How can I autogenerate Code128 in Adobe Forms once I have the font? - forms

I am trying to get Adobe Form to autogenerate a Code128 in a text field by its self when text is input in another text field. I know there is Code128 font, and I have found a bunch of postscript stuff. I am just wondering IF I have to purchase the font and why? (I see something about the license) I just worry I spend this money on a Coding font and I still can't do what I'm wanting by "changing the font" for the "barcode" text field. I don't know any coding, closest is I took an HTML web design class in high school YEARS ago. I appreciate any help. Just to show the one line of code I found (gosh I don't even have a clue HOW) is
'''event.value = this.getField("Size In HP").value;'''
I don't even know if I am using it in the proper "script" box option in Adobe, I just place it and change it to what box I want. hoping it works. -_- (side note the ''' are around the code because below this typing window it shows to do that?)

If you are not planning on a separate program for calculating the checksum, you should stay away from Code128, as the font won't generate the checksum for you. Code39 does not require a checksum, therefore, no calculation.
As long as all you need is capital letters and numbers, Code39 is much easier to work with.


What are the best practices to display hardcoded pre-made long texts in an xcode project?

This will soon be my first time publishing an iOS app, and I just finished writing my privacy policy and terms & conditions texts. Best idea I came up with was to display them in UITextViews in dedicated view controllers.
But both texts are very long. And they already have headers, titles, bullets points... they're all set up and ready to be used !
Obviously, copying the text from
this beautiful .txt format and hard-pasting it inside a String property is impossible because it makes the text completely plain again (and of course... I also need to get rid of every « " » and replace line breaks already implemented inside the text with \n, because it otherwise conflicts with a String declaration).
It's going to be very time consuming, and I'll end up with a very poor visual result anyway.
Is there a simpler and better way to display a text file in its original format ? Maybe by importing it ?
I hope my question was clear and understandable enough !
Thank you very much in advance for your help, I really appreciate :)

Using UILexicon to implement autocorrect in iOS 8 Keyboard Extension

I've seen that this question has been asked a few times, but no one seems to have an answer. I am trying to create an autocorrect feature on a custom keyboard, but I am completely lost as to how to do so. Apple gives some documentation, but it's not very detailed. I know it has something to do with UILexicon data, but I'm not sure what to do with it and how to use it to correct strings of text the user is typing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I have found so far:
let controller = UIInputViewController()
lexicon in
But this is as far as I've gotten. Not sure what to do from here.
You are asking a very difficult question. In short, there is no built in access to autocorrect on iOS8; there is also no access to the APIs on iOS that allow the system to do things like show the red 'possible error' underline effect, or to other aspects of the system autocorrect behaviour, such as the in-place suggestion dialog (on iOS 7, or if you do not have the suggestions bar visible) or the 'will correct' blue background (on iOS 8).
things you can't do:
in-place error indicator
in-place autocorrect dialog
suggestions bar autocorrect indicator
what you can do is write your own autocorrect engine, from scratch, including both your own text processing and analysis and your own user-interface idioms. This has to all be done with the limitation that you are not able to draw outside of your keyboard's bounds, and you cannot modify anything else on screen. A number of third-party keyboards do this, such as minuum and swiftkey (disclaimer: I work on minuum) but it is a non-incidental amount of work. If you're interested in playing around with this, a good place to start might be the built in UITextChecker class, although auto-correction is ultimately a problem distinct from spell-checking.
UILexicon is only useful once you've already implemented things; all that it really offers you is a list of words that you can use to supplement whatever dictionary you're using, as well as to implement any text shortcuts your user might have added in their system settings. It is not, on its own, enough to build an auto-correction system from.
How to Write a Spelling Corrector is a great little essay / tutorial by Peter Norvig that you might find interesting, and that I would recommend even if you're not trying to write auto-correct.

Change color in SQlite based application

let me explain this clearly: i'm decide to learn about how to store my data with SQLite, and i decide to download sample code and examine it.
So, i have a .csv file with data, when my program launch, first thing user see is rows of elements. (Its like when you enter "Contacts" in your iPhone, just rows with names on it). When user tap an element, next view display data about it (not really matter what data is, there is a xib controller and its easy to manage).
My question is - how to change color of rows? I don't want it to be "standard white" color, maybe some color i want to import (or default colors, but not just white).
This sqlite3 file was created using .csv file, sqlite command tab (terminal), and python. Then imported to application in Xcode.
Please help me!
Color display is controlled by your "sample code". If you really want to change the colors you'll need to ask more specifically in case someone else has seen it. To do it yourself, you need to dig into the source (or in its documentation), find where and how it sets the colors, and change it. A possible short-cut would be to search for common color names using an all-file search (if your IDE offers it, or using grep if you're developing on linux/osx). This might lead you to the places where colors are defined.
But if your goal is to learn SQL, my advice would be not to waste your time on the application. Ignore the ugly colors and move on to a different environment as soon as you get the chance.

get PDF page title

Is it possible to get page title via iText?
The PdfTextExtractor returns all text from the page but I don't know what line is title. Also, title may contain more than one line
I don't know coordinates of title thus I can't use RegionTextRenderFilter
I can try to analyze the font size and take the line(s) with biggest font but TextRenderInfo doesn't provide public access to gs (private final GraphicsState gs)
Any other ideas?
Pages within a PDF don't have titles, they just have text that happens to be bold or in a large font and appears in an area you consider to be "more top" than other pieces of text. It sounds like you know this already, I just needed to be clear on this.
See my post here which shows how to get font information by subclassing ITextExtractionStrategy. My sample targets iTextSharp which is the .Net port of iText but they match pretty much feature-to-feature. The biggest differences is that Java uses getXXX and setXXX whereas .Net just uses XXX for both. Otherwise everything should port just fine.
The moral of the story is that you are going to have to write some arbitrary rules defining what you think of as a "title" and then parse based on those rules.

Too many problems on tables in Tinymce?

im working on a CMS it is almost finished
but im struggling serious unfamiliar problems in WYSIWYG editor.
i was first using ckeditor but after experiencing problems with it i switched to tinymce.
some problems are solved but this time someother problems showed up.
problems occuring especially on tables.
1-Anchor element underline removal not working
2-Duplicating Phone numbers
--->might be due to skype phone number converting toolbar
3-too many s how to clean those why even those are there?
4-how to convert
back into just
because tinymce converting some texts into p element *automatically if it's not the client doing it unknowingly.
*=even though i did that force_paragraph:false setting.
5-As client reports : sometimes cursor turns into loading cursor and wysiwyg editor causes browser to stuck.not even allowing to click links outside of the editor.
6-as i experience sometimes it really does stuck and not allow you to edit anything at all.
here is that problematic page created with tiny_mce and causing lots of errors in process of editing:
Here some answers
2-Duplicating Phone numbers --->might be due to skype phone number converting toolbar
Might be - this cannot ba a tinymce related problem.
3-too many & nbsp;s how to clean those why even those are there?
Browsers will show several spaces (character code 32) as a single one. Thus & nbsp;s are inserted alternating instead of natural spaces.
4-how to convert
back into just text
Tinymce is a rte editor and will generate html code. In order to be able to style editor content, the content need to be wrapped inside a block element - eighter ps or divs. You may use server side code to remove tags.
6-as i experience sometimes it really does stuck and not allow you to edit anything at all.
Please describe a bit more in detail - there needs to be a reason for this.