Unable to scroll until bottom - unity3d

I tried to follow this link to create a scrollable UI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArH0S2Cdptk&t=21s&ab_channel=AlexanderZotov
If I use Text, it is working as expected. But if I use TextMeshPro, it won't scroll until bottom.
When Loaded it look like this
When I scroll down normally, it only reaches up to this point.
If I try to force the scroll, it would reach here but if I release my scroll, it will return to the 2nd image.
Here's my objects:
My text container is connected to TMP rect.
Why is it that it won't go to the bottom normally when I scroll?
Note: The height of the TMP has the whole text included without any truncation.

I don't know why, if I just use the exact height of my text, it won't work. But if I just doubled the height, it is working as my expectation.


Bottom sheet width is half of the screen flutter

Flutter i am developing an app in 8 inch emulator. As you can see in the image my bottom sheet doesnt cover all the width. I tried to change constraints, containers width but nothing has changed.
i will add code in comment
Did you try getting rid of the top Center? You don't include the rest of the modal, so the combo of the Center, and perhaps some width constraint you have further down is limiting the width. Otherwise, include your full modal code in the question section, not the comments.

How to create horizontal list view with faded image by Flutter?

I need a horizontal list view in the flutter , that according to the image below, the first item is empty and the image is visible in the background, when the second item starts scrolling, the background image disappears and when the item returns to its place , The image also returns to the original state.
You will need some code here.
The vertical listview you can get with the SingleChildScroolView changing the axis to vertical and placing a Column inside.
To the empty space on last item, place a Sizedbox as last widget inside Column.
Place a ScrollController on the SingleChildScroolView with a listener, and when the controller reach the maximum just fade in the background image.
Its not hard, just need some code.
Finally, I published Package (flutter_faded_list) for designing this UI on the pub.dev website.

How to create a Fixed Scrollable portion in CusotmScrollView in flutter?

I am using a CustomScrollView and Slivers inside it and redendering the list using SliverChildBuilderDelegate. This works fine, but my requirement is to have a Fixed Container of height = height of screen/2 and inside that I want to render a list and and it can scroll as well, I am using CupertinoSliverNavigationBar [this cannot be replaced]. I am able to draw a Container and inside that I am able to show a list using Listview.builder, but the problem is I am unable to scroll the list, whenever I scroll it, it goes to top again, I want something Like, my CustomScrollView should be kept as it is, just I want to create a Scrollable Container of fixed height and the list inside that should scroll properly and CustomScrollView can also scroll, I have tried many widgets like Wrap, Rows, Columns, SingleChildScrollView, also tried NeverScrollPhysics() Behaviour for CustomScrollView but nothing is working out. Please Help!

Flutter: SingleChildScrollView is not able to scroll to bottom within Expanded

I have programmed a modal buttom sheet which with this package (using a showCupertinoModalBottomSheet). This modal has a "header" which shows the heading and a close button on the left so the user knows what the modal is about and has a "footer" with two buttons to either apply the filter or reset it.
Between the header and the footer is a a Expanded component with a SingleChildScrollView inside in order to scroll inside the modal. This is needed because there are more filter options available than space! I am very happy that I found a solution without a SizedBox component which has a given height because the height of smartphones vary.
However, now I am facing one last problem: Sadly I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my SingleChildScrollView. This problem also occurs when removing the "footer" with the two buttons. Means, the SingleChildScrollView goes beyond the screen height (which is fine) but which is useless when I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my list. At the end of this post I have added an image so you can see the problem.
Here you can find my dartpad without the modal buttom sheet which is not supported yet on dartpart. However, because dartpad presents the web view instead of the mobile view I am not able to recreate the problem 100%. When using the mouse wheel to scrol you can scroll to the end of the list. But as you can see in the image below in the mobile version is does not work!
Does anyone has an idea how I can solve this?
I already have tried adding Containers with padding and margin to the bottom but this sadly doesn't work or leads to rendering issues.
There is also a stackoverflow post which seems to solve this problem but that leads to an rendering issue for me: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63613723/9445999
Kind regards and thank you!

Proper way, that make a screen scrollable if the content is greater than the screen - Flutter

I am looking for the proper way, how can I use scrollable view only if necessary.
I want to create a card which will have an 500 height container. In this case some small-screen device could not show the content properly specially if the keyboard is showing.
In this case the screen should be scrollable, but I cant find a good solution.
I used a SingleChildScrollView with a Column child. Inside the column there was the Card view with the content.