How Can I remove space between widgets in flutter - flutter

Hello How can I remove this space between the logo and the Text "Privacy Policy"
Below is my code and space position.

I think that reducing the height of the container you place the image in should help solve the problem.


Bottom sheet width is half of the screen flutter

Flutter i am developing an app in 8 inch emulator. As you can see in the image my bottom sheet doesnt cover all the width. I tried to change constraints, containers width but nothing has changed.
i will add code in comment
Did you try getting rid of the top Center? You don't include the rest of the modal, so the combo of the Center, and perhaps some width constraint you have further down is limiting the width. Otherwise, include your full modal code in the question section, not the comments.

Unable to scroll until bottom

I tried to follow this link to create a scrollable UI:
If I use Text, it is working as expected. But if I use TextMeshPro, it won't scroll until bottom.
When Loaded it look like this
When I scroll down normally, it only reaches up to this point.
If I try to force the scroll, it would reach here but if I release my scroll, it will return to the 2nd image.
Here's my objects:
My text container is connected to TMP rect.
Why is it that it won't go to the bottom normally when I scroll?
Note: The height of the TMP has the whole text included without any truncation.
I don't know why, if I just use the exact height of my text, it won't work. But if I just doubled the height, it is working as my expectation.

How can I change a letters width Flutter?

I want to know how to adjust the width of a letter.
When using Kotlin, it can be adjusted with scalex. But how do I do it in Flutter?
i have some solution for you, hope it help.
If you want fit a text string to container, you can use FittedBox and the text will auto scale to fit it container.
If you want to scale widget by ratio, use Transform.scale.
Change the font of text.

Why am I getting a bottom overflowed when keyboard is on?

hi i want someone to help me for this problem in flutter ,I will put the picture to understand
enter image description here
Wrap your page in a Listview() widget or a Single ChildScrollview
This means that your widget needs space more than the space that is available. You can either change the size of the widget, or make your page/widget scrollable, which will give it more vertical space. To do that, wrap your widget/page with a SingleChildScrollView widget.

How to remove the space at the bottom in Flutter?

I am a newbie Flutter developer. How do you make the beggar photo fill up to the space at the bottom?
if you want to remove the button bar that stays at the bottom of your app then this should help you
Note: this will also remove the android status bar at the top, if you just want your button bar removed SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([SystemUiOverlay.bottom]); this should do it
In your Image widget there is a property called fit in that use
you can also add height/width as