Bottom sheet width is half of the screen flutter - flutter

Flutter i am developing an app in 8 inch emulator. As you can see in the image my bottom sheet doesnt cover all the width. I tried to change constraints, containers width but nothing has changed.
i will add code in comment

Did you try getting rid of the top Center? You don't include the rest of the modal, so the combo of the Center, and perhaps some width constraint you have further down is limiting the width. Otherwise, include your full modal code in the question section, not the comments.


Changing screen structure depending on screen size

I have a screen with following structure:
The first column is a TextField (search Text).
The third column is a static footer that should remain at the bottom of the screen.
The second column hosts several widgets.
My issue is that the second column throws a bottom overflowed by 96 px on small screen devices like iPhone 7, but on greater screen devices it is shown nice.
How could I avoid this issue on smaller screens?
there are different ways to solve your problem and 2 of them I'm listing below
Each screen you can wrap with SingleChildScrollView() so, you can avoid overflowed error and it will be easily scrollable by user.
But with this solution it will not look good.
So, for that we can user 2nd solution which is
You need to change your designing structure as per the screen height and width.
You can wrap particular widget with LayoutBuilder which will give you the available height and width which you can use.
So, with this technique you can build different structure for Tablets and mobiles. Which make your app really attractable.

How to create overlapping header in flutter?

I'm kinda new to Flutter and I am trying to build a home page where the header is at the back of the main content. So when the app is scrolling, the content in front is overlapping the header.
Like this
The main goal I want to achieve is overlapping scrolling. But it's nice if I can make the status bar color and the border radius changes when I scroll up the content, but I guess it's kinda advanced?
Can I user SliverAppBar to make it works like that? or are there any plugins for that?
Thank you
You can use Draggable Scrollable Sheet for this with min height of 0.7 to 0.8.

Flutter: SingleChildScrollView is not able to scroll to bottom within Expanded

I have programmed a modal buttom sheet which with this package (using a showCupertinoModalBottomSheet). This modal has a "header" which shows the heading and a close button on the left so the user knows what the modal is about and has a "footer" with two buttons to either apply the filter or reset it.
Between the header and the footer is a a Expanded component with a SingleChildScrollView inside in order to scroll inside the modal. This is needed because there are more filter options available than space! I am very happy that I found a solution without a SizedBox component which has a given height because the height of smartphones vary.
However, now I am facing one last problem: Sadly I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my SingleChildScrollView. This problem also occurs when removing the "footer" with the two buttons. Means, the SingleChildScrollView goes beyond the screen height (which is fine) but which is useless when I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my list. At the end of this post I have added an image so you can see the problem.
Here you can find my dartpad without the modal buttom sheet which is not supported yet on dartpart. However, because dartpad presents the web view instead of the mobile view I am not able to recreate the problem 100%. When using the mouse wheel to scrol you can scroll to the end of the list. But as you can see in the image below in the mobile version is does not work!
Does anyone has an idea how I can solve this?
I already have tried adding Containers with padding and margin to the bottom but this sadly doesn't work or leads to rendering issues.
There is also a stackoverflow post which seems to solve this problem but that leads to an rendering issue for me:
Kind regards and thank you!

Proper way, that make a screen scrollable if the content is greater than the screen - Flutter

I am looking for the proper way, how can I use scrollable view only if necessary.
I want to create a card which will have an 500 height container. In this case some small-screen device could not show the content properly specially if the keyboard is showing.
In this case the screen should be scrollable, but I cant find a good solution.
I used a SingleChildScrollView with a Column child. Inside the column there was the Card view with the content.

How can I attach bottom bar to top of bottom sheet?

I have a bottom container with a progress bar in it, and when i click or swipe up i need it to follow the bottom sheet as a header.
Can I attach it to the bottom sheet or can I implement it in the sheet itself and then have the sheet peek up by some offset?
I've watched all guides, tutorials and flutter demos of the first few google pages and I cant seam to find any information about it.
Please provide me some guidance so I can flutter in the right direction.
This effect can be achieved using some basic widget building.
Container: background overlay
Column: MainAxisSize.max
Container: height = (screenHeight - bottomBarHeight)
BottomBar: fixes size
Container: Bottom Dialog
Create a fullscreen stateful widget with a fixed size using MediaQuery.size.height. When tapped animate the Column up to distance you want this to go, most likely the height of the Bottom Dialog Container.
Animating the y property of the Column should get this to work fine.