus" problem existing if a ckEditor instance exists in a GWT/jquery modal and I have already included a fix:
$wnd.CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function (evt) {
var dialog =;
dialog.on('show', function () {
var element = this.getElement();
var labelledby = element.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');
var nativeElement = $wnd.document.querySelector("[aria-labelledby='" + labelledby + "']");
nativeElement.onclick = function (evt) {
if (( == "INPUT" || == "SELECT" || == "TEXTAREA") &&
-1 !="cke_dialog_ui_input")) {;
Any hint how I can make the dropdowns to behave correctly? To me it looks like the dropdown element does not receive the click event (although on click it gets focus) or somehow the event's propagation stops unexpectedly.
Forgot to mention that the problem appears if the ckEditor instance is inside a modal SmartGWT window. More specifically if I set
Window win = new Window(); //com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Window
and then add the DynamicForm form which contains the ckEditor item on that window then the dialog dropdowns work fine, however if I set
I get the faulty behavior described above
In case anyone else has the same problem with me, the solution is to call win.hideClickMask() upon show event of the dialog. This can be achieved in many ways depending on how ckEditor is integrated with SmartGWT. In my implementation this is achieved by overriding onDialogShow() as below:
final CKEditor ckEditor = new CKEditor(conf) {
public void onDialogShow() {
// to overcome the problem that smartgwt modality obstruct the dropdowns of a ckeditor dialog to be pressed
final NodeList<Element> allWindowsWithModalMask = findAllWindowsWithModalMask();
if(allWindowsWithModalMask != null ) {
for(int i =0; i<allWindowsWithModalMask.getLength(); i++) {
Element el = allWindowsWithModalMask.getItem(i);
String id = el.getAttribute("eventproxy");
if(Canvas.getById(id) != null) {
protected native NodeList<Element> findAllWindowsWithModalMask() /*-{
return $wnd.document.querySelectorAll("[class='windowBackground']");
protected native void hideClickMask(JavaScriptObject windowCanvas) /*-{

gwt menu implementation

I want to implement menu in GWT as shown on this website:
I have created the menu system and I am able to display alerts from menu using following code:
Command cmd = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Window.alert("Menu item have been selected");
I want to get rid of window.alert() and display my application pages from menu.
Create and load the appropriate page. For example if you use UiBinder then:
MyPage selectedPage = new MyPage(); // creating of your panel
RootPanel.get().clear(); // cleaning of rhe RootPanel
RootPanel.get().add(selectedPage); // adding the panel to the RootPanel
First create an array list of views
public List<UIObject> viewsList = new ArrayList<UIObject>();
Add a view to that list
Send the view you want to select to the helper method
public void changeView(UIObject selectedView) {
for(UIObject view : viewsList) {
if(selectedView.equals(view)) {
} else {
Are you trying to make the entire page GWT, or just the menu? If it's just the menu, you will need to embed a GWT element into your overall HTML, then call something like, "_self", "");
from the appropriate menu items, which will navigate to another page.